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Die funksionering van die charismata in die opbou van die gemeente (Afrikaans)

AfrikaansHoofstuk 1: Die gemeente en die opbou van die gemeenteVir die doel van hierdie studie word slegs daardie aspekte van die gemeente behandel wat vir hierdie aspek van die bestaan van die gemeente van belang is. By die behandeling van die ekklesia in die Ou Testament en in die Nuwe Testament word aangetoon dat die ekklesia in albei bedelinge die openbaring van een kontinue handeling van God is. Vir die belang van die opbou van die ekklesia word oor die plaaslike gemeente gehandel omdat die opbou alleen daar sy beslag kan kry. Omdat die gemeente die liggaam van Christus is waarin Hy woon en waardeur Hy in hierdie wêreld handel, is sowel die getuienis as die lewe van die gemeente missionaries van aard. Aangesien Christus die Hoof, dit wil sê die oorsprong en ontstaan van die ekklesia is, beteken dit dat die gemeente alleen van Hom afhanklik is vir sy groei en opbou. Die feit dat die doop beskou word as inlywingsmoment in die gemeente word die onderskeie aspekte hiervan ook behandel. Terwyl die nagmaal ook openbaring is van die vereniging van die gemeente met Christus sowel as met mekaar, word hierdie aspek ook behandel. Vervolgens word vir die doeleindes van hierdie studie die aard en karakter van die gemeente onder die volgende temas behandel: (1) Die charismatiese karakter en struktuur (2) Die diakoniese karakter en struktuur (3) Die missionêre karakter (4) Die aanbiddingskarakter (5) Die eskatologiese karakter By die opbou van die gemeente word die funderende werk van die Here God behandel, asook die interne opbou en groei, en die uitbreidende bouwerk. Vir hierdie doel skenk die Heilige Gees die charismata aan elke lid van die gemeente. Die proses van die opbou het egter ook altyd ‘n christologiese gerigtheid (Ef. 4:15-16), omdat Hy die oorsprong en ontstaan van die gemeente is. Vir hierdie opbouwerk het die Here God ook n bepaalde reëling gegee volgens Efesiers 4:1,1-12 en 1 Petrus 4:10. Hoofstuk 2: Die Gees en die gawes van die Gees Nadat die Heilige Gees as die eskatologiese gawe aangedui is, word aangetoon wat sy koms juis met die Pinksterfees beteken. Vervolgens word aangetoon dat Hy die stigter van die gemeente is en tegelyk ook die begeleier van die opbou van die gemeente op weg na die eschaton, die pleroma. Hierna word die gawes van die Heilige Gees behandel en aangetoon dat dit voortspruit uit die charis wat die mens in Christus deelagtig geword het. Aandag word ook gegee aan die Bybelse fundering van die charismata, die wesensfunksie en doel van die charismata, asook die funksionering daarvan. Daar word aangetoon dat daar nie ‘n afgeslote katalogus van charismata in die Nuwe Testament gegee word nie, en dat die gawes ook nie op een of ander stadium nadat die Nuwe Testament op skrif gestel is, uit die ekklesia verdwyn het en daarna nie meer nodig sou wees nie. Dit was ook nodig om enkele misbruike rondom die funksionering van die charismata aan te toon, waarna dan bepaalde kriteria vir die funksionering behandel word. Ten slotte word die vraag aangaande die amp behandel, sowel as die verhouding tussen die charismata en die ampswerk. Hoofstuk 3: Gestaltegewing betreffende die funksionering van die charismata in die opbou Met die oog op die gestaltegewing van die gemeente is dit van belang om die wese van die gemeente, naamlik as liggaam van Christus, te handhaaf, asook die charismatiese karakter en struktuur van die gemeente terwyl die doel van die gemeente steeds duidelik voor oë gehou word. Vervolgens word die rol van die charismata in die strukturering van die gemeente. sowel as die rol van die ampte in hierdie verband behandel. Hierna word die struktuur as ontplooiings- en werkruimte vir die charismata behandel. en aangetoon dat daar ‘n basiese gegewe struktuur is wat deur die Heilige Gees gewerk word. Ten slotte word voorstelle gedoen in verband met die strukturering en gestaltegewing van die gemeente onder die vrye werking van die Heilige Gees. English Chapter 1: The congregation and the edification of the congregation For the aim of this study only those aspects of the congregation is dealt with which are of importance regarding this facet of the existence of the congregation. In dealing with the congregation in the Old Testament as well as in the New Testament it is pointed out that the ecclesia during both these periods is the revelation of the one continuous redeeming act of God. With reference to the edification of the ecclesia, the local congregation is dealt with, as this edification can only materialize where God’s people congregate as the body of Christ. Seeing that the congregation is the body of Christ wherein He Himself is present and whereby He acts, the witness as well as the exemplary life of the congregation has a missionary character. Whereas Christ is the head, viz the origin and source of the ecclesia, its growth and edification depends on Him only. Whereas baptism is seen as the incorporative moment in the congregation, the different aspects regarding this fact is also dealt with. While the Holy Communion is the revelation of the unification of the congregation with Christ and with one another, the importance thereof is also pointed out. Subsequently the essence and character of the congregation of Christ is dealt with, considering the importance thereof for this study. This includes the following: (1) The charismatic character and structure (2) The diaconic character and structure (3) The missionary structure (4) The worshipping character (5) The eschatological character In dealing with the edification of the congregation, the founding work of the Lord God is dealt with as well as the internal edification and growth and the expansion of the ecclesia. For this purpose the charismata are bestowed by the Holy Spirit to every member of the ecclesia. The process of edification must always be Christologically-orientated (Eph. 4:15-16), because He is the origin and source of the congregation. For the edifying work the Lord God has established a certain order according to Ephesians 4:11-12 and 1 Peter 4:10. Chapter 2: The Spirit and the gifts of the spirit The Holy Spirit is pointed out as the eschatological gift and subsequently the meaning of His advent at Whitsuntide. He is indicated as the founder and companion of the edification of the congregation on their way to the "eschaton", the "pleroma" - the fulfilment. Against this background the gifts of the Spirit are dealt with and pointed out that it arises from the "charis" by virtue of man's salvation in Christ. Attention is then given to the biblical foundation of the charismata, the essential functioning and the aim thereof. Furthermore, it is pointed out that no fixed catalogue for the charismata in the New Testament exists, and that at no stage before or after the finalization of the New Testament. the charismata disappeared in the ecclesia, or that it was no more of consequence for today. It was also necessary to point out some of the abuses of and deviations concerning the functioning of the charismata, whereafter some criteria for the functioning thereof is dealt with. Finally, the question regarding the office within the ecclesia is discussed, as well as the relationship between the charismata and the office. Chapter 3: Embodiment with regard to the functioning of the charismata in the edification process With a view to the embodiment of the congregation it is of utmost importance that the essence of the congregation, viz as the body of Christ, is retained, as well as the charismatic character and structure of the congregation, whilst the objective for the ecclesia is continually honoured. Subsequently the role of the charismata in the structuring of the congregation, as well as the role of the offices in this regard, is dealt with. The importance of the structure as a framework for the realization and operating sphere for the charismata is dealt with, and it is pointed out that a basic given structure which is established by the Holy Spirit, does exist. Finally, a few proposals are made regarding the structuring and embodiment of the local congregation according to the free authoritative functioning of the Holy Spirit. / Thesis (DD)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Practical Theology / unrestricted
Date24 August 2009
CreatorsJackson, Casparus Johannes
ContributorsProf A C Barnard,
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Rights© 1982, University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria.

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