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Filetički odnosi unutar sekcije SynochetaLegrand, 1946 (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea)Balkanskog poluostrva / Phyletic relations within Synocheta Legrand, 1946 section (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea) of the Balkan Peninsula

<p>Aktuelna sistematika sekcije Synocheta na gotovo svim nivoima ne odražava realne&nbsp;filetičke&nbsp; veze.&nbsp; Neobična distribucija, nejasni diferencijalni&nbsp; karakteri familije Styloniscidae&nbsp; i&nbsp;njene veze sa familijom Trichoniscidae su problematični. Kriterijumi podele Trichoniscidae&nbsp;na podfamilije su nejasni, nedosledni i često neprimenljivi. &nbsp;Otuda ne čudi krajnje upro&scaron;ćena&nbsp;podela koja ne oslikava realne filetičke odnose unutar grupe, koji su znatno kompleksniji.&nbsp;</p><p>Od 593 vrste Synocheta, trećina (većinom&nbsp; endemita), naseljava Balkan, &scaron;to nameće&nbsp;<br />ovo područje&nbsp; kao&nbsp; jedan od centara diverzifikacije&nbsp; i&nbsp; diverziteta&nbsp; grupe,&nbsp; i čini&nbsp; ga idealnim za&nbsp;sagledavanje&nbsp; realnih&nbsp; filetičkih&nbsp; odnosa.&nbsp; Ovo&nbsp; je&nbsp; definisalo&nbsp; glavne&nbsp; ciljeve&nbsp; na&scaron;e&nbsp; studije:&nbsp; &scaron;to&nbsp;potpunije&nbsp; sagledavanje&nbsp; faune&nbsp; balkanskih&nbsp; Synocheta&nbsp; kroz&nbsp; taksonomsku&nbsp; obradu;&nbsp; utvrđivanje&nbsp;filetičkih veza&nbsp; na osnovu kompleksa relevantnih karaktera uporednim analizama, sa teži&scaron;tem&nbsp;na konzervativnijim karakterima, &scaron;to do sada nije učinjeno.&nbsp;</p><p>Konstatovali smo u balkanskoj fauni iz familije Styloniscidae 4 roda sa 15 vrsta, od&nbsp;toga 3 roda i 4 vrste su nove za nauku; iz familije Trichoniscidae 33 roda sa 176 vrsta, od&nbsp;toga 1 novi rod i 18 novih vrsta. Od tog broja 27 rodova i 161 vrsta Synocheta je endemično&nbsp;za Balkan.&nbsp;</p><p>Kod Styloniscidae smo utvrdili znatno veći diverzitet i heterogenost od onoga &scaron;to je&nbsp;bilo&nbsp; do&nbsp; sada&nbsp; poznato,&nbsp; &scaron;to&nbsp; ukazuje&nbsp; na&nbsp; moguće&nbsp; poreklo&nbsp; ove&nbsp; grupe&nbsp; sa&nbsp; prostora&nbsp; severne&nbsp;Gondvane (delom inkorporirane u prostore Balkana), zajedničko sa familijom &nbsp;Trichoniscidae.</p><p>Rekonstruisali&nbsp; smo&nbsp; najznačajnije&nbsp; momente&nbsp; u&nbsp; filogeniji&nbsp; Trichoniscidae:&nbsp; vrlo&nbsp; rano&nbsp;razviće&nbsp; konglobacije,&nbsp; uz&nbsp; masivan&nbsp; integument&nbsp; i&nbsp; razvijenu&nbsp; ornamentiku&nbsp; kao&nbsp; adaptacije;&nbsp;prelazak&nbsp; na&nbsp; za&scaron;titu&nbsp; stereotaksacijom;&nbsp; evolucija&nbsp; ka&nbsp; aktivnijoj&nbsp; za&scaron;titi&nbsp; i&nbsp; gubitku&nbsp; &bdquo;oklopa&rdquo;&nbsp; &scaron;to&nbsp;dovodi do velike adaptivne radijacije. Pri tome smo pokazali da su karakteri koji su smatrani&nbsp;izvedenim osobinama zapravo pleziomorfni.</p><p>Predstavili smo osnovne&nbsp; evolutivne tokove u familiji&nbsp; Trichoniscidae, kao&nbsp; i filetičke&nbsp;<br />veze&nbsp; koje&nbsp; proizilaze&nbsp; iz&nbsp; ove&nbsp; studije:&nbsp; Haplophthalminae&nbsp; su&nbsp; stara&nbsp; grupa&nbsp; koja&nbsp; poseduje&nbsp; niz&nbsp;pleziomorfnih karaktera; Buddelndiellinae su stara grupa sa znatno bližim filetičkim vezama&nbsp;sa&nbsp; Haplophthalminae;&nbsp; Thaumatoniscellinae&nbsp; imaju&nbsp; vrlo&nbsp; davno&nbsp; zajedničko&nbsp; poreklo&nbsp; sa&nbsp;Haplophthalminae; Trichoniscinae su mlađa, parafiletička grupa, a mnoge linije su nezavisno&nbsp;evoluirale od podfamilije Haplophthalminae.&nbsp;</p><p>Ovom&nbsp; studijom&nbsp; smo&nbsp; u&nbsp; nekim&nbsp; segmentima&nbsp; dokazali&nbsp; dijametralno&nbsp; suprotne,&nbsp; znatno&nbsp;kompleksnije filetičke veze unutar Synocheta u odnosu na do sada prezentovane.</p> / <p>Current&nbsp; systematic&nbsp; Synocheta&nbsp; section&nbsp; at&nbsp; almost&nbsp; all&nbsp; levels&nbsp; fails&nbsp; to&nbsp; reflect&nbsp; the&nbsp; real phyletic&nbsp; relations.&nbsp; Unusual&nbsp; distribution&nbsp; and&nbsp; vague&nbsp; differential&nbsp; characters&nbsp; of&nbsp; Styloniscidae family&nbsp; and&nbsp; its&nbsp; relationships&nbsp; with&nbsp; the&nbsp; Trichoniscidae&nbsp; family&nbsp; are&nbsp; problematic.&nbsp; The&nbsp; division criteria&nbsp; for&nbsp; forming&nbsp; Trichoniscidae&nbsp; subfamilies&nbsp; are&nbsp; unclear,&nbsp; inconsistent&nbsp; and&nbsp; often unenforceable. Hence, the extremely simplified division that does not reflect the real phyletic relations within the group, which are much more complex, is not surprising.</p><p>Of&nbsp; 593&nbsp; Synocheta&nbsp; species,&nbsp; one&nbsp; third&nbsp; (mostly&nbsp; endemic)&nbsp; inhabit&nbsp; the&nbsp; Balkans,&nbsp; which imposes this area as one of the centers of diversification and diversity of the group, and makes it ideal for the analysis of real phyletic relations. This defined the&nbsp; main goals of our study: as complete assessment of the fauna of the Balkan Synocheta as achievable through taxonomic treatment; determining phyletic relations through comparative analyses based on the complex of relevant characters, with the emphasis on the more conservative ones, which has not been accomplished thus far.</p><p>In&nbsp; the&nbsp; Balkan&nbsp; fauna&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; Styloniscidae&nbsp; family,&nbsp; 4&nbsp; genera&nbsp; with&nbsp; 15&nbsp; species&nbsp; were identified, of which 3 genera and 4 species are new to science; similarly, the 33 genera&nbsp; with 176 species from the family Trichoniscidae found in Balkan fauna included one new genus and 18&nbsp; new&nbsp; species.&nbsp; Of&nbsp; that&nbsp; number,&nbsp; 27&nbsp; genera&nbsp; and&nbsp; 161&nbsp; Synocheta&nbsp; species&nbsp; are&nbsp; endemic&nbsp; to&nbsp; the Balkans.</p><p>In&nbsp; Styloniscidae,&nbsp; we&nbsp; found&nbsp; much&nbsp; greater&nbsp; diversity&nbsp; and&nbsp; heterogeneity&nbsp; than&nbsp; was previously established, which indicates that these groups possibly originate from the&nbsp; northern Gondwana (partly incorporated into the Balkans area), in common with&nbsp; Trichoniscidae family.</p><p>We reconstructed the most important moments in the Trichoniscidae philogeny: early&nbsp;development&nbsp; of&nbsp; conglobation,&nbsp; with&nbsp; massive&nbsp; integument&nbsp; and&nbsp; developed&nbsp;&nbsp; rnamentation&nbsp; as adaptations;&nbsp; transition&nbsp; into&nbsp; protection&nbsp; via&nbsp; stereotaxation;&nbsp; evolution&nbsp; toward&nbsp; more&nbsp; active protection&nbsp; and&nbsp; loss&nbsp; of&nbsp; &quot;armor&quot;,&nbsp; which&nbsp; leads&nbsp; to&nbsp; extensive&nbsp; adaptive&nbsp; radiation.&nbsp; In&nbsp; addition,&nbsp; we have shown that the characters that were previously considered derived properties are actually plesiomorphic.</p><p>We have presented the basic evolutionary trends in Trichoniscidae family, as well as phyletic relations arising from this study: Haplophthalminae are the ancient group&nbsp; ossessing a wide range of plesiomorphic characters; Buddelndiellinae are the ancient&nbsp; group with a much VI closer phyletic relations to Haplophthalminae; Thaumatoniscellinae share a common, and very distant, origin&nbsp; with&nbsp; Haplophthalminae; Trichoniscinae are a&nbsp; younger paraphyletic&nbsp; group and many&nbsp; lines have evolved independently of the Haplophthalminae subfamily.</p><p>In&nbsp; this&nbsp; study,&nbsp; in&nbsp; some&nbsp; segments,&nbsp; we&nbsp; have&nbsp; demonstrated&nbsp; substantially&nbsp; more&nbsp; complex phyletic&nbsp; relations&nbsp; within&nbsp; Synocheta,&nbsp; diametrically&nbsp; opposed&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; previously&nbsp; presented findings.</p>
Date23 September 2014
CreatorsHorvatović Mladen
ContributorsKaraman Ivo, Barši Laslo, Makarov Slobodan
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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