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Exploring the neural codes using parallel hardware

The aim of this thesis is to understand the dynamics of large interconnected populations of neurons. The method we use to reach this objective is a mixture of mesoscopic modeling and high performance computing. The rst allows us to reduce the complexity of the network and the second to perform large scale simulations. In the rst part of this thesis a new mean eld approach for conductance based neurons is used to study numerically the eects of noise on extremely large ensembles of neurons. Also, the same approach is used to create a model of one hypercolumn from the primary visual cortex where the basic computational units are large populations of neurons instead of simple cells. All of these simulations are done by solving a set of partial dierential equations that describe the evolution of the probability density function of the network. In the second part of this thesis a numerical study of two neural eld models of the primary visual cortex is presented. The main focus in both cases is to determine how edge selection and continuation can be computed in the primary visual cortex. The dierence between the two models is in how they represent the orientation preference of neurons, in one this is a feature of the equations and the connectivity depends on it, while in the other there is an underlying map which denes an input function. All the simulations are performed on a Graphic Processing Unit cluster. Thethesis proposes a set of techniques to simulate the models fast enough on this kind of hardware. The speedup obtained is equivalent to that of a huge standard cluster.
Date07 June 2013
CreatorsBaladron Pezoa, Javier
PublisherUniversité Nice Sophia Antipolis
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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