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Rozsah tzv. preventivní povinnosti vlastníka lesa při obecném užívání lesa a ochraně přilehlých nemovitostí

ABSTRACT Mgr. Bc. Lukáš Raida The scope of so-called preventive obligations of forest owners relating to the general use of woods and the protection of surrounding properties. The aim of the thesis was to analyse the legal status, in particular with regard to jurisprudence, and to specify the scope of legal obligations of forest owners in relation to the general use of forests and the protection of surrounding properties. The thesis also includes a proposal for amendments to current legislation aimed at strengthening the position of the forest owners. On the basis of research into case law, the High Court of the Czech Republic has compiled a systematized overview of preventive obligations of the forest owners, and designed an effective system of care for the safety of the forests, accompanied by a record of carried out preventive activities. The introduction of these systemic measures significantly reduces the risk of liability for forest owners for damages incurred in general forest use, as well as damage to properties located near the forests. It was found that existing jurisprudence of the High Court, brought into effect in the Civil Code and valid until 31st December 2013, is and will remain applicable for cases of damage incurred after 31st December 2013, for effectiveness of the new Civil Code.
Date January 2017
CreatorsRaida, Lukáš
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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