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Molecular polymorphisms for phylogeny, pedigree and population structure studies

Doctor of Philosophy / A number of types of molecular polymorphisms can be used for studying genetic relationship and evolutionary history. Microsatellites are hypervariable and can be very useful tools to determine population structure, distinguish sibling species, as well as verifying parental relationships and pedigrees. However, while microsatellite polymorphisms are useful for solving relationships between populations within a species, relations among species or genera will probably be obscured due to a high degree of homoplasy —identity arising from evolutionary convergence not by descent. For long range evolutionary history, such as phylogeny from old world monkey to human, mtDNA markers may be better candidates. The aim of this thesis is to assess molecular polymorphisms of different types and their optimal use in different situations. Two widely separated taxa were used for testing –the green monkey Chlorocebus sabaeus, and the sibling dipteran flies Bactrocera tryoni and B. neohumeralis, known collectively as the Queensland fruit fly. In the present study a complete 16,550 bp mtDNA sequence of the green monkey Chlorocebus sabaeus is reported for the fist time and has been annotated (Chapter 2). Knowledge of the mtDNA genome contributes not only to identification of large scale single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (Chapter 4) or other mtDNA polymorphisms development, but also to primate phylogenetic and evolutionary study (Chapter 3). Microsatellites used for the green monkey paternity and pedigree studies were developed by cross-amplification using human primers (Chapter 5). For studies of population structure and species discrimination in Queensland fruit fly (Chapter 7), microsatellites were isolated from a genomic library of Bactrocera tryoni (Chapter 6) The total length of 16550 bp of complete mtDNA of the green monkey C. sabaeus, which has been sequenced and annotated here, adds a new node to the primate phylogenetic tree, and creates great opportunity for SNP marker development. The heteroplasmic region was cloned and five different sequences from a single individual were obtained; the implication of this are discussed. The phylogenetic tree reconstructed using the complete mtDNA sequence of C. sabaeus and other primates was used to solve controversial taxonomic status of C. sabaeus. Phylogenies of primate evolution using different genes from mtDNA are discussed. Primate evolutionary trees using different substitution types are compared and the phylogenetic trees constructed using transversions for the complete mtDNA were found close to preconceived expectations than those with transversions + transitions. The sequence of C. sabaeus 12SrRNA reported here agrees with the one published by ven der Kuyl et al. (1996), but additional SNPs were identified. SNPs for other regions of mtDNA were explored using dHPLC. Twenty two PCR segments for 96 individuals were tested by dHPLC. Fifty five SNPs were found and 10 haplogroups were established. Microsatellite markers were used to construct a genealogy for a colony of green monkeys (C. sabaeus) in the UCLA Vervet Monkey Research Colony. Sixteen microsatellites cross-amplified from human primers were used to conduct paternity analysis and pedigree construction. Seventy-eight out of 417 offspring were assigned paternity successfully. The low success rate is attributed to a certain proportion of mismatches between mothers and offspring; the fact that not all candidate fathers were sampled, the limitations of microsatellite polymorphisms; and weakness of the exclusion method for paternity assessment. Due to the low success rate, the pedigree is split into a few small ones. In a complicated pedigree composed of 75 animals and up to four generations with multiple links a power male mated with 8 females and contributed 10 offspring to the pedigree. Close inbreeding was avoided. Population structure within two species of Queensland fruit fly Bactrocera tryoni and Bactrocera neohumeralis (Tephritidae: Diptera) is examined using microsatellite polymorphisms. Queensland fruit flies B. tryoni and B. neohumeralis are sympatric sibling species that have similar morphological and ecological features. They even share polymorphism at the molecular level. Mating time difference is the main mechanism by which they maintain separate species. In the present study, 22 polymorphic and scorable microsatellites were isolated from B. tryoni and tested in the two species sampled from sympatric distribution areas. Pairwise genetic distance analysis showed explicit differentiation in allele frequencies between the two species, but very weak differences between conspecific populations. Gene flow is higher within B. tryoni than within B. neohumeralis, and gene exchange between the two species exists. An averaging linkage clustering tree constructed by UPGMA showed two major clusters distinguishing the two species, and it appears that population structure is highly correlated with geographic distance. The relationship between molecular markers, evolution, and selection are discussed using comparative studies within two large taxa: primate and insect. The degree of conservation and polymorphism in microsatellites varies between taxa, over evolutionary time.
Date January 2007
CreatorsWang, Yean
PublisherUniversity of Sydney., School of Biological Sciences
Source SetsAustraliasian Digital Theses Program
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsThe author retains copyright of this thesis.,

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