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Caractérisation du rôle des nucléotides extracellulaires et du récepteur purinergique P2Y2 dans la physiopathologie des maladies pulmonaires inflammatoires / Role of P2Y2 nucleotide receptor in the physiopathology of inflammatory lung diseases

Amongst respiratory diseases, inflammatory lung diseases constitute a major part of public <p>health problem. As a consequence, investigating the immune mechanisms that contribute to <p>the pathogenesis of these diseases is essential to identify candidate targets for the <p>development of new therapeutic drugs. Furthermore, over the past 20 years, the growing awareness <p>that purinergic signalling events shape the immune and inflammatory responses to infection and <p>allergic reactions warranted the development of animal models to assess their importance in vivo in <p>acute lung injury and chronic airway diseases. The field of purinergic inflammation formulated the <p>unifying concept that ATP is released as a «danger signal» to induce inflammatory responses upon <p>binding purinergic receptors.<p>According to these elements, we began in 2007 to evaluate lung inflammation in mice deficient for <p>the P2Y2 purinergic receptor in TH2 and TH1 models. The most convincing evidence that the P2Y2<p>receptor is engaged during alarm situations comes from studies related to cystic fibrosis and asthma. <p>Indeed, chronic respiratory diseases are commonly associated with elevated airway ATP <p>concentrations, as reported in cystic fibrosis, but also in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and chronic <p>obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients, and they are raised by allergens in asthmatic <p>patients.<p>First, we demonstrated a significant role of the P2Y2R in a TH2-ovalbumin(OVA)-induced asthma <p>model. We observed that eosinophil accumulation, a distinctive feature of lung allergic inflammation, <p>was defective in OVA-treated P2Y2-deficient mice compared with OVA-treated wild type animals. <p>Interestingly, the upregulation of VCAM-1 was lower on lung endothelial cells of OVA-treated P2Y2 <p>knockout mice compared with OVA-treated wild type animals. Adhesion assays demonstrated that <p>the action of UTP on leukocyte adhesion through the regulation of endothelial VCAM-1 was <p>abolished in P2Y2-deficient lung endothelial cells. Additionally, the level of soluble VCAM-1, reported <p>as an inducer of eosinophil chemotaxis, was strongly reduced in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of <p>P2Y2-deficient mice.<p>Secondly, we studied the consequences of P2Y2R loss in lung inflammation initiated after pneumonia <p>virus of mice (PVM) infection in collaboration with the group of Pr. Daniel Desmecht (ULg). We <p>demonstrated here that P2Y2<p>-/-<p>mice display a severe increase in morbidity and mortality rate in <p>response to PVM. Lower survival of P2Y2<p>-/-<p>mice was not correlated with excessive inflammation <p>despite the higher level of neutrophil recruiters in their broncho-alveolar fluids. Interestingly, we <p>observed lower numbers of dendritic cells, CD4<p>+<p>T cells and CD8<p>+<p>T cells in P2Y2<p>-/-<p>mice compared to <p>P2Y2<p>+/+<p>infected lungs. Lower level of IL-12 and higher level of IL-6 in broncho-alveolar fluid support <p>an inhibition of Th1 response in P2Y2<p>-/-<p>mice. Quantification of DC recruiter expression revealed <p>comparable IP-10 and MIP-3& / Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
Date20 August 2012
CreatorsVanderstocken, Gilles
ContributorsCommuni, Didier, Le Moine, Alain, Pilette, Charles C., Bureau, Fabrice, Michiels, Alain, Braun, Michel Y
PublisherUniversite Libre de Bruxelles, Université libre de Bruxelles, Faculté de Médecine – Sciences biomédicales, Bruxelles
Source SetsUniversité libre de Bruxelles
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis, info:ulb-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis, info:ulb-repo/semantics/openurl/vlink-dissertation
Format1 v., 2 full-text file(s): application/pdf | application/pdf
Rights2 full-text file(s): info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess | info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess

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