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The Roles Of Perceived Expressed Emotion Of The Schizophrenic Patients And The Expressed Emotion Of Their Caregivers On Symptom Severity And Quality Of Life

This study aimed to examine relative effect of perceived expressed emotion of schizophrenic patients and their caregivers&rsquo / expressed emotion on the symptom severity and quality of life at the framework of Vulnerability-Stress Model. Before the main study, for evaluating the psychometric properties of the Perceived Expressed Emotion Scale (PEES) a pilot study was conducted with the seventy five patients. Results of the pilot study provided support for the reliability and validity of PEES that had two factors, namely, criticism/hostility and emotional over-involvement. The main study was conducted at two stages. At time one assessment, one hundred and sixteen patients were administered PEES, Positive and Negative Symptom Scale for schizophrenia (PANSS), WHO&rsquo / s Quality of Life Scale (WHOQOL-BREF), and open ended questions to explore the views about their illness. Their caregivers were administered Expressed Emotion Scale (EES). After six month follow up, time two assessment was conducted 103 patients remained on the study using PANSS and WHOQOL-BREF. In order to test the main hypothesis of the study a series of repeated ANOVA analyses were conducted. The results revealed that patients&rsquo / perceived expressed emotion was a more robust component on quality of life and symptom severity than caregivers&rsquo / expressed emotion. It was found that patients&rsquo / perceived criticism/hostility was a toxic element on positive and negative symptoms, and total scores of PANSS, whereas patients&rsquo / perceived emotional over-involvement had a protector effect on social and environmental domain of standardized culture of WHOQOL-BREF. It was seen that symptom severity evaluated using PANSS improved from time one assessment to time two assessment. After discussing the findings in the framework of the literature, the limitations and the clinical implications of the results and directions for future studies were suggested.
Date01 January 2008
CreatorsBastug, Gulbahar
ContributorsKaranci, A. Nuray
Source SetsMiddle East Technical Univ.
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePh.D. Thesis
RightsTo liberate the content for public access

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