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Molecular characterization of grapevine virus E in South Africa

Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Grapevine virus E (GVE) is a newly identified virus that has been detected in an established vineyard in South Africa. This virus is a member of the genus Vitivirus, family Flexiviridae. Members of this genus are known to infecte grapevine and are associated with various disease complexes, such as the Rugose wood complex (RWC) and Shiraz disease (SD). However, the role and impact of GVE in South African vineyards are still unknown. It is important to study these viruses to determine how they infect and the possible impact they may have on vine health.
The accurate and early detection of grapevine viruses is the first important step in disease management. In this study, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), double antibody sandwich enzyme linked immunesorbent assay (DAS-ELISA) and quantitative (q)RT-PCR were used for the detection of GVE in the vineyard (Vitis vinifera cv Merlot) where GVE was first identified in South Africa. Reverse transcription-PCR was used for detection and determining the incidence of GVE. The incidence was as low as 3% in the vineyard surveyed. All the GVE positive plants were co-infected with GLRaV-3 and no disease association could therefore be made. Evaluation of the Bioreba Grapevine virus A (GVA) DAS-ELISA kit showed that it did not detect GVE. No cross-reactivity occurred with epitopes of GVE, confirming this kit to be a valid and specific assay for GVA infection. The relative virus titer of GVE was calculated over the growing season of 2010/2011, using qRT-PCR. No fluctuation in virus titer was observed during that growing season.
Transmission experiments were performed in an attempt to transfer GVE from grapevine to an alternative host. Three different transmission buffers as well as nine different herbaceous plant species, that have shown to be susceptible to several plant viruses in previous studies, were evaluated. In these experiments, GVE could not be transmitted to any of the herbaceous species. To further characterize GVE, chimeric clones were constructed with GVA. The ORF2 and ORF5 of GVE were cloned into previously constructed GVA ORF2 and ORF5 deletion mutants. Construction of the chimeric clones, 35S-GVA-GR5-ΔORF2-GVE-ORF2 and 35S-GVA-118-ΔORF5-GVE-ORF5 were successful and they were evaluated for their infectivity in N. benthamiana. The 35S-GVA-GR5-ΔORF2-GVE-ORF2 chimera was able to infect and replicate in these plants and disease symptoms such as yellowing of veins and leaf curling were observed. Virus, derived from this vector, was detected by TPIA, RT-PCR and DAS-ELISA. The 35S-GVA-118-ΔORF5-GVE-ORF5 chimeric vector was not able to infect N. benthamiana as no disease symptoms were observed in any of the infiltrated plants and virus was not detected with serological analysis and RT-PCR.
This study was aimed at further characterizing the recently identified virus GVE. Here, insight is given into the prevalence of this virus in the vineyard where it was first identified and attempts to biologically characterize GVE were made. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Grapevine virus E (GVE) is „n nuut geïndetifiseerde virus wat onlangs in „n gevestigde wingerd in Suid Afrika opgespoor is. Hierdie virus vorm deel van die genus Vitivirus, familie Betaflexiviridae. Spesies in hierdie genus is bekend vir wingerdinfeksies en word met „n verskeidenheid wingerd siektes geassosieer, soos bv. Rugose wood complex (RWC) en Shiraz siekte (SD). Die rol en impak van GVE is nog onbekend. Dit is dus belangrik om die virus te bestudeer om te bepaal hoe dit infekteer en of dit enige impak het op wingerd gesondheid.
Akkurate en vroeë opsporing van virusse is die eerste belangrike stap vir virussiekte beheer. In hierdie studie word tru-transkripsie (TT) – polimerase ketting reaksie (PKR), dubbel teenliggaam (DAS) -ensiem gekoppelde immuno-absorberende analise (ELISA) en qTT-PKR gebruik vir die opsporing van GVE in die wingerd (Vitis vinifera cv Merlot) waar dit vroeër in Suid Afrika geïdentifiseer was. Vir opsporing en bepaling van verspreiding is TT-PKR gebruik. Daar is bepaal dat 3% van die wingerd met GVE geïnfekteer is. Al die GVE-positiewe stokke het ook positief getoets vir GLRaV-3 en geen assosiasie met siekte simptome kon gemaak word nie. Evaluering van die Bioreba GVA DAS-ELISA met GVE positiewe stokke het nie GVE opgespoor nie. Geen kruisreaktiwiteit het plaasgevind met epitope van GVE nie en dus is die DAS-ELISA ʼn betroubare toets vir GVA infeksie. Die relatiewe virus titer van GVE was ook bepaal oor die groeiseisoen van 2010/2011 deur qTT-PKR te gebruik. Geen fluktuasie in virus titer gedurende die groeiseisoen is waargeneem nie.
Transmissie eksperimente is gedoen om GVE vanaf wingerd na ʼn alternatiewe gasheer oor te dra. Drie verskillende transmissie buffers en tien verskillende sagteplant spesies, wat voorheen vatbaarheid vir plantvirusse getoon het, is gebruik. In die transmissie eksperimente kon GVE nie na enige van die sagteplante oorgedra word nie.
Om GVE verder te karakteriseer is hibried-virusse met GVA gemaak. Die leesraam (ORF) 2 en ORF5 van GVE gekloneer in GVA ORF2 en -ORF5 delesie konstrukte, 35S-GVA-GR5-ΔORF2 en 35S-GVA-118-ΔORF5, onderskeidelik (Blignaut, 2009; Du Preez, 2010). Klonering van die hibried konstrukte, 35S-GVA-GR5-ΔORF2-GVE-ORF2 en 35S-GVA-118-ΔORF5-GVE-ORF5, was suksesvol en is in N. benthamiana geëvalueer. Virus afkomstig van die 35S-GVA-GR5-ΔORF2-GVE-ORF2 hibried konstruk, kon plante suksesvol infekteer en kon repliseer binne hierdie plante. Siektesimptome soos vergeling van die are en rolblaar is ook waargeneem in plante geïnfekteer met hierdie hibried konstruk. Plante is getoets met weefsel afdruk immuno analise (TPIA), TT-PKR en DAS-ELISA en is positief gevind vir virus afkomstig van hierdie konstruk. Die 35S-GVA-118-ΔORF5-GVE-ORF5 hibried kon nie N. benthamiana infekteer nie en geen siektesimptome is waargeneem in enige van die plante geïnfiltreer met hierdie konstruk. Serologiese analise en TT-PKR het ook nie virus in die N. benthamiana plante opgespoor nie.
Die doel van hierdie studie was om GVE te karakteriseer. In hierdie studie word insig gegee oor die verspreiding van hierdie virus in Suid Afrika en pogings is gemaak om GVE biologies te karakteriseer.
Date12 1900
CreatorsDe Koker, Wenhelene Crystal
ContributorsBurger, J. T., Maree, H. J., Stephan, D., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of AgriSciences. Dept. of Genetics.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Formatxvi, 75 p. : ill. (some col.)
RightsStellenbosch University

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