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Sales before ordinary viewing: A study on how selling before the ordinary viewing affects price developments in the housing market / Försäljning inna n ordinarie visning: En studie om hur försäljning innan ordinarie visning påverkar prisutvecklingen på bostadsmarknaden

The housing market has lately turned very intense with many speculators and hectic auctions. The high demand and stagnating supply has led to significant increase in housing prices around the Stockholm area. This has resulted in apartments being bought or sold before the ordinary viewings where one out of five apartments is today being sold before the actual viewing.  We have conducted a qualitative study where we have evaluated how selling before ordinary viewings affect the housing market and the corresponding reasons behind this. To enable a pertinent conclusion, we have gather theoretical information regarding what factors affect the housing markets together with interviews with several real estate agents. Furthermore, we have highlighted how the prices differ between apartments that were sold before and after the ordinary viewings. The results showed that the price development is not affected by whether the apartment was sold before or after the ordinary viewing. However, this was not the case if the buyer found the apartment especially lucrative, which meant that the buyer was willing to pay an abnormal high price for it in order to get it out of the market, and thus secure the apartment. We moreover found that it is more profitable for the seller to wait until after the viewing to sell the apartment if such a buyer could not be found. One of the main reasons as to why purchases before ordinary viewing has gotten such a strong foothold lately is because the buyer, and some extent the seller, wants to avoid the high level of competitiveness and hectic auctions. Other motives are to increase revenue and to make the deal as smooth and fast as possible. / Bostadsmarknaden har varit intensiv de senaste aren, visningarna har varit fulla av spekulanter och det har varit hektiska budgivningar. Den hoga efterfragan gentemot det laga utbudet har lett till en stark prisuppgang for bostadsratter i Stockholms lan. Det har aven lett till att kopa och salja innan ordinarie visning blivit vanligare den senaste tiden, da cirka var femte bostadsratt idag saljs innan ordinarie visning.   Det har ar en kvalitativ studie dar det undersokts hur forsaljningar innan ordinarie visningar paverkar bostadsmarknaden och varfor fler vill kopa eller salja innan ordinarie visning. For att komma fram till en slutsats har det inhamtats teorier kring vilka faktorer som paverkar bostadsmarknaden samt utforts intervjuer med flera bostadsmaklare och en illustration dar det undersokts slutpriser pa bostadsratter som salts innan och efter ordinarie visning.   Uppsatsens slutsats ar att prisutvecklingen inte paverkas av forsaljning innan ordinarie visning om inte spekulanten ar en kopare som blivit fascinerad av bostadsratten. Det leder till att den spekulanten ar villig att betala ett hogt pris for den bostadsratten just for att slippa konkurrens och en hektisk budgivning, som i sin tur kan leda till att spekulanten inte vinner budgivningen. Det ar mer lonsamt for en saljare att salja efter en ordinarie visning om en sadan spekulant inte dyker upp.   Nagra av skalen till att fler vill kopa innan ordinarie visning ar att spekulanter vill slippa konkurrens och hektiska budgivningar som har varit vanligt de senaste aren. Somliga skal till att salja innan ordinarie visning ar att saljaren vill forsakra sin vinst och att affaren skall ga till smidigt.
Date January 2016
CreatorsSingh, Alekh, Lahlou, Yosef Jawad
PublisherKTH, Fastigheter och byggande
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text
RelationTRITA-FOB ; BoF-KANDIDAT-2016:44

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