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Split covers for certain representations of classical groups

Let R(G) denote the category of smooth representations of a p-adic group. Bernstein has constructed an indexing set B(G) such that R(G) decomposes into a direct sum over s ∈ B(G) of full subcategories Rs(G) known as Bernstein subcategories. Bushnell and Kutzko have developed a method to study the representations contained in a given subcategory. One attempts to associate to that subcategory a smooth irreducible representation (τ,W) of a compact open subgroup J < G. If the functor V ↦ HomJ(W,V) is an equivalence of categories from Rs(G) → H(G,τ)mod we call (J,τ) a type.
Given a Levi subgroup L < G and a type (JL, τL) for a subcategory of representations on L, Bushnell and Kutzko further show that one can construct a type on G that “lies over” (JL, τL) by constructing an object known as a cover. In particular, a cover implements induction of H(L,τL)-modules in a manner compatible with parabolic induction of L-representations.
In this thesis I construct a cover for certain representations of the Siegel Levi subgroup of Sp(2k) over an archimedean local field of characteristic zero. In partic- ular, the representations I consider are twisted by highly ramified characters. This compliments work of Bushnell, Goldberg, and Stevens on covers in the self-dual case. My construction is quite concrete, and I also show that the cover I construct has a useful property known as splitness. In fact, I prove a fairly general theorem characterizing when covers are split.
Date01 July 2015
CreatorsWassink, Luke Samuel
ContributorsKrishnamurthy, Muthu
PublisherUniversity of Iowa
Source SetsUniversity of Iowa
Detected LanguageEnglish
SourceTheses and Dissertations
RightsCopyright 2015 Luke Samuel Wassink

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