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Deleuze&#039 / s Struggle Against Transcendence And Criticisims About It.

Deleuze&#039 / s Struggle Against Transcendence and Criticisms About It

TIBIK, Kamuran
M.S., Department of Philosophy
Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Yasin Ceylan

December,2006, 128 pages

In this study, I first studied the undecidability of transcendence and immanence. Then, I studied the demarcation problem between transcendence and immanence with its results in philosophy. Thirdly, I touched on the idea of the death of philosophy in relation to this demarcation problem. Fourthly, I tried to present Deleuze&#039 / s dualist approach to concepts and I also studied Hume&#039 / s effect on the emergence of this dualist approach. As the fifth, I tried to relate the demarcation problem to ethics, concepts and the future of philosophy. Finally, I presented questions and criticisms about both Hume&#039 / s and Deleuze&#039 / s views on immanence and ethics.
Date01 December 2006
CreatorsTibik, Kamuran
ContributorsCeylan, Yasin
Source SetsMiddle East Technical Univ.
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeM.S. Thesis
RightsTo liberate the content for public access

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