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Uticaj sastava masne faze margarina na fizičke osobine i kvalitet peciva od laminiranog testa / INFLUENCE OF FAT PHASE COMPOSITION OF MARGARINE ON PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICSAND QUALITY OF PUFF PASTRY

<p>U radu je ispitana mogućnost primene margarina za laminiranje smanjenog sadržaja trans masnih kiselina u izradi lisnatog peciva. U prvoj fazi eksperimentalnog rada ispitivanjem uticaja vrste (MZ1 i MZ2) i količine margarina za zames (1, 3 i 5% na masu bra&scaron;na) i količine emulgatora (0,1, 0,3, i 0,5% na masu bra&scaron;na), kao i njihove interakcije na fizičke osobine testa i kvalitet peciva, definisan je sirovinski sastav osnovnog testa, koji obezbeđuje optimalnu obradivost tokom laminiranja. Rezultati merenja empirijskih i fundamentalnih reolo&scaron;kih pokazatelja kvaliteta osnovnog testa i kvaliteta peciva jasno su pokazali da je optimalna količina dodataka 1% margarina MZ2 i 0,3% emulgatora.<br />Ispitivanjem uticaja sastava masne faze margarina za laminiranje na kvalitet peciva utvrđeno je da je količinu margarina, kao i vreme odmaranja između faza laminiranja neophodno prilagoditi fizičkohemijskim osobinama margarina. Zadovoljavajući kvalitet lisnatog peciva sa margarinom MLT1 najboljih fizičkih osobina, ali i najpoželjnijeg masnokiselinskog sastava, moguće je postići dodatkom samo 35% margarina, &scaron;to je najče&scaron;e donja granica u izradi lisnatog peciva. Za dobijanje prihvatljivih fizičkih i karakterističnih senzornih osobina peciva neophodan je dodatak 45% margarina MLT3, odnosno 55% margarina MLT2 i MLT4.<br />Primena margarina MLT1 i MLT4 koji imaju veći sadržaj čvrstih triglicerida zahteva vreme odmaranja od 30 minuta. Najbolji kvalitet peciva sa margarinom MLT2 ili MLT3 koje karakteri&scaron;e niži sadržaj SFC i manja tvrdoća dobija se kada je vreme relaksacije<br />između faza laminiranja 45 minuta.<br />Optimizacijom tehnolo&scaron;kog procesa proizvodnje peciva od laminiranog testa utvrđeno je da margarini niskog sadržaja trans masnih kiselina, kod kojih su očuvane optimalne fizičke osobine, mogu uspe&scaron;no da zamene margarine dobijene postupkom parcijalne hidrogenacije biljnog ulja. Primenom margarina modifikovanog sastava masne faze moguće je smanjiti energetsku vrednost peciva za 12%, odnosno smanjenjem udela masti za 30% i trans masnih kiselina za 100% pobolj&scaron;ati nutritivnu vrednost peciva.</p> / <p>The possibility of application of low-trans margarine in the puff pastry production was investigated in this work. The base dough formula, which ensures the optimal dough handling during the laminating, has been defined in the first phase of the experimental work. It has been achieved through the analysis of the influence of two dough margarines composition (MZ1 and MZ2) and quantity (1, 3 and 5 % based on flour) in combination with emulsifier quantity (0.1, 0.3 and 0.5% based on flour) on physical properties of dough and puff pastry quality. The results of the measurements of empirical and fundamental rheological parameters of the base dough quality as well as the quality of the puff pastry, have clearly indicated that the optimal quantity of margarine MZ2 and emulsifier are 1% and 0.3%, respectively.<br />By analyzing the impact of the fat phase composition of puff pastry margarine on pastry quality, it has been revealed that the quantity of the margarine and the relaxation time between laminating, need to be adjusted to the physicochemical characteristics of the margarine.<br />It is possible to achieve the satisfactory quality of the puff pastry with margarine MLT1 of the best physical, and of the most optimal fatty acid composition, by adding only 35% of margarine which is at most times, the lowest possible quantity in producing the puff pastry. For the achievement of the acceptable physical and typical sensory characteristics of the pastry it is needed to add 45 % of the margarine MLT3, or 55% of margarine MLT2 and MLT4.<br />The use of the margarines MLT1 and MLT4 which have high values of solid fat content, requires relaxation<br />time of 30 minutes. The best quality of the pastry with margarine MLT2 or MLT3 which is typical of lower solid fat content and lower firmness is achieved when the time of the relaxation between the laminating is 45 minutes.<br />By the optimization of the production of the puff pastry, it has been identified that the margarines of the low content of trans fatty acids can successfully replace the margarines produced by the partial hydrogenation of the vegetable oil. It is possible to reduce the energy value of the pastry by 12%, by using the margarine of the modified content of the fat phase. Namely by reducing the content of the fat by 30% and trans fatty acids by 100%, it is possible to improve the nutritive value of the pastry.</p>
Date16 December 2009
CreatorsŠoronja-Simović Dragana
ContributorsFilipović Nada, Pajin Biljana, Šubarić Drago
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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