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Optimizacija i karakterizacija elektrolita na bazi jonskih tečnosti pogodnih za litijum jonske baterije / Optimization and characterization of ionic liquid based electrolytes for Li-ion batteries

<p>U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji ispitivani su elektroliti na bazi jonskih tečnosti pogodni za<br />primenu u litijum&nbsp; jonskim baterijama. Fizičko-hemijska svojstva binarnih sme&scaron;a<br />jonskih tečnosti sa dicijanamidnim i bis(trifluorometilsulfonil)imidnim anjonima i<br />molekulskih rastvarača ispitana su u celom opsegu molskih udela i na različitim<br />temperaturama. Na osnovu izmerenih gustina, viskoznosti i električne provodljivosti<br />izračunati su različiti fizičko hemijski parametri i diskutavne interakcije između komponenata sme&scaron;a. Ispitana je termička i elektrohemijska stabilnost odabranih<br />elektrolita. Dodatkom litijumove soli u odabrane binarne sme&scaron;e dobijeni su ternarni<br />sistemi koji su okarakterisani u zavisnoti od koncentracije litijumove soli. Odabrani<br />elektroliti upotrebljeni su za&nbsp; ispitivanje performansi litijum&nbsp; jonske ćelije sa anatas<br />TiO2&nbsp; nanotubularnim elektrodama.Cikličnom voltametrijom i galvanostatskim<br />cikliranjem su ispitane performanse ćelije u toku 150 ciklusa punjenja i pražnjenja. Na<br />osnovu ciklovoltametrijskih merenja izračunati su koeficijenti difuzije i energija aktivacije za difuziju.</p> / <p>In this doctoral dissertation, Ion liquid-based electrolytes were tested for use in&nbsp; lithium-ion batteries. The physicochemical properties of binary mixtures of ionic&nbsp; liquids with dicyanamide and bis (trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imide anions and&nbsp; molecular solvents were examined throughout the range of molar proportions and at different temperatures. Based on the measured densities, viscosity and electrical conductivity, various physical chemical parameters and discrete interactions between&nbsp; the components of the mixture are calculated. Thermal and electrochemical stability of selected electrolytes was examined. By addition of lithium salt to the selected binary mixtures, ternary systems were characterized which were characterized by the concentration of lithium salt. The selected electrolytes were used to test the performance of the lithium-ion cell with anatomic TiO2 nanotubular electrodes. Cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic cycling tested the cell&#39;s performance during the 150 charge and discharge&nbsp; cycles. Based on cyclotoltametric&nbsp; measurements, the diffusion coefficients and activation energies for diffusion were calculated.</p>
Date08 November 2017
CreatorsZec Nebojša
ContributorsGadžurić Slobodan, Vaštag Đenđi, Vraneš Milan, Cvjetićanin Nikola, Marija Bešter Rogač
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageUnknown
TypePhD thesis

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