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Kratki govorni izrazi usmenog porekla u skupštinskog govoru – zastupljenost, značenje, funkcija / Short spoken expressions of the verbal origin in the assembly speech – occurence, meaning, function

<p>Ova doktorska disertacija posvećena je izučavanju govornih izraza usmenog porekla u skup&scaron;tinskom govoru Narodne skup&scaron;tine Republike Srbije, zasnovanom na bazi koja obuhvata 19 godina skup&scaron;tinskih zasedanja, 1997&ndash;2015. godine.<br />Iz naslova disertacije Govorni izrazi usmenog porekla u skup&scaron;tinskom govoru &ndash; zastupljenost, značenje, funkcija proističu predmetni i teorijsko-metodolo&scaron;ki prostor istraživanja, kao i osnovna jedinica analize: govorni izraz usmenog porekla. S obzirom na to da je relativno malo domaćih naučnih radova posvećeno govornim izrazima usmenog porekla u savremenom / političkom govoru, cilj ovog rada bio je da formira bazu takvih izraza i da ih u kontekstu analizira, da istraži njihovu zastupljenost, značenje i funkciju.<br />Delimična inspiracija za ovo istraživanje bio je inovativni rad Gerija Alana Fajna (Gary Alan Fine), koji je folkloristici ponudio sociolo&scaron;ke i socio-psiholo&scaron;ke metode koji će folklorne narative tumačiti kao delove socijalnog sistema, a sociologiji etnografiju malih grupa, proučavanje mikrostruktura i minijaturnih dru&scaron;tvenih fenomena, koji mogu pomoći da se pronaĎu odgovori u makrosociologiji. U svetlu njegove teorije &bdquo;mreže i cevovoda― (conduit theory) nije bilo ni relevatnijeg mesta od Narodne skup&scaron;tine, ni relevatnije socijalne grupe od narodnih poslanika za ovakvo istraživanje. Odgovor za kojim traga ovaj rad jeste kako se najvi&scaron;a dru&scaron;tvena i politička elita, u najznačajnijoj instituciji odnosi prema delu narodne tradicije, a taj odgovor, prema Fajnovoj teoriji može dati odgovore i na neka značajnija otvorena pitanja celog dru&scaron;tva.</p> / <p>This doctoral dissertation is dedicated to the research of spoken expressions of the verbal origin in the speech of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, founded on the base which comprises of 19 years of the Assembly sessions, 1997 to 2015.<br />Thematic and theoretical &ndash; methodological area of the research, as well as the basic unit of the analysis: spoken expression of the verbal origin have been derived from the dissertation title SPOKEN EXPRESSIONS OF THE VERBAL ORIGIN IN THE ASSEMBLY SPEECH &ndash; OCCURENCE, MEANING, FUNCTION. Considering that relatively few national scientific papers are dedicated to spoken expressions of the verbal origin in the contemporary / political speech, the aim of this dissertation was to create a base of such phrases and to analyze them in the context as well as to study their occurrence, meaning and function.<br />A part of inspiration for this research was an innovative work of Gary Alan Fine, which offered to folkloristics sociological and socio-psychological methods which interpreted folklore stories as segments of a social system; to sociology, it offered ethnography of small groups, a study of microstructures and miniature social phenomena which can assist in generating the answers in macrosociology. In the light of his theory - conduit theory, there was neither more prominent place than the National Assembly, nor more prominent social group than members of the parliament, for this research. The issue which this dissertation is aiming to address is how the social and political elite, in the most significant institution deals with the segment of national tradition. This issue according to Fine&#39;s theory can also raise some more significant questions related to the whole society.</p>
Date21 May 2016
CreatorsBarišić-Joković Vanja
ContributorsPešikan-Ljuštanović Ljiljana, Marinković Dušan, Šljukić Srđan, Delić Lidija, Pralica Dejan
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Doktorske disertacije iz interdisciplinarne odnosno multidisciplinarne oblasti na Univerzitetu u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Doctoral dissertations in the interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary field
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageUnknown
TypePhD thesis

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