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Differences in Perceived Organizational Justice Based Upon Overall Performance Appraisal Ratings

<p> The purpose of this study was to identify differences in perceived organizational justice between employees in different categories of overall performance appraisal ratings. This study was also concerned with the level of distributive, procedural, interpersonal, and informational justice individually dependent upon the overall performance appraisal rating. Performance appraisals can impact procedural and distributional justice, but few studies have been conducted illustrating the influence of the multifocal model of justice following a performance appraisal and the specific influence on each of the four dimensions has been inconsistent creating a gap in the literature. This study incorporated the fairness theory, OJS, and the multifocal four-dimensional model of organizational justice to address discrepancies in the literature and refrained from including the appraisal satisfaction measurement so interpersonal and informational justice could be investigated individually further supporting the multifocal model. A quantitative, quasi-experimental ex post facto design was applied by recruiting employees of organizations following a performance appraisal and collecting overall performance review ratings for comparison. The target population for this study was white collar workers within the U.S. who had been employed at the same company for at least six months and received scheduled traditional performance appraisals. The sample consisted of 167 employees, 29.3% were male (<i>n</i> = 49) and 70.7% were female (<i> n</i> = 118). The results of the one-way MANOVA suggested that at least one of the combined linear variates differed significantly on one or some combination of outcome variables. The planned analyses using univariate ANOVAs illustrated that the level of distributive, procedural, interpersonal, and informational justice changed depending upon the overall performance appraisal rating illustrating that each dimension of justice changes independent of one another and employees can decipher all four dimensions separately.</p>
Date13 April 2017
CreatorsMaitland, Jennifer
PublisherCapella University
Detected LanguageEnglish

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