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Uticaj ekstrudiranja na promene odabranih fizičko-hemijskih svojstava soje

<p>Cilj istraživanja je da se utvrde promene hemijskog sastava proizvoda na izlazu iz ekstrudera i prese (sojine pogače i ulja), tj. njihovog kvaliteta sa aspekta njihove dalje primene u proizvodnji stočne hrane, primene u prehrambenoj industriji ili daljoj primeni sojinog ulja u proizvodnji biodizela, a sve u funkcionalnoj zavisnosti od promenljivih karakteristika ulazne sirovine i parametara rada ekstrudera. Ekstrudiranje sojinog zrna vr&scaron;ilo se na ekstruderu tip E751, proizvođača &bdquo;SREM PRODUKT&ldquo; DOO iz Laćarka, a presovanje na presi tip PM-5S proizvođača &bdquo;BRONTO&ldquo; iz Ukrajine. Istraživanja koja su sprovedena u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji rađena su kao doprinos pro&scaron;irenju znanja vezanih za proces proizvodnje sojine pogače i sojinog ulja, a pored toga&nbsp; kako bi dobili praktične smernice za optimalnu kontrolu i modelovanje procesa estruzije i ceđenja soje kao i projektovanja ekstrudera. U cilju dobijanja i analiziranja podataka koji bi mogli da utvrde promene hemijskog sastava proizvoda na izlazu iz ekstrudera i prese (sojine pogače i ulja), tj. njihovog kvaliteta sa aspekta njihove dalje primene u proizvodnji stočne hrane, primene u prehrambenoj industriji ili daljoj primeni sojinog ulja u proizvodnji biodizela, a sve u funkcionalnoj zavisnosti od promenljivih karakteristika ulazne sirovine i parametara rada ekstrudera, sprovedena su eksperimentalna i laboratorijska ispitivanja. Eksperimentalna istraživanja su namenjena praktičnoj primeni kojom bi se proces proizvodnje sojine pogače i sojinog ulja mogao usavr&scaron;iti i optimatizovati. Rezultati koji su dobijeni ovim istraživanjima mogu biti korisni svima koji se bave proizvodnjom sojine pogače i sojinog ulja. Eksperimentalna istraživanja obavljana su na ekstruderu tip E-751 i presi tip PM-5S, ali su rezultati primenjivi i na drugim ekstruderima i presama drugih proizvođača koji koriste soju kao sirovinu i proizvode&nbsp; sojinu pogaču i sojino ulje. Na osnovu izvr&scaron;enih istraživanja, obrađenih i prodis<br />___________________Doktorska disertacija,&nbsp; autor:Kukić Predrag_____________________<br /><br /><br />_______________________________________________________________IV od 34<br />kutovanih rezultata do&scaron;lo se do funkcionalnih zavisnosti između pojedinih parametara ekstruzije i od promenljivih karakteristika ulazne sirovine sa jedne strane i karakteristika ekstrudata i sojinog ulja sa druge strane i na osnovu toga do&scaron;lo se do određenih zaključaka. Na osnovu eksperimentralnih ispitivanja ocenjen je uticaj promene odabranih fizičkohemijskih svojstava soje pri ekstrudiranju zrna soje. U disertaciji se krenulo od analize polazne sirovine tj. soje i njenog sadržaja proteina, ulja, slobodnih masnih kiselina i vlage, a zatim variranjem režima rada ekstrudera tj. doziranja ulaznog materijala praćeno preko opterćenja pogonskog elektromotora ekstrudera izraženog preko jačine struje [A], povr&scaron;ine otvora mlaznice i vlažnosti soje, praćen je sadržaj slobodnih masnih kiselina, fosfora i vlage u sojinom ulju posle presovanja ekstrudata, kao i sadržaj proteina, vlage, ulja, aktivnost ureaze i PDI u sojinoj pogači. Na osnovu sprovedenih istraživanja do&scaron;lo se do funkcionalnih zavisnosti između zadatih režima rada ekstrudera, ulazne sirovine i odabranih fizičko-hemijskih svojstava soje pri ekstrudiranju zrna soje. Tako da se sa porastom povr&scaron;ine otvora mlaznice i doziranja mase povećava se produkcija sojine pogače. Produkcija sojine pogače se povećava i kada se vlažnost ulazne sirovine povećava. Sa povećanjem vlažnosti ulazne sirovine i interakcije doziranja mase i povr&scaron;ine otvora mlaznice sadržaj vlage u sojinoj pogači se povećava. Na osnovu izvedenih istraživanja može se tđ. zaključiti da sa povećanjem povr&scaron;ine otvora mlaznice ekstrudera raste sadržaj ulja u sojinoj pogači za svaku od tri vlažnosti soje kao ulazne sirovine, dok sa povećanjem doziranja ulazne sirovine smanjuje se sadržaj&nbsp; ulja u sojinoj pogači za svaku od tri mlaznice. Povećanjem povr&scaron;ine otvora mlaznice ekstrudera, dolazi do smanjenja sadržaja proteina u sojinoj pogači, dok je obrnuto kod povećanja doziranja ulazne sirovine, tj. sa povećanjem doziranja sirovine u ekstruder povećava se sadržaj proteina u sojinoj pogači. Pozitivan efekat aktivnosti ureaze (∆pH) u<br />___________________Doktorska disertacija,&nbsp; autor:Kukić Predrag_____________________<br /><br /><br />_______________________________________________________________V od 34<br />sojinoj pogači je za veće vrednosti kako povr&scaron;ine otvora mlaznice, tako i interakcije promenljivih W (vlažnosti soje) i D (doziranje mase soje određeno preko opterećenja elektromotora). U sojinoj pogači PDI se povećava sa povećanjem vlažnosti ulazne sirovine, povr&scaron;ine otvora mlaznice ekstrudera i doziranja zrna soje kao ulazne sirovine. Razmatrajući dobijene podatke za sojino ulje dobijeno ceđenjem produkta ekstruzije dobijenog ekstruzijom soje sa predviđenim vlažnostima ulazne sirovine do&scaron;lo se do zaključka da se produkcija ulja smanjuje sa povećanjem povr&scaron;ine otvora mlaznice ekstrudera, a da pri povećanju doziranja ulazne sirovine povećava se produkcija sojinog ulja. Sadržaj vlage u sojinom ulju smanjuje se sa povećanjem povr&scaron;ine mlaznice ekstrudera, kao i sa povećanjem doziranja ulazne sirovine. Na osnovu ocenjenog modela najveće vrednosti sadržaja SMK se postižu pri najmanjim razmatranim vrednostima vlažnosti ulazne sirovine, pri čemu sadržaj SMK se povećava sa povećanjem doziranja mase.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Sadržaj fosfora u ulju se smanjuje sa povećanjem doziranja ulazne sirovine u ekstruder. Veća temperatura eksturzije [oC] postiže se pri manjim vrednostima vlage i povr&scaron;ine otvora mlaznice. Sa povećanjem doziranja mase i pri fiksnim vrednostima vlage i povr&scaron;ine otvora mlaznice očekivana vrednost temperature eksturzije opada. Sa povećanjem doziranja sirovine u ekstruder maksimalna očekivana vrednost potro&scaron;ene energija po kilogramu produkcije (sojina pogača + sojino ulje) se smanjuje. Sa povećanjem doziranja sirovine u ekstruder maksimalna očekivana vrednost potro&scaron;ene energije po kilogramu produkcije sojine pogače se smanjuje. Sa povećanjem doziranja sirovine u ekstruder minimalna očekivana vrednost potro&scaron;ene energije po kilogramu produkcije sojinog ulja se povećava</p> / <p>AB&nbsp;<br /><br />The aim of this research is to determine the changes in chemical composition of the products at the outlet of the extruder and press (soya meal and oil), i.e. their quality in terms of their further use in animal feed production, food industry or the further use of soybean oil in bio-diesel production, with the functional correlation between the variable characteristics of feedstock and operating parameters of the extruder. Extrusion of soybeans was carried out on the extruder, type E-751, manufactured by &quot;SREM PRODUKT&quot; DOO from Lacarak, and pressing of oil on the press, type PM-5S, manufactured by &quot;BRONTO&quot; from Ukraine. Studies that were conducted in this PhD Thesis were done as a contribution to the expansion of knowledge related to the production process of soya cake and soya oil, and to provide practical guidelines for the optimal control and modeling of the extrusion process and squeezing soybeans, as well as for the designing of the extruder. Some experimental and laboratory tests were conducted in order to obtain and to analyze data that could determine changes in chemical composition of the products at the outlet of the extruder and press (soya cake and oil), i.e. their quality in terms of their further use in animal feed production, food industry or the further use of soybean oil in bio-diesel production, all with the functional correlation between variable characteristics of feedstock and operating parameters of the extruder. Experimental researches are intended for practical application, by which the production process of soya cake and soybean oil could be enhanced and optimized. The results obtained in these researches can be useful to everyone involved in the production of soya cake and soya oil. Experimental studies were carried out on the extruder, type E-751 and the press, type PM5S, but the results are also applicable to other extruders and presses from other manufacturers, that use soybean as a raw material and produce soybean cake and soybean oil. The conducted researches, processed and discussed results have led to the functional correlations between different extrusion parameters and variable characteristics of the incoming raw<br />___________________Doktorska disertacija,&nbsp; autor:Kukić Predrag_____________________<br /><br /><br />_______________________________________________________________IX od 34<br />materials on the one hand, and the characteristics of the extrudate and soybean oil on the other hand, and further on to the certain conclusions. Based on the experimental researches, the impact of changes in selected physical and chemical properties of soybeans was evaluated in the extrusion of soybeans. The PhD Thesis started with the analysis of raw material i.e. soybean and its composition: protein, oil, free fatty acids (FFA) and moisture, and then, the content of free fatty acids, phosphorus and moisture in soybean oil after pressing the extrudate were monitored, as well as protein, moisture, oil, urease activity and PDI (Protein Dispersibility Index) in soya cake by varying the operating mode of the extruder, i.e. feeding of raw material, monitored via load of the main drive motor of the extruder expressed through amperage [A], the die openings surface and moisture of soybeans. The conducted researches have led to the functional correlations between the preset operating modes of the extruder, incoming raw material and selected physical and chemical properties of soybeans in the extrusion process. Thus, with increasing the die openings surface and feeding mass, the production of soya cake is being increased as well. Production of soya cake is also increased with the increase of moisture in the incoming raw material. Moisture content in soya cake is being increased with the increase of moisture content in a feedstock and interactions of feeding mass and the die openings surface. Based on the conducted researches, it can be concluded that the oil content in soybean cake is being increased with the increase of the extruder die openings surface for each of the three moisture content in soybean as a feedstock, while the oil content in soybean cake is being decreased with increased dosage of feedstock for each of the three extruder dies. By increasing the surface area of the extruder die openings, there is a decrease of the protein content in soya expeller cake, while vice versa, with an increase in the dosing of input raw material, i.e. with increasing dosage of raw material to the extruder, the protein content in soya expeller cake is increased. The positive effect of urease activity (&Delta;pH) in soya cake is for larger values of the surface of extruder die<br />___________________Doktorska disertacija,&nbsp; autor:Kukić Predrag_____________________<br /><br /><br />_______________________________________________________________X od 34<br />openings as well as for the interaction of variables W (moisture in soybean) and D (soybean mass dosage determined via the load of the main electric motor). PDI in soybean cake increases with the increase in moisture content of raw material, the surface of the extruder die openings and the dosing of soybeans as a feedstock. Considering the data obtained for soybean oil, manufactured by squeezing the extruded soy product with the predicted moisture content in the feedstock, it has been concluded that the oil production decreases with increasing the surface of the extruder die openings, while by increasing the dosage of incoming raw material, the production of soybean oil is increased. Moisture content in soybean oil is reduced with the increase of the surface of the extruder die openings, as well as with an increase in dosage of feedstock. Based on the evaluated model, the largest values of FFA content were achieved with the smallest considered values for the moisture content in the incoming feedstock, wherein the content of FFA increases with increasing the feeding mass. The phosphorus content in the oil decreases with increasing the feeding of raw material into extruder. Higher extrusion temperatures [oC] are achieved at the lower values of moisture and surface of extruder die openings. With increasing the feeding mass and fixed values of moisture content and die openings surface, the expected value of the extrusion temperature decreases. With increasing the dosage of raw materials into the extruder, the largest expected value for the energy, spent per kilogram of production (soybean cake + soybean oil), decreases. By increasing the dosage of raw materials in the extruder, the largest expected value for the energy, spent per kilogram of soya cake production, is reduced. With increasing the dosage of raw materials in the extruder, the lowest expected value of energy, spent per kilogram of soybean oil production, increases</p>
Date02 February 2018
CreatorsKukić Predrag
ContributorsJanić Todor, Filipović Jelena, Pavkov Ivan
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageUnknown
TypePhD thesis

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