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Langa community needs assessment study

Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Reliable and valid methods of studying needs of communities are an essential tool
in the development of those communities. This study looks at different ways in
which community needs could be assessed and uses two of those methods in
assessing needs of the Langa community. The findings are that for a successful
needs assessment, the key is, to identify a method or a combination of methods
appropriate to the issues and to one's goals and resources, and implementing it
well. Queeney (1995) states that one must always choose a technique that will
give accurate results of the community being studied, and resources used should
be cost-effective.
Langa was chosen as a case study because of its diverse socia-economic
structure. The type of housing that one occupies is indicative of the socioeconomic
background of that person. The housing types found in Langa are
shacks, hostels, public houses and private houses.
The methods used in the Langa area for this study were the key informant
approach and the survey approach. The key informant approach was used with
community leaders in Langa while a survey was conducted with sampled dwelling
units in the area. The reason for using the two methods was to get a more
comprehensive picture of community needs in the area.
Key informant approach
Representatives of 10 of the 15 community organisations operating in the Langa
area were interviewed. Priority needs for the community differed according to the
organisation that key informants represented.
Survey approach
The total number of people interviewed using the survey approach was 425. Of the
total number respondents living shacks, approximately 40% were in full time
employment. In public housing, it was approximately 47% of the respondents. The
private houses had by far the highest number of respondents in full time
employment (73%) followed by hostels at 59%. The high number for private
housing was not surprising considering that the occupants were mostly
government employees.
People in shacks did not have access to basic services. However, their first priority
was housing. This was the same as the priority in the overcrowded migrant labour
hostels. In public housing the priority need was jobs. Private housing dwellers
mentioned housing for shack dwellers as their first priority. The close proximity of
shack dwellers to private housing made private housing private housing dwellers
aware of the conditions under which people in shacks live.
Most of the community organisation in the Langa area existed because of a need
that was identified by the community. The priority needs cited by representatives of
the various organisations were needed by the Langa community. In the survey
approach housing and jobs were the main priorities. Priority needs raised by key
informants as well as survey respondents need to be addressed urgently to ensure
the development of the Langa community. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Betroubare en geldige tegnieke vir die bestudering van die behoeftes van
gemeenskappe vorm In essensiële deel van die ontwikkeling van gemeenskappe.
Hierdie studie ondersoek die verskillende wyses waarop gemeenskap behoeftes
gemeet kan word en gebruik twee van hierdie metodes om behoeftes van die
Langa gemeenskap te bepaal. Die bevindinge toon dat die belangrikste
komponent vir In suksesvolle behoefte opname, die identififsering van In metode of
kombinasie van metodes geskik vir die situasie is, as ook die suksesvolle
implementering daarvan. Queeney (1995) stel dat die navorser altyd In tegniek
moet kies wat akkurate bevindinge sal voortbring en ook koste-effektief is.
Langa is gekies as In gevallestudie vanweë die diverse sosio-ekonomiese
struktuur. Die tipe behuising van In okkupant is In indikator van die sosioekonomiese
agtergrond van die individu. Die behuising tipes in Langa is tydelike
wonings, hostelle, losieshuise as ook privaat wonings.
Die metodes wat in Langa gebruik is vir hierdie studie is die sleutel informant
metode as ook In opname. Die sleutel informant metode is gebruik met die
gemeenskapsleiers terwyl In opname uitgevoer is in geselekteerde areas van
Langa. In Kombinasie van metodes is gebruik om In meer omvattende beskrywing
van die gemeenskapsbehoeftes in die omgewing te verskaf.
Sleutel informant tegniek
Daar is onderhoude gevoer met 10 verteenwoordigers van die 15
gemeenskapsorganisasies in Langa. Die prioritisering van behoeftes het gewissel
afhangende van die organsisasie.
Daar is onderhoude gevoer met 425 persone tydens die opname. Naastenby 40%
van die respondente woonagtig in tydelike behuising, het In voltydse betrekking.
Vir respondente woonagtig in losieshuise was dit naastenby 47% van die
respondente. Respondente in privaat wonings toon die hoogste persentasie
respondente met 'n voltydse betrekking (73%) gevolg deur die hostel inwoners
teen 59%. Die hoë persentasie vir privaat wonings is nie verbasend aangesien die
inwoners meestal regerings amptenare is.
Die inwoners van tydelike behuising het nie toegang tot basiese dienste nie. Hulle
eerste prioriteit is dus behuising. Behuising is ook 'n prioriteit vir die inwoners van
die oorbevolkte hostelle. In die publieke woning sector was die prioriteit behoefte
werksgeleenthede. Die respondente in hierdie sector het ook aangetoon dat
behuising vir die inwoners van tydelike behuising 'n prioriteit vir hulle is. Die
nabyheid van die tydelike behusing het die inwoners van privaat wonings meer
bewus gemaak van hulle omstandighede.
Die grootste gedeelte van die gemeenskapsorganisasie in Langa het ontwikkel uit
'n behoefte wat die gemeenskap geïdentifiseer is. Die bevindinge van die opname
het getoon dat behuising en werksgeleenthede die hoofprioriteite is. Die
belangrikste behoeftes wat in hierdie studie geïdentifiseer word moet dringend
aangespreek word.
Date04 1900
CreatorsMpetsheni, Yandiswa D.
ContributorsMouton, Johann, Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Science. Dept. of Sociology and Social Anthropology.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format134 pages : illustrations
RightsStellenbosch University

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