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Populere spiritualiteitstendense : 'n gevallestudie van die Ned. Geref. Kerk Port Elizabeth-Hoogland

Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As minister in the congregation over the past fourteen years, the researcher is affected by mainly two popular trends in the spirituality of the church. On the one hand there is a trend where the observed expression of faith is characterised by an overriding emphasis on personal salvation. This spirituality allows the believer, especially in times of transition, an easy escape from the difficult and threatening context to a place where he/she, with particular emphasis on individual faith experiences, remain engaged in spiritual matters. The researcher calls it a spirituality of escapism. On the other hand, there is a trend where faith is declared and practiced from a rational perspective. This spirituality grabs, also especially in times of awkward transition, back to pure rational statement and traditionalism where believers find their security. The researcher calls it a spirituality of reductionism. Both escapism and reductionism are, according to the researcher, expressions of a dualistic spirituality which is not unique to the church or to the Dutch Reformed Church, but lies deep in the heart of the church in the Western world. These congregations are primarily busy with their own agendas and they are alienated from the community and society. The involvement with the need in the community and creation in both cases are not directly linked to the expression of faith. The researcher found the core of the reason for this deep-rooted dualism and individualism in the faith expression of the church in the way in which she understands the concept of salvation. The researcher takes his point of departure in the belief that there is a direct connection between the congregation's context, her understanding of salvation and her spirituality. The researcher found the reformed view of salvation especially helpful to offer a theological framework for an integrated spirituality, as is particularly found in missional theology. The researcher follows the four tasks of practical theological research of Richard Osmer (2008) in his endeavour to provide guidance to the congregation towards a more integrated spirituality. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: As leraar in die gemeente oor die afgelope veertien jaar is die navorser getref deur veral twee populêre tendense in die spiritualiteit van die gemeente. Enersyds is daar ’n tendens waargeneem waar die uitleef van geloof deur ’n oorheersende klem op persoonlike verlossing gekenmerk word. Hierdie spiritualiteit laat die gelowige, veral in tye van oorgang, maklik uit die moeilike en bedreigende konteks ontsnap na ’n plek waar hy/sy, veral met die klem op individuele geloofsbelewing, met geestelike sake besig bly. Die navorser noem dit ’n spiritualiteit van ontsnapping. Andersyds is daar ’n tendens waar geloof vanuit ’n rasionele raamwerk verklaar en uitgeleef word. Hierdie spiritualiteit gryp, eweneens in tye van ongemaklike oorgang, terug na suiwer rasionele verklaring en tradisionalisme vanwaar gelowiges hulle sekuriteit vind. Die navorser noem dit ’n spiritualiteit van reduksionisme. Beide ontsnapping en reduksionisme is, volgens die navorser, uitdrukkings van ’n dualistiese spiritualiteit wat nie uniek aan die gemeente of aan die NG Kerk is nie, maar diep in die wese van die kerk in die Westerse wêreld lê. Ten diepste is sulke gemeentes besig met hulle eie agendas en is hulle van die gemeenskap en samelewing vervreemd. Die betrokkenheid by die nood in die gemeenskap en die skepping is in albei gevalle nie direk met die uitleef van geloof verbind nie. Die navorser vind die kern van die rede vir hierdie diepgesetelde dualisme en individualisme in die geloofsbelewing van die kerk by die wyse waarop die konsep van verlossing verstaan word. Die navorser neem sy vertrekpunt by die oortuiging dat daar ’n direkte verband tussen die gemeente se konteks, haar verstaan van verlossing en haar spiritualiteit is. Die navorser vind die gereformeerde siening van verlossing behulpsaam om ’n teologiese raamwerk te bied vir ’n geïntegreerde spiritualiteit, soos dit veral in missionêre teologie beslag vind. Die navorser volg die vier take van prakties teologiese navorsing van Richard Osmer ten einde die gemeente op weg na ’n meer geïntegreerde spiritualiteit te begelei.
Date03 1900
CreatorsMalan, Eugene
ContributorsHendriks, H. J., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Formatxiv, 185 p. : ill.
RightsStellenbosch University

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