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Impact of ingroup identity, outgroup entitativity and value dissimilarity on vicarious retribution

<p> Previous literature has found that individuals who are highly identified with their own ingroup and who perceive an outgroup as being more cohesive (viz., high in entitativity) will exhibit greater levels of vicarious retribution. Further studies have shown that an individual who perceives the outgroup as having dissimilar values to their own will engage in higher levels of direct aggression. The current study was the first to investigate value dissimilarity as a moderator in the relationship between both ingroup identification and outgroup entitativity on subsequent vicarious retribution. This study used a 3 (value dissimilarity: high, low, neutral/no information) x 2 (outgroup entitativity: high, low) between subjects design. Results indicated that among participants who had a strong reaction to the provocation, low value dissimilarity significantly lowered aggression thus serving to buffer the effect of provocation on subsequent vicarious retribution. Implications for reducing intergroup violence and vicarious retribution are discussed.</p>
Date10 June 2014
CreatorsNielsen, Brittany M.
PublisherCalifornia State University, Long Beach
Detected LanguageEnglish

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