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”Det var en tyst kamp” : En ekokritisk analys om utvandring och föränderliga system i Vilhelm Mobergs Utvandrarna / ”It was a silent struggle” : An ecocritical analyse about emigration and dynamic systems in Vilhelm Moberg’s The Emigrants (Utvandrarna, 1949)

The purpose of this essay is to do an ecocritical reading of Vilhelm Moberg’s The Emi-grants from 1949. By asking and answering the three following questions; How does a system present itself, What are the different reasons for emigration; Why does differentsystem fit some well and some not. By using two articles from Green Planets - Ecology and Science Fiction to illus-trate two different views; Different parts value in an ekosystem and The Ship as an ecosystem. I have also created, based on the literary text four different terms concern-ing the dynamic system; Stable, Static, Unstable and Collapsing systems. I have found that all system goes through changes, some drastic, that changes the way the parts of the systems fit with in it. The reason for leaving the system in Småland varies a lot, not only nature, and the drive to feed, is responsible for emigration, also persecutions of religious views and class conflict are apparent. The emigrants also end up in a system that does not fit them very well, the ship Charlotta, in which they must struggle to sur-vive. The conclusion that I arrived at is that change will keep happening and that it is natural for a system to change.
Date January 2014
CreatorsNilsson, Lina
PublisherLinnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för film och litteratur (IFL)
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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