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Značaj crta ličnosti i strukture radne motivacije za nivo zadovoljstva karijerom / Importance of Personality Traits and Work Motivation Structure for Career Satisfaction

<p>Nivo zadovoljstva karijerom predstavlja fenomen kojem se u poslednje vreme pri&scaron;lo sa ozbiljnijim interesovanjem. Utvrđivanje odnosa crta ličnosti, strukture radne motivacije za zadovoljstvo karijerom, uspe&scaron;nih ljudi predstavlja plodno tle za polje savetovanja u karijeri. Danas je fokus istraživača pomeren i zadržan na intrinzičkim kriterijumima uspeha u karijeri, gde se pored crta ličnost, strukture radne motivacije sa posebnom pažnjom ispituju i uticaji organizacije ali i ravnoteže između porodičnih i radnih uloga na ukupno zadovoljstvo karijerom. U cilju &scaron;to boljeg razumevanja strukture ličnosti u organizacijskim u konceptu zadovoljstva karijerom, pored osnovnih, aktuelno je prisutan i koncept &bdquo;dodatnih&ldquo; crta ličnosti. Pregled savremene literature ukazuje na nedovoljnu proučenost međusobnog odnosa navedenih fenomena, pogotovo primene teorije samodeterminacije u ovakvomm istraživačkom konceptu.<br />Da bismo detaljnije ispitali značaj crta ličnosti i strukture radne motivacije za zadovoljstvo karijerom, pristupili smo ispitivanju crta ličnosti, strukture radne motivacije u odnosu na nivo zadovoljstva karijerom i to kod uspe&scaron;nih ljudi. Zadovoljstvo karijerom je definisano kao evaluacija ličnog napretka u odnosu na lične ciljeve u karijeri. Povodom ovog rada, konstruisan je utpinik namenjen ispitivanju zadovoljstva karijerom, ZAK i koji je na pilot uzorku dao prihvatljive metrijske karakteristike. Uzorak ispitanika je sastavljen od ukupno 110 osoba sa vrlo uspe&scaron;nom karijerom u oblasti obrazovanja, bankarstva i biznisa u Republici Srbiji. Njihova karijera je ocenjena kao uspe&scaron;na na osnovu sledećih kriterija: akademskog postignuća &ndash; status profesora univerziteta; rukovodeće pozicije u bankama i internacionalnim kompanijama; kao i vlasni&scaron;tvo kompanija koje su imale iznad deset zaposlenih i pozitivan bilans u prethodnim godinama poslovanja. Četrnaest ispitanika je bilo srednjeg obrazovnog nivoa, 22 sa vi&scaron;om stručnom spremom, a sa visokom ukupno 74, od toga sa VII/1 stepenom 37 i VII/2 i VIII stepenom takođe 37 ispitanika. Najmlađi ispitanik je imao 26 godina, najstariji 68, dok je prosečna starost bila 47 godina. Najduži radni staž je bio 44 godine, a prosečan 21 godinu. Primenjeni su sledeći instrumenti: LEKSI 70, namenjen ispitivanju crta ličnosti baziranih na konceptu &bdquo;velikih pet&ldquo; plus dva; SRM-1, za ispitivanje strukture radne motivacije; kao i ZAK, upitnik koji ispituje nivo zadovoljstva karijerom.<br />Nakon primene serije analiza utvrđeno je da su prediktori zadovoljstva karijerom kod vrlo uspe&scaron;nih osoba osobina ličnosti pozitivna emocionalnost, stanje ispunjenosti karijerom, intrinzička motivacija i regulacija identifikacijom. Slično tome, pronađena je veza između crta savesnost i otvorenost sa regulacijom identifikacijom i intrinzičkom motivacijom i zadovoljstvom karijerom. Glavni prediktori zadovoljstva i ispunjeno&scaron;ću karijerom kod vrlo uspe&scaron;nih osoba su izražena crta ličnosti otvorenost i sniženje crte negativna emocionalnost Osoba sklona izbegavanju posla ima manje izraženu savesnost, povi&scaron;enu negativnu emocionalnost, pokazuje sklonost ka introjektovanoj regulaciji. Pored toga, osoba sa izraženom negativnom emocionalno&scaron;ću ima tendenciju ka promeni karijere. Dužina radnog staža sugeri&scaron;e zaključak da su osobe sa dužom uspe&scaron;nom karijerom manje neprijatne i vi&scaron;e savesne. Obrazovni nivo ispitanika je bio u vezi sa ispunjeno&scaron;ću karijerom, tako &scaron;to su najobrazovaniji ispitanici bili zadovoljniji od manje obrazovanih. Ispitivanje značaja oblasti karijere na relacije osobina i strukture motivacije na zadovoljstvo pokazuje da se grupe međusobno razlikuju po tome &scaron;to grupe menadžera i univerzitetskih profesora u odnosu na bankare pokazuju veći stepen zadovoljstva karijerom i imaju izraženije crte otvorenost i pozitivna valenca, dok im je ekstrinzička radna motivacija niža u odnosu na grupu bankara.&nbsp;Ustanovljeno je i da grupa bankara ima izraženiju introjektovanu regulaciju i intrinzičku motivaciju od grupe profesora i grupe menadžera</p> / <p>The level of the satisfaction with the career is a phenomenon that has been lately analysed seriously and with attention. To determine the relationship between personality traits and structures of work motivation for career satisfaction with successful people is a good basis for the field of advising. Up to now it was only discussed in the context of objective, external criterion of satisfaction. Since the industrial-organizational psychology has become interested in the concepts of personality again by creating socio-cognitive approaches to motivation, this relation has occupied an important place in studies of organizational behavior. Today, the focus of researchers is shifted and held on the intrinsic criteria of the success in career and in addition to personality traits, structures of work motivation are examined with special attention in terms of organization and in terms of the influence of family/work balance on the level of satisfaction. Contemporary literature review indicates the insufficient study of the concepts mentioned above, especially the application of the theory of self-determination in this concept of research.<br />In order to examine the importance of personality traits and structure of work motivation we started examining personality traits and structure of work motivation in relation to the level of career satisfaction of successful people. Career satisfaction is defined as the evaluation of personal progress in relation to personal goals. The research included 110 people with very successful careers in fields of education, bankings and business in the Republic of Serbia. Their career was evaluated as successful on the following criteria: academic achievements &ndash; the status of the university professor, managing or senior positions in banks and international companies; entrepreneurs and company owners that have more than ten employees and the positive balance in previous years. Fourteen examinees had secondary school education, 22 with Bachelor&rsquo;s degree, total of 74 with university degree of which 37 had Master&rsquo;s degree and 37 of them PhD.<br />The youngest examinee was 26, the oldest 68, while the average age was 47. The longest years of service was 44 years, and average 21 year. The following tests were applied: LEKSI 70, test designed for testing personal traits based on the &rsquo;&rsquo;Big Five&rsquo;&rsquo; plus two; SRM-1, for testing the structure of work motivation; and For the purpose of this paper, a questionnaire is made to investigate the level of career satisfaction, ZAK which as the pilot sample had given acceptable psychometric characteristics.. After the application of series of results, the following are the most important to mention: the connection between personality traits and positive emotionality, factors for career satisfaction, intrinsic motivation and regulation through identification with successful people. Similarly, the connection between career satisfaction and regulation through identification and intrinsic motivation has been found between openness and conscientiousness. In addition, the quality of openness showed negative correlation with external regulation and conscientiousness with the factor of avoiding work. Examinees who were more prone to regulation through identification showed more distinctive positive emotionality and conscientiousness, but at the same time&nbsp;the higher level of unpleasantness/aggression. Years of service suggest that people with long and successful careers are less unpleasant and more conscientious. The relation between negative valence factors, psychosomatic symptoms, avoiding work and external control stands out as an important highlight. Examined group of managers and university professors in relation to bankers show the higher level of satisfaction with their careers, have more distinctive quality of openness and positive valence while at the same time their extrinsic motivation is lower than in the group of bankers. In addition, people with negative emotions had tendencies for a career change. The educational level connected to the career satisfaction showed that more educated people were more satisfied from less educated. In addition to basic personality traits and in order to understand better the structure of personality in organizational behavior, the concept of &#39;additional&#39; personality traits is also important.</p>
Date13 September 2016
CreatorsVuković Dušan
ContributorsMajstorović Nebojša, Smederevac Snežana, Hedrih Vladimir
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Filozofski fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageUnknown
TypePhD thesis

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