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Challenges of disintergrating family life to youth ministry : a practical theological investigation

Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The family as an indispensable social institution meant to serve as the first place of socialization, nurture and spiritual training ground for young people is disintegrating. The signs for disintegrating family life are evident and supported by statistics of high rates of divorce, domestic abuse and violence, juvenile delinquency caused by a lack of genuine nurturing of youth and unresolved family conflicts between husband and wife as well as between parents and children. This has become a global issue. This study therefore investigates the challenges of disintegrating family life to youth ministry from a global perspective by studying materials on global families and youth ministry. The aim of the study is to gain a conceptual understanding of the family, to identify the challenges contemporary families are currently facing, and to find ways in which youth ministry, with the help of young people, can respond to the challenges posed by disintegrating family life to their lives and thereby contribute to the reintegration of their present families while laying a good foundation for their future family for the glory of God and benefit of humanity. Since the family and youth are inseparable, the research studies the context of the disintegrating family, identifies causes and consequences of disintegrating family life as well as the challenges posed by disintegrating family life for youth ministry. Osmer‟s four practical theology questions are used to design this study. These are: what is going on, why is this going on, what ought to be going on, and how might we respond In light of the increase in family disintegration, the main research question is: What are the challenges of disintegrating family life to Youth Ministry?
The aims of youth ministry are taken as the norm and these are: effective evangelism; comprehensive education that includes Christian education; financial education; health education; marriage and family life education, as well as pastoral care. The study argues that young people converted to Christ, taught and exposed to pastoral care can be active agents of change in their immediate and future family and thus becomes active agents of change in society. However, with millions of orphans, youth in refugee camps, children affected by divorce, and youth in child-headed families, can youth workers cope with the present and future challenges of disintegrating family life to youth ministry? The study proposed the God-bearing, relational and family-based-youth-ministry approach because the three approaches are deemed to be the most appropriate to enable youth ministry to deal with the challenges. Marriage and family life education is highly recommended as a prerequisite for contemporary evangelised and educated young people. This is to serve, firstly, as a reactive measure to help their immediate disintegrating family and secondly, to serve as a proactive measure to lay a solid foundation for the future family of contemporary youth. This, I hope, will be used by God to help curtail the vicious cycle of the disintegrating family life phenomenon and also bring relief to troubled youths, family and society. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die familie as `n noodsaaklike sosiale instelling wat bedoel is om te dien as die eerste plek van sosialisering, versorging en spirituele opleidingsgrond vir jongmense, is besig om te verbrokkel. Verbrokkelende familielewe is duidelik sigbaar en die tekens word bevestig deur statistieke van hoë syfers in egskeidings, huishoudelike mishandeling en geweld en jeugmisdadigheid wat veroorsaak word deur `n gebrek aan werklike versorging van jeugdiges en onopgeloste familie konflik tussen man en vrou, asook tussen ouers en kinders. Hierdie situasie het `n globale een geword. Die studie ondersoek om hierdie redes die uitdagings van verbrokkelende familielewe op jeugbediening vanuit `n globale perspektief deur bronne te bestudeer van globale families en jeugbediening. Die doel van die studie is dus om `n konseptuele verstaan van die familie te bekom, om die eise wat hedendaagse families ondervind te identifiseer, en om maniere te vind waardeur jeugbediening, met die hulp van jongmense, die uitdaging van verbrokkelende familielewe kan aanspreek. Sodoende kan jeugbediening bydra tot die herintegrasie van huidige families, en terselfdertyd `n goeie fondasie lê vir toekomstige families vir die glorie van God en tot voordeel van die mensdom. Aangesien die familie en jeug onskeibaar is, bestudeer hierdie navorsing die konteks van die verbrokkelende familie, identifiseer oorsake en gevolge van verbrokkelende familielewe, asook die uitdagings wat dit bied vir jeugbediening. Osmer se vier praktiese teologie vrae is gebruik in die studie-ontwerp. Dit behels: wat gaan aan, hoekom gaan dit aan, wat moet aangaan en hoe gaan ons reageer. In die lig van die styging in familieverbrokkeling, is die hoof navorsingsvraag: Wat is die uitdagings van die verbrokkelende gesinslewe op jeugbediening?
Die doel van jeugbediening word geneem as die norm en dit behels: effektiewe evangelisasie, omvattende opleiding wat insluit Christelike opleiding, finansiële opleiding, gesondheidsopleiding, huweliks- en familielewe opleiding, sowel as pastorale sorg. Die studie argumenteer dat jongmense wat bekeer is tot Christus, en opgelei en blootgestel is aan pastorale sorg, aktiewe agente van verandering kan wees in hulle onmiddelike en toekomstige families en daardeur aktiewe agente van verandering in die samelewing kan word. Tog is daar miljoene weeskinders, jongmense in vlugtelingskampe, kinders wat geaffekteer is deur egskeidings, en kinders in huise wat deur kinders self beman word. Die vraag is – kan jeugwerkers die huidige en toekomstige uitdagings wat familieverbrokkeling op jeugbediening plaas hanteer? Die studie stel twee benaderings voor wat die meeste geskik is om jeugbediening in staat te stel om die probleem te hanteer, naamlik die God-draer en die familie-gebaseerde jeugbediening benaderings. Opleiding in die huwelik en familielewe word voorgestel as voorvereistes vir hedendaagse ge-evangeliseerde en opgeleide jongmense om sodoende eerstens te dien as `n reaktiewe maatreël om hulle onmiddelike verbrokkelende familie te help, en tweedens, om te dien as `n proaktiewe maatreël om `n soliede grondslag te lê vir die toekomstige families van hedendaagse jeug en die samelewing. Hierdeur kan die fenomeen van verbrokkelende familielewe beperk word.
Date12 1900
CreatorsMakinwa, Akinlolu
ContributorsCloete, A., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format205 leaves
RightsStellenbosch University

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