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Diffraction study of mechanical properties and residual stresses resulting from surface processing of polycrystalline materials.

Methodology of stress measurements with multireflection grazing incidence method (MGIXD)was investigated and developed. The parallel beam geometry was applied. The incident beam in classicaldiffractometers was collimated by Göbel mirror and the tests of parallel configuration were performed for Alpowder. Results confirmed that both statistical error and the misalignment error can be reduced when theGöbel mirror is used. Physical factors were taken into account in XSA (X-ray stress analysis): Lorentzpolarizationand absorption factor (LPA) and also refraction correction (RC). Results showed that theinfluence of LPA correction is minor in XSA but the RC can significantly influence analysis. In the thesisthe issue of RC was considered and compared with approaches presented in the literature. In the thesistwo theoretical developments of the MGIXD method were presented: the procedure of c/a parameterdetermination and the influence of stacking faults on the results was taken into account. It was shown thatboth developments significantly improves the quality of experimental data analysis. In the present work theproblem of X-ray stress factors (XSF) used for the interpretation of XSA results was studied. Differenttheoretical grain elasto-plastic interaction models were considered and applied in XSA. Verification of theXSF was during tensile test for austenitic stainless steel and for the isotropic sample. Anisotropy of XSFwas also observed in: ground Ni alloy, polished austenitic stainless steel and CrN coating. The resultsshows that Reuss and free surface grain interaction models are in the best agreement with theexperimental results. Finally the MGIXD method was verified using synchrotron radiation and 3 differentwavelengths. The methodology was developed to treat data not only for different incident angles but alsousing simultaneously different wavelengths. Stresses vs. z - 'real depth' was calculated using the inverseLaplace transform applied to polynomial function. Wiliamson-Hall analysis was applied for collected data.Next multireflection method was applied for the energy dispersion diffraction measurements in which whitebeam containing radiation having different wavelengths was used (λ (Ǻ): 0.3-0.18/ E (keV): 40-68). Thestress analysis was performed using three different methods: standard sin2ψ method, Universal plotmethod and by using multireflection analysis. In the range of penetration depth to 0-15 μm theconvergence of the results obtained from different methods was gained. Moreover the synchrotron dataperfectly agree with the results obtained on laboratory diffractometer (Cu Kα radiation) close to the surface.For depth larger than 14 μm the experimental points exhibit significant spread and do not agree with theresults of standard method
Date11 October 2013
CreatorsMARCISZKO, Marianna
PublisherEcole nationale supérieure d'arts et métiers - ENSAM
Source SetsCCSD theses-EN-ligne, France
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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