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Cloning and Expression of the M-Gene from the Human Coronavirus NL-63 in Different Expression Systems.

<p>In this study, the HCoV-NL63 genome was transcribed from RNA to DNA from which the M gene was amplified with various primers designed for use in specific expression systems. The various genes were cloned into the pGEM vector and confirmed by sequencing. The genes were now expressed in cloning vectors suited for each expression system (pFastBac for baculovirus expression, pFlexi for bacterial expression and pCMV for mammalian expression). Clones were sequenced for a second time. The recombinant clone in pFlexi was expressed in KRX cells and a 36hr time course was performed. The recombinant pFastBac clone was used to infect Sf9 insect cells and P1 and P2 viral stocks were obtained. The recombinant pCMV clone was used to transfect Cos1 mammalian cells.</p>
Date January 2008
CreatorsLubbe, Lizel
Source SetsUniv. of Western Cape
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeThesis and dissertation
RightsCopyright: University of the Western Cape

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