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Three Dimensional Target Tracking With Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks

Sonar is the traditional method of underwater target detection and tracking. However, using traditional sonar arrays may be difficult and impractical in some mission-critical scenarios as they require a ship or a submersible to be mounted on or towed by. Alternatively, Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks (UW-ASN) offer a promising solution approach. In this thesis, a target tracking algorithm for UW-ASN, Three-Dimensional Underwater Target Tracking (3DUT) is presented. The objective of 3DUT is to collaboratively accomplish accurate tracking of underwater targets with minimum energy expenditure. Based on the time-of-arrival (ToA) of the echoes from the target after transmitting acoustic pulses from the sensors, the ranges of the nodes to the target are determined, and trilateration is used to obtain the location of the target. The location and the calculated velocity of the target are then exploited to achieve tracking. In order to realize energy-effective target tracking, 3DUT incorporates a new target movement-based duty cycle mechanism. To avoid rapid depletion of energy resources of boundary nodes due to continuous surveillance, 3DUT employs an adaptive procedure to find, designate, and activate new boundary nodes. Performance evaluation shows that 3DUT is a promising alternative to the traditional sonar based target tracking approaches especially for on-demand surveillance applications.
Date01 November 2009
CreatorsIsbitiren, Gokhan
ContributorsAkan, Ozgur Baris
Source SetsMiddle East Technical Univ.
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeM.S. Thesis
RightsTo liberate the content for METU campus

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