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Opinions of professional nurses on succession planning in a paediatric context

Thesis (MCur)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There is no formal succession plan for paediatric professional nurses (PNs) in
academic, tertiary hospitals in the Western Cape. A lack of a succession plan could
have major implications for the sustainability of effective and efficient health care
services (Department of Health, DoH, 2010:1). Therefore, a systematic scientific
investigation is required to determine the opinions of PNs regarding the
characteristics or criteria for a succession plan in a paediatric organization.
The aim of this study was to determine the opinions of paediatric PNs regarding
succession or career planning in academic, tertiary hospitals in the Western Cape. A
quantitative approach with an exploratory, descriptive, non-experimental design was
applied by means of a questionnaire survey which consisted of closed and openended
Reliability and validity were assured by means of a pilot study and consultation with
nursing experts and a statistician. Cronbach’s alpha test was used to test for internal
consistency between the responses to the 3-point Likert scale and dichotomous
questions on the characteristics of an ideal succession plan. The data was collected
by means of a self-administered, structured questionnaire to elicit opinions regarding
the characteristics of an ideal succession plan that includes a career plan.
Ethical approval was obtained from the Health Research Ethics Committee of the
University of Stellenbosch. Permission for access to the hospitals was obtained from
the hospital and nursing managers. Informed written consent was obtained from the
participants. The questionnaires were distributed personally by the researcher at two
hospitals and via the assistant manager in nursing at one hospital.
Data was analysed by the statistician and descriptive statistics were presented by
means of frequency distribution tables and histograms. Furthermore, the existence
of relationships between variables was compared by means of a t-test or when
assumptions of the t-test were not fulfilled an appropriate non-parametric test was
The results were evidence of the need for the development of a succession plan
based on Benner’s Novice to Expert Model for paediatric PNs in academic, tertiary hospitals in the Western Cape. In addition, participants’ opinions on the value of a
succession plan, including a career plan showed multiple benefits that will outweigh
its challenges once developed and implemented.
Recommendations are based on the scientific evidence that show the urgent need
for the development and implementation of a formal five level skill-based clinical
training programme that includes a 360-degree feedback system for paediatric PNs
by means of an integrated, collaborative approach.
The development and implementation of a formal succession plan will strengthen and
enhance the retention of the various levels of competent, proficient and expert
paediatric PNs. In addition, a formal succession plan will attract and motivate the
novice and advance beginners to progress to competent, proficient and expert levels. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is geen formele opvolgplan vir pediatriese professionele verpleegpersoneel in
akademiese tersiêre hospitale in die Wes-Kaap nie. ’n Gebrek aan ’n opvolgplan kan
ernstige gevolge vir die volhoubaarheid van effektiewe en doeltreffende
gesondheidssorgdienste inhou (DoH, 2010:1). Dus, is ’n sistematiese wetenskaplike
ondersoek nodig om die opinies van professionele verpleegpersoneel te bepaal, ten
opsigte van die eienskappe of kriteria vir ’n opvolgplan in ’n pediatriese organisasie.
Die doel van hierdie studie was om die opinies van pediatriese professionele
verpleegpersoneel te bepaal ten opsigte van ’n opvolg- of beroepsplan in
akademiese, tersiêre hospitale in die Wes-Kaap. ’n Kwantitatiewe benadering met ’n
ondersoekende, beskrywende, nie-eksperimentele ontwerp is toegepas deur gebruik
te maak van ’n vraelysopname wat bestaan het uit geslote en ope-vrae.
Betroubaarheid en geldigheid is verseker deur gebruik te maak van ’n
loodsondersoek en raadpleging van verpleegkundiges en ’n statistikus. Cronbach se
alpha-toets is gebruik om te toets vir interne konsekwentheid tussen die response tot
die 3-punt Likertskaal en tweeledige vrae oor die kenmerke van ’n ideale opvolgplan.
Die data is gekollekteer deur gebruik te maak van ’n selfgeadministreerde,
gestruktureerde vraelys om opinies te onthul ten opsigte van die kenmerke van ’n
ideale opvolgplan, wat ’n beroepsplan insluit.
Etiese goedkeuring is verkry van die Gesondheidsnavorsing se Etiese Komitee van
die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Toestemming vir toegang tot die hospitale is
verkry van die hospitaal en verpleegbestuurders. Ingeligte skriftelike toestemming is
van die deelnemers verkry. Die vraelyste is persoonlik versprei deur die navorser by
twee hospitale en via die assistentbestuurder wat by een van die hospitale verpleeg.
Data is geanaliseer deur die statistikus en beskrywende statistiek is aangebied by
wyse van frekwensie verspreidingstabelle en histogramme. Voorts, is die bestaan
van verwantskappe tussen veranderlikes vergelyk, deur gebruik te maak van ’n ttoets
of waar veronderstellings van die t-toets nie bereik is nie, is ’n gepaste nieparametriese
toets oorweeg. Die resultate is bewys van die behoefte vir die ontwikkeling van ’n opvolgplan wat
gebaseer is op Benner se Novice to Expert Model vir pediatriese professionele
verpleegpersoneel in akademiese, tersiêre hospitale in die Wes-Kaap.
Daarbenewens, het deelnemers se opinies die waarde van ’n opvolgplan wat ’n
beroepsplan insluit, die veelvoudige voordele wat dit inhou getoon wat die uitdagings
sal oortref, sodra dit ontwikkel en geïmplementeer word.
Aanbevelings is gebaseer op die wetenskaplike bewys wat dui op die dringende
behoefte vir die ontwikkeling en implementering van ’n formele vyfvlak
vaardigheidsgebaseerde kliniese opleidingsprogram wat ’n 360-grade
terugvoersisteem insluit vir pediatriese professionele verpleegpersoneel deur middel
van ’n geïntegreerde, medewerkende benadering.
Die ontwikkeling en implementering van ’n formele opvolgplan sal die retensie van
die verskeie vlakke van bekwame, vaardige en kundige pediatriese professionele
verpleegpersoneel versterk en bevorder. Boonop sal ’n formele opvolgplan
nuwelinge en gevorderdes trek en motiveer om te ontwikkel tot bekwame, vaardige
en kundige vlakke.
Date03 1900
CreatorsPetersen, Marleen Patricia
ContributorsCohen, M. A., Stellenberg, E. L., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Health Sciences. Dept. of Interdisciplinary Health Science. Nursing Science.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Format164 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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