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Optimalni višekoračni metodi NJutnovog tipa za nalaženje višestrukih korena nelinearne jednačine sa poznatom celobrojnom višestrukošću / Optimal multistep Newton-type methods for finding multiple roots of nonlinear equation with known integer multiplicity

<p>Ova disertacija se bavi problemom određivanja višestrukih rešenja realnih nelinearnih jednačina kada je višestrukost unapred poznati prirodan broj. Teorijski se analiziraju i numerički testiraju red konvergencije i optimalnost neki dobro poznatih metoda poput Liu-Čou metoda i Čou-Čen-Song metoda. Izvodi se i objašnjava zavisnost optimalnog reda konvergencije i parnosti/neparnosti višestrukosti rešenja. Takođe, konstruišu se dve nove familije postupaka osmog reda konvergecnije. Razmatraju se nove familije dvokoračnih postupaka namenjene za rešavanje problema koje klasični metodi NJutnovog tipa ne mogu da reše.</p> / <p>This thesis deals with the problem of determing multiple roots of real nonlinear equations where the multiplicity is some integer known in advance. The convergence order and optimal properties of some well-known methods such as Liu-Zhou method and Zhou-Chen-Song method are theoretically analyzed and numerically tested. The dependence of optimal convergence order on multiplicity has been derived and explained. Further, two new efficient families of methods with optimal eighth convergence order have been constructed. Furthermore, some new families of two-step methods are considered to solve certain problems where the classical Newton-type methods fail.</p>
Date16 January 2018
CreatorsĆebić Dejan
ContributorsRalević Nebojša, Lužanin Zorana, Iričanin Bratislav, Lukić Tibor, Došenović Tatjana
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Fakultet tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageUnknown
TypePhD thesis

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