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Prakties-teologiese teorie vir leierskap vanuit 'n kerkgroei perspektief

Text in Afrikaans / Die kerk, in sy bree gesien, is tans in 'n 'nie-groei-kultuur' vasgeval. Daar is by min gemeentes 'n opregte las vir verlorenes te bespeur. Leiers het 'n gemaksone van professionalisme en instandhouding betree waar die groei van gemeentes me hoog op hul agenda geplaas word nie. Hierdie instandhoudingsingesteldheid en derhalwe 'n uitsluitlik na-binne-gerigte bedieningsfilosofie, het grootliks tot geringe groei en soms ook agteruitgang bygedra. Die omvangryke veranderinge in die samelewing gaan nie deur die kerk vrygespring word nie. Vandag kan kerke nie meer vanselfsprekend op die tradisionele ondersteuning en lojaliteit van mense sowel as die
samelewing aanspraak maak nie. Die kerk is in 'n groot mate uitgeskuif en geniet nie meer dieselfde kollig as in die verlede nie. Groot 'kerklike grondgebied' is reeds afgestaan.
Leiers is deel, en gevolglik ook 'n produk, van die huidige kerklike situasie waar belangeloosheid ten opsigte van gemeentegroei dikwels 'n algemene verskynsel is. Vanwee strukture soos die herder-kudde-model, is lidmate vir jare buite bedieningsgeleenthede gehou. Die bediening was as die verantwoordelikheid van leiers beskou. Die rol van lidmate is tans besig om groot veranderinge te ondergaan, aangesien gewone lidmate toenemend in dienswerk opgeneem word. Vrae wat reeds gevra word, is: Wat gaan die unieke rol van leiers in die toekoms wees? Wie is vir groei-inisiatief verantwoordelik?
Die probleem waarmee leiers tans te make het, is hul behendigheid om die uitdagings en eise van 'n nuwe kerklike paradigma te ontmoet, veral in 'n mondering wat vir 'n uitgaande paradigma bedoel is. Baie kritiek word teen opleidingsmodelle gerig, maar wesenlik is die probleem in 'n gevestigde "mind-set" gesetel.
Groeiende gemeentes wereldwyd toon dat hul leiers 'n sleutelrol in die groeipotensiaal van die gemeente speel en leiers van hierdie gemeentes het die voortou geneem om nuwe moontlikhede en modelle van leierskap uit te stal. Daar sal totaal nuut oor leierskap gedink moet word indien ons die groei van gemeentes ten doel het. In hierdie navorsing word leierskaptendense in die algemeen, asook leierskaptendense spesifiek in groeiende gemeentes, ondersoek. 'n Teorie vir 'groei-leierskap' word dan hieruit ontwikkel en aangebied. / The church is not experiencing a lot of growth at the moment. A number of congregations have no urge to find the lost ones. Growth is not a priority, due to leaders maintaining instead of expanding the congregation. This philosophy to maintain resulted into an inward practice which contributed to little growth, more seriously even a decline in total membership. The numerous changes experienced by the community at large will also fall the church to victim. The church has lost support simply because of a total lack in the so-called traditional loyalty and support. The church is no more the focus
as in the past, it has been side-lined. The church has already lost greatly.
Church leaders, as such products of the present day situation in the church, have been part of this culture of non-interest in the growth of the congregation. The typical evangelistic model of shepherd and flock left the ordinary members of the congregation out in the cold. The ministry was the responsibility of the church leaders, however the role of the ordinary members of the congregation is changing as they too are becoming more involved in ministry. Questions such as the following come to the fore: What is the unique role of church leaders going to be in future? Who's going to be responsible for growth inisiatives in the church in future?
The problem facing church leaders of the day, is their total lack to meet the challenges and demands. The new evangelistic paradigm especially calls for an outgoing approach. Criticism has been given against the training of leadership but most probably the problem lies within their established mind-set".
Globally, congregations which are experiencing large growth, has proved their leaders to play a paramount role in exploiting their growth potential. Such leaders were in the forefront of new leadership exhibiting the same qualities. If the growth of the various congregations is of importance, then the whole issue around leadership will have to be adapted and renewed. This research contains leadership tendencies in general, as well as leadership
tendencies in growing congregations. A theory for "growth-leadership" will be developed and presented from this. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / Th.D. (Practical theology)
Date11 1900
CreatorsBasson, Gert Johannes
ContributorsTheron, Jacques Petrus Johan
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format1 online resource (x, 261 leaves)

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