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The assessment of fire history in plantations of Mpumalanga North

Thesis (MScFor) -- Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Fire is a threat to all forest plantations. As a result, growers are forced to take active
measures to reduce the incidence and extent of fires in their plantations.
This thesis is an attempt to collate 846 fire records for eight Komatiland Forests
(KLF) plantations in Mpumalanga North for the period 1950 to 1999. Up to now,
these reports and the information therein, were not utilised by KLF for planning or for
evaluating fire management practices. The only other studies in South Africa, using
similar data, were conducted by LeRoux (1988) and Kromhout (1990).
A brief background of the forestry industry in South Africa, and in particular
Mpumalanga is presented. The main text of the report covers a presentation on fire
causes, extent of damage (both in area and in Rand value) and various aspects
related to time of ignition and response times. A detailed analysis was done to
identify possible relationships between the variables related to compartment, climate
and different fire suppression activities.
A cause and frequency prediction model was developed that will assist fi re managers
in identifying and determining probabilities of fires per cause. Statistical guidelines
regarding the planning of fire management around fires caused by honey hunters,
lightning, work-related factors, and the activities of people (public, own labour,
contractors) are presented.
Conclusions were drawn from the results of the analyses of the fire data, which
covered a period of 47 years. Recommendations regarding guidelines for strategic
fi re management for the Mpumalanga North plantations were made. The main
conclusions are:
• Statistics on previous fires are very useful in fire management planning
as it supplies valuable information on fire causes, time of ignition , past
performance related to response times, fire fighting times and damaged

The average area lost due to fires in the study area is 209.9 ha or
0.43% of the plantation area per annum.
People-related fires (arson, smokers, picnickers, children and
neighbours) caused most of the wild fires (48%), followed by lightning
Some plantations performed poorly, with the occurrence of up to
double the number of fires per 1 000 ha of plantation compared to other
plantations in the same geographic area.
There are definite patterns in the frequency of fires per cause with
month of the year. These patterns are valuable for the development of
strategies to manage fires caused by honey hunters, lightning fires and
work-related fires. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Brande is 'n bedreiging vir aile bosbou plantasies. Dit is dus noodsaaklik dat
kwekers maatreeHs tref om die voorkoms en omvang van brande in plantasies te
Hierdie tesis poog om 846 vuurverslae se inligting te ontleed ten opsigte van agt
Komatiland Forests (KLF) plantasies in Mpumalanga Noord vir die tydperk 1950 tot
Tot op hede is min van die inligting wat in die verslae vervat is deur KLF vir
beplanning- en evalueringsdoeleindes ten opsigte van brandbestuur gebruik. Die
enigste soortgelyke studies wat op brandverslagdata in Suid-Afrika gedoen is, is
gedoen deur Le Roux (1988) en Kromhout (1990).
'n Kort agtergrond oor die bosbouindustrie in Suid-Afrika en spesifiek Mpumalanga
word gegee. Die tesis gee 'n oorsig oor brandoorsake, skade wat deur brande
veroorsaak word (oppervlakte sowel as finansieHe waarde) en verskeie aspekte
rakende brandbestuur soos tyd van ontstaan en reaksietye. Data is volledig ontleed
om moontlike verwantskappe te probeer vind tussen vak-, klimaat- en
'n Oorsaak- en frekwensievoorspellingsmodel is ontwikkel wat brandbestuurders sal
help om waarskynlikhede van brande per oorsaak te identifiseer. Statistiese riglyne
ten opsigte van bestuursbeplanning vir weerligvure, brande deur heuninguithalers,
brande as gevolg van plantasiewerksaamhede en ook brande deur mense (publiek,
eie arbeid en kontrakteurs) is daargestel.
Brandrekords wat oor 'n periode van 47 jaar gestrek het, is ontleed. Afleidings wat
uit die resultate gemaak is, kan benut word om riglyne daar te stel vir strategiese
brandbestuur in Mpumalanga Noord plantasies. Die hoof gevolgtrekkings is:
• Statistiek van vorige vure is baie nuttig in brandbestuursbeplanning
aangesien dit waardevolle inligting verskaf oor brand oorsake, tyd van ontstaan, historiese werkverrigting rakende reaksietye en blustye,
sowel as skade wat veroorsaak is.
Die gemiddelde oppervlakte beskadig in die studie area is 209.9 ha, of
0.43% van die plantasie oppervlakte per jaar.
Menslike aktiwiteite (brandstigting, rakers, piekniekvure, kinders en
vure van bure) het die meeste brande veroorsaak (48%), gevolg deur
weerlig (22%).
Sommige plantasies het swak gevaar en het tot soveel as dubbel die
aantal vure per 1 000 ha plantasie gehad in vergelyking met ander
plantasies in dieselfde geografiese gebied.
Daar is duidelike patrone gevind in die frekwensie van brande per
oorsaak oor maande van die jaar. Hierdie patrone is nuttig vir die
ontwikkeling van bestuurstrategie vir brande wat veroorsaak word deur
heuningversamelaars, weerlig en werkverwante aktiwiteite (plantasieaktiwiteite).
Date12 1900
CreatorsVan der Sijde, J. H. R. (Jan Herman Robert)
ContributorsTheron, Kobus, De Ronde, Neels, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of AgriSciences. Dept. of Forest and Wood Science.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format209 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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