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Određivanje optimalnih uslova izvođenja procesa epoksidovanja biljnih ulja persirćetnom kiselinom / Determination of the Optimal Process Conditions for the Epoxidation of Vegetable Oils with Peracetic Acid

<p>Hemijskim transformacijama se iz biljnih ulja dobijaju vredni &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; derivati, poput epoksidovanih biljnih ulja, koji se<br />koriste u hemijskoj i polimernoj industriji. Kvalitet, pa<br />time i primena epoksidovanih biljnih ulja, zavise od<br />sadržaja epoksidnih grupa u derivatizovanom ulju, koji bi<br />trebalo da je &scaron;to veći. Kako epoksidne grupe nastaju<br />oksidacijom dvostrukih veza u trigliceridima kao<br />dominantnoj grupi jedinjenja u biljnim uljima, pogodna<br />sirovina za epoksidovanje su visoko nezasićena ulja,<br />kakvo je laneno.<br />Proizvodnja epoksidovanih biljnih ulja zahteva izbor<br />takvih procesnih uslova pri kojima bi se postigli &scaron;to<br />potpunija konverzija dvostrukih veza i &scaron;to veća<br />selektivnost procesa u odnosu na epoksidnu grupu. Zato je<br />kao cilj ove doktorske disertacije postavljeno određivanje<br />optimalnih vrednosti procesnih uslova epoksidovanja<br />lanenog ulja persirćetnom kiselinom formiranom in situ iz<br />sirćetne kiseline i 30% vodenog rastvora vodonik<br />peroksida u prisustvu jonoizmenjivačke smole kao<br />katalizatora. Određivanje je izvedeno primenom<br />metodologije odzivne povr&scaron;ine, kao i kori&scaron;ćenjem u ovoj<br />disertaciji predloženih kinetičkih modela ispitivanog<br />reakcionog sistema, u oba slučaja sa maksimumom<br />relativnog prinosa epoksida kao funkcijom cilja.<br />Ispitivanje uticaja procesnih uslova, i to temperature,<br />molskog odnosa reaktanata, količine katalizatora i brzine<br />me&scaron;anja, na tok procesa epoksidovanja je bilo osnov za<br />definisanje graničnih vrednosti procesnih uslova unutar<br />kojih je tražen maksimum prinosa epoksida. Oblast dugih<br />vremena reagovanja, koja nije od interesa za industriju, je<br />izbegnuta adekvatnim izborom temperature.<br />Pri optimalnim vrednostima procesnih uslova<br />epoksidovanja lanenog ulja, određenim primenom<br />metodologije odzivne povr&scaron;ine, postignuto je dobro<br />slaganje očekivane i eksperimentalno određene vrednosti<br />maksimalnog relativnog prinosa epoksida, sa odstupanjem<br />od 3,28%.<br />Za potrebe određivanja optimalnih uslova izvođenja<br />procesa epoksidovanja biljnih ulja kori&scaron;ćenjem kinetičkih<br />modela, razvijena su tri pseudohomogena modela<br />ispitivanog trofaznog multireakcionog sistema. Pored<br />kinetike osnovnih reakcija formiranja persirćetne kiseline i&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; reakcije epoksidovanja dvostrukih veza triglicerida biljnog ulja,&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; kao i kinetike sporedne reakcije otvaranja epoksidne<br />grupe sa sirćetnom kiselinom, u predloženim modelima je<br />uzeta u obzir i raspodela sirćetne i persirćetne kiseline<br />između uljne i vodene faze sistema. Opisan je i uticaj<br />masno-kiselinskog sastava ulja, odnosno broja dvostrukih<br />veza u masno-kiselinskim lancima triglicerida, na kinetiku<br />reakcija. Za koeficijent raspodele sirćetne kiseline između<br />tečnih faza reakcionog sistema predložena je empirijska<br />korelacija koja je dala dobro slaganje izračunatih<br />vrednosti sa eksperimentalnim podacima. Kinetički<br />parametri modela su određeni fitovanjem<br />eksperimentalnih podataka o promenama količina<br />dvostruke veze i epoksidne grupe sa vremenom izvođenja<br />procesa epoksidovanja. Na osnovu statističkih pokazatelja<br />uspe&scaron;nosti fitovanja eksperimentalnih podataka, potvrđena<br />je prepostavka da je pseudohomogeni model publikovan u<br />literaturi unapređen uzimanjem u obzir pomenutih<br />fenomena raspodele komponenata reakcione sme&scaron;e i<br />masno-kiselinskog sastava sirovine pri modelovanju<br />reakcionog sistema epoksidovanja biljnih ulja<br />persirćetnom kiselinom.<br />Kori&scaron;ćenjem predloženih pseudohomogenih modela<br />reakcionog sistema za određivanje optimalnih uslova<br />izvođenja procesa epoksidovanja lanenog ulja in situ<br />formiranom persirćetnom kiselinom u prisustvu<br />jonoizmenjivačke smole, dobijeno je odstupanje od 5,51%<br />očekivane od eksperimentalno određene vrednosti<br />relativnog prinosa epoksida.<br />Bolje slaganje predviđene sa eksperimentalno određenom<br />vredno&scaron;ću relativnog prinosa epoksida u kontrolnom<br />eksperimentu je dobijeno primenom metodologije odzivne<br />povr&scaron;ine u poređenju sa kori&scaron;ćenjem kinetičkih modela pri<br />određivanju optimalnih vrednosti procesnih uslova. To je i<br />očekivano, s obzirom da regresiona jednačina kori&scaron;ćena u<br />okviru metodologije odzivne povr&scaron;ine bolje fituje relativni<br />prinos epoksida. Standardna devijacija relativnog prinos<br />epoksida za regresionu jednačinu je 8,9 puta niža od one<br />izračunate za kinetički model koji najbolje predviđa<br />optimalne procesne uslove epoksidovanja lanenog ulja<br />persirćetnom kiselinom.</p> / <p>Vegetable oils can be transformed into added value<br />products by various chemical modifications, such as<br />epoxidation. The epoxidized vegetable oils have a<br />wide range of applications in the chemical and<br />polymer industry. The quality, and consequently the<br />application, of epoxidized vegetable oil is influenced<br />by the epoxy group content. Since the epoxy groups<br />are formed by the oxidation of double bonds in<br />triglycerides, the main constituent of vegetable oils,<br />highly unsaturated vegetable oils, such as linseed<br />oil, are desirable raw materials.<br />The manufacturing of epoxidized vegetable oils<br />requires the optimization of the process conditions<br />in order to achieve complete conversion of double<br />bonds and high selectivity of the process in respect<br />to the epoxy groups. Therefore, the aim of this<br />doctoral thesis is to determine the optimal process<br />conditions for the epoxidation of linseed oil with<br />peracetic acid, formed in situ from acetic acid and<br />30% hydrogen peroxide in the presence of an ion<br />exchange resin as the catalyst. The optimal process<br />conditions were determined by response surface<br />methodology, as well as by using developed pseudohomogeneous<br />kinetic models that describe the<br />investigated reaction system. For both optimization<br />methods, the relative epoxy yield was selected as an<br />objective function to be maximized.<br />The effects of process conditions, such as<br />temperature, molar ratio of reactants, catalyst<br />amount and steering speed, on the kinetics of the<br />epoxidation were studied in order to define<br />constraints for the optimization. To avoid long<br />reaction times, which are not of interest in<br />manufacturing, an adequate temperature range was<br />selected. Under the optimized process conditions for the<br />epoxidation of linseed oil, which were determined<br />by response surface methodology, good agreement<br />between the calculated and experimentally<br />determined relative epoxy yields was achieved<br />within 3.28%.<br />Three models describing the three-phase multireaction<br />system of vegetable oil epoxidation with<br />peracetic acid were developed and further used for<br />the optimization. The models are pseudohomogeneous<br />with respect to the catalyst. Besides<br />the kinetics of the main reactions of peracetic acid<br />and epoxy group formation, the models take into<br />account the side reaction of the epoxy group opening<br />with acetic acid. The partitioning of the acetic acid<br />and peracetic acid between the oil and aqueous<br />phases is considered. In two proposed models, the<br />effect of fatty acid composition on the kinetics of the<br />process is also described by considering the number<br />of double bonds in the fatty acid chains. The<br />developed empirical correlation for the partition<br />coefficient for acetic acid between the liquid phases<br />shows good agreement between the calculated and<br />experimental data. The kinetic parameters of the<br />proposed pseudo-homogeneous models were<br />determined by fitting the experimentally determined<br />changes of the double bond and epoxy group<br />amounts with reaction time of the epoxidation.<br />Statistical values of the models` parameters<br />determination confirmed the hypothesis that the<br />pseudo-homogeneous model proposed in the<br />literature can be improved by considering the<br />partitioning phenomena and the effect of the oil fatty<br />acid composition on the kinetics of the vegetable<br />oils epoxidation with peracetic acid.<br />Under the optimized process conditions for the<br />epoxidation of linseed oil with peracetic acid formed<br />in situ in the presence of the ion exchange resin,<br />which were determined by using proposed pseudohomogeneous<br />models, the experimentally<br />determined relative epoxy yield was 5.51% lower<br />than the calculated.<br />Better agreement between the calculated and<br />experimentally determined values for the relative<br />epoxy yield, achieved under the optimal process<br />conditions, is obtained when the response surface<br />methodology (RSM) was applied as opposed to<br />when the kinetic models were used for the<br />determination of the optimal process conditions.<br />This is in accordance with better fitting of the<br />relative epoxy yield by RSM regression equation<br />than by kinetics models. Standard deviation of the<br />relative epoxy yield for RSM regression equation is 8.9 times lower than the standard deviation for the<br />most successful kinetic model used for prediction of<br />the optimal process conditions for the epoxidation of<br />the linseed oil by peracetic acid.</p>
Date31 March 2017
CreatorsGovedarica Olga
ContributorsSinadinović-Fišer Snežana, Budinski-Simendić Jaroslava, Veljković Vlada
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageUnknown
TypePhD thesis

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