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Sinteza nanoprahova i dobijanje kompozitne keramike sa magnetnom i dielektričnom fazom za primenu u mikroelektronici / Synthesis of nanopowders and obtaining of composite ceramics with magnetic and dielectric phase for microelectronic application

<p>U ovom radu sintetisani su kompozitni nanoprahovi i nanoprahovi tipa jezgro&ndash; omotač sa dielektričnom i magnetnom fazom, kao pogodan polazni materijal za procesiranje kompozitne keramike za primenu u mikroelektronici. Osnovni cilj ove doktorske disertacije je bio utvrđivanje veza između uslova sinteze, morfologije čestica, uslova procesiranja i mikrostrukture kompozitne keramike. Nanoprahovi su sintetisani hemijskim metodama sinteze u tečnoj fazi (sol-gel i koprecipitacija) i gasnoj fazi (CVS), pri čemu je vr&scaron;ena optimizacija procesnih uslova u cilju sinteze čestica željene strukture i hemijskog sastava. Istraživanja su vr&scaron;ena na nekoliko modelnih sistema sa feritima kao magnetnom fazom i titanatima ili silikom kao dielektričnom fazom: NiFe2O4SiO2, Fe3O4SiO2, SrTiO3NiFe2O4, BaTiO3NiFe2O4 i BaTiO3Fe3O4. Hemijska sinteza u tečnoj fazi se pokazala pogodnom zato &scaron;to pruža mogućnost kontrolisanja morfologije kompozitnih čestica ne samo pode&scaron;avanjem procesnih parametara sinteze već i funkcionalizacijom faza kojom se uzrokuje njihovo elektrostatičko privlačenje i formiranje strukture jezgro&ndash;omotač. Ipak, zbog velikog stepena aglomeracije prisutnog tokom sinteze u tečnoj fazi, dobijanje omotača uniformne debljine i izbegavanje homogene nukleacije faza se pokazalo te&scaron;ko. Hemijskom sintezom u gasnoj fazi (CVS) je po prvi put sintetisan kompozitni nanoprah na bazi kompleksnih oksida titanata i ferita.<br />Utvrđeno je da i pored velikog potencijala CVS metode u smislu sinteze ultrafinih prahova na bazi titanata i ferita u jednom koraku, ova metoda nudi relativno slabu kontrolu morfologije kompozitnih čestica pri visokim procesnim temperaturama koje su neophodne za kristalizaciju dve faze. Sintetisani nanoprahovi na bazi titanata i ferita (SrTiO3NiFe2O4 i BaTiO3NiFe2O4) procesirani su u gustu kompozitnu keramiku visokotemperaturnim sinterovanjem, u cilju ispitivanja veze morfologije čestica i mikrostrukture kompozita, optimizacije režima sinterovanja i funkcionalne karakterizacije dobijene keramike sa različitim masenim odnosom faza. Prahovi su sinterovani putem konvencionalnog sinterovanja u atmosferi vazduha, spark plazma sinterovanja (SPS) ili kombinacijom ove dve metode. Utvrđeno je da prahovi strukture jezgro&ndash;omotač densifikuju u značajno gu&scaron;ću i homogeniju keramiku u odnosu na kompozitne prahove istog sastava na istim procesnim temperaturama. Pored toga, pH vrednost sinteze čestica i atmosfera visokotemperaturnog sinterovanja su se pokazali veoma značajnim u smislu održavanja željenog faznog sastava dobijenih kompozita. U pogledu režima sinterovanja dobijenih prahova, kombinacija niskotemperaturnog konvencionalnog i SPS sinterovanja (1000 &deg;C) je dala najbolje rezultate u smislu postizanja zadovoljavajuće gustine kompozita (&gt;95% teorijske gustine), održavanja željenog faznog sastava i homogene distribucije faza. Funkcionalna karakterizacija sinterovane keramike sa različitim masenim odnosom faza (BaTiO3 : NiFe2O4 = 1,2,8) potvrdila je očekivano dielektrično, feroelektrično i ferimagnetno pona&scaron;anje dobijenih kompozita.</p> / <p>Composite and core&ndash;shell nanopowders with dielectric and magnetic phase have been synthesized in this work, as a suitable starting material for processing of composite ceramics for microelectronic application. The main goal of this doctoral dissertation was the determination of the link between synthesis conditions, particle morphology, processing conditions and microstructure of composite ceramics. Nanopowders have been synthesized by chemical synthesis methods in wet phase (sol&ndash;gel and coprecipitation) and gas phase (CVS), whereas the optimization of processing parameters was conducted with the goal to synthesize particles of desired structure and chemical composition. Studies were conducted on the few model systems with ferrites as a magnetic and titanates as a dielectric phase: NiFe2O4SiO2, Fe3O4SiO2, SrTiO3NiFe2O4, BaTiO3NiFe2O4 and BaTiO3Fe3O4. Chemical wet synthesis has proven suitable because it offers composite particle morphology control not only by adjustment of synthesis parameters but also by phase functionalization causing their mutual electrostatic attraction and thus core&ndash;shell structure formation. However, due to the high degree of agglomeration present during the wet phase synthesis, formation of the shell with uniform thickness and avoidance of homogeneous nucleation has proven difficult. For the first time, composite ferrite and titanate-based nanopowder has been synthesized by means of Chemical Vapor Synthesis (CVS). It has been found that beside high potential of CVS method for one-step synthesis of ultrafine titanate and ferrite-based nanopowders, this method offers relatively low control of composite particle morphology at high processing temperatures which are necessary for crystallization of both phases. Synthesized titanate and ferrite-based nanopowders (SrTiO3NiFe2O4 and BaTiO3NiFe2O4) were processed into dense ceramics by high-temperature sintering, in order to find the link between particle morphology and composite microstructure, optimize the sintering regime and conduct the functional characterization of obtained ceramics with different phase mass ratio.<br />The powders were sintered by conventional sintering in air, spark plasma sintering<br />(SPS) or combination of these two methods. It was found that core&ndash;shell powders densify in ceramics with considerably higher density and homogeneity at the same processing temperature, than the composite powders with the same composition. Moreover, synthesis pH value and sintering temperature was found to be very important in terms of phase composition preservation of obtained composites. Regarding the sintering regime of obtained powders, combination of low-temperature conventional and SPS sintering (1000 &deg;C) has given the best results in terms of achieving adequate composite density (&gt;95% theoretical density), phase preservation and homogeneous phase distribution. Functional characterization of sintered ceramics with different phase mass ratio (BaTiO3 : NiFe2O4 = 1,2,8) confirmed the expected dielectric, ferroelectric and ferromagnetic behaviour of obtained composites.</p>
Date14 October 2014
CreatorsLanté Bojana
ContributorsSrdić Vladimir, Bošković Goran, Cvejić Željka, Stojanović Goran
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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