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Role of Rwanda woman in peace-making with a view to community development : a theological perspective

Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The story of the role of women in peace-making with a view to a Community development perspective is as old as the existence of the first human God created. The Bible shows that since the beginning of creation, a woman was given to man as a helper (Gen. 1:20-22). They both have responsibility to work, to bring change in the community and to make it a safe place to live. However, around the world women are among the most vulnerable when it comes to oppression, marginalization, injustice and all kinds of violence.
Rwanda is a country in the process of recovering from the genocide of 1994 which destroyed the country, cost many lives and left other people in unstable conditions physically, psychologically and spiritually. As a result, all Rwandans are victims of violence inflicted by this war and many Rwandans are still living with painful memories, trauma, poverty, HIV/AIDS, fear and continuing violence. There is a need to rebuild peace and bring justice and reconciliation. Women, despite being the most vulnerable, have many assets which could assist in the process of peacemaking. For this reason they should be included in the process of peace-making with the purpose of finding adequate ways to avoid the repetition of the genocide and reshape the country into a safe environment for all – Rwandans, foreigners and all vulnerable groups.
In this study, we will explore the concepts of peace, development and violence. These definitions will help us to understand that these three, influence the role of women in development. This means that, for women to be effective in development, they need a safe place to live, freedom to be involved according to their abilities in order to become positive life changers. It is proposed that Rwandan women will take up this challenge and continue to play a positive role in Rwandan community. They will speak out until their voices are heard and violence in the country is uprooted and until all Rwandans come back together again as a nation. Based on this study, recommendations will be given that may assist women to be more effective in their attempts to bring peace and develop the community as well as be effectively responsive to the needs of other vulnerable groups in Rwanda. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die verhaal van die rol van vrouens in vrede-maak met die oog op 'n Gemeenskaps-ontwikkeling perspektief is so oud soos die bestaan van die eerste mens wat God geskep het. Die Bybel dui aan dat sedert die begin van die skepping, 'n vrou aan die man gegee is as 'n helper (Gen. 1:20-22 ) . Hulle het albei die verantwoordelikheid om te werk, verandering in die gemeenskap te bring en dit 'n veilige plek te maak om te woon. Oor die wêreld heen is vrouens egter onder van die mees kwesbares wanneer dit kom by onderdrukking, marginalisering, onreg en allerhande vorme van geweld.
Rwanda is 'n land wat in die proses is om te herstel na die volksmoord van 1994 wat die land vernietig het, baie lewens gekos het en ander mense in onstabiele toestande, fisies, sielkundig en geestelik, gelos het. As gevolg hiervan, is alle Rwandese slagoffers van geweld wat deur die oorlog toegedien is en baie Rwandese leef nogsteeds met pynlike herinneringe, trauma, armoede, MIV/VIGS, vrees en voortgesette geweld. Daar is 'n behoefte om vrede te herbou en geregtigheid en versoening te bring. Vrouens, ten spyte daarvan hulle dat die mees kwesbares is, het baie bates wat sou kon help in die proses van vredemaak. Om hierdie rede moet hulle ingesluit word in die proses van vrede maak met die doel om voldoende maniere te vind om die herhaling van die volksmoord te voorkom en die land in 'n veilige omgewing te hervorm vir almal – Rwandese, buitelanders en alle kwesbare groepe. In hierdie studie sal ons die konsepte van vrede, ontwikkeling en geweld verken. Hierdie definisies sal ons help om te verstaan dat hierdie drie konsepte die rol van vrouens in ontwikkeling beïnvloed. Dit beteken dat, vir vroue om effektief in ontwikkeling te wees, het hulle nodig om op 'n veilige plek te woon, vryheid te hê om volgens hulle vermoëns betrokke te wees om positiewe lewensveranderaars te word. Daar word voorgestel dat Rwandese vrouens hierdie uitdaging sal opneem en voortgaan om 'n positiewe rol te speel in die Rwandese gemeenskap. Hulle sal praat totdat hulle stem word gehoor en geweld in die land ontwortel is en totdat alle Rwandese weer bymekaar kom as 'n nasie. Op grond van hierdie studie sal aanbevelings gegee word wat vrouens kan help om meer effektief te wees in hul pogings om vrede te bring en die gemeenskap te ontwikkel, sowel as om doeltreffend te reageer op die behoeftes van ander kwesbare groepe in Rwanda.
Date04 1900
CreatorsUkwishaka, Claudine
ContributorsAugust, K. T., Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.
PublisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageUnknown
Formatxi, 116 p. : map.
RightsStellenbosch University

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