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Performativnost arhitektonskog prostora: Arhitektonski subjekat u funkciji proizvodnje značenja / Performativity of Architectural Space: Production of Meanings as a Function of Architecture

<p>Naučno-istraživački rad iz oblasti arhitekture; bavi se<br />istraživanjem i preispitivanjem fenomena performativnosti<br />arhitektonskog prostora kroz uspostavljanje njegovog partikularnog i<br />specifičnog modela, koji se vezuje za kriterijum proizvodnje značenja.<br />Osnovne odrednice koje su predmet istraživanja su: mehanizmi<br />uspostavljanja performativnog prostora (mehanizmi suočavanja,<br />korelacije i kadriranja), primena teorije funkcija arhitekture<br />(posebno definisanje ko-performativne i performativne funkcije),<br />dejstvenost i aktivnost arhitektonskog prostora.</p> / <p>Scientific research from the field of architecture; considers the research of<br />the phenomenon of architecture&rsquo;s performativity, through the establishment<br />of its particular and specific model, related to the criterion of production of<br />meanings. The research is determined by the following notions: mechanisms<br />of establishing spatial performativity (mechanisms of confrontation,<br />correlation, and framing); application of the architectural functions theory<br />(especially defining the co-performative and performative function); effects<br />and activity of architectural space.</p>
Date03 March 2018
CreatorsŽugić Višnja
ContributorsDinulović Radivoje, Atanacković-Jeličić Jelena, Zeković Miljana, Dadić Dinulović Tatjana, Dragičević Šešić Milena
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Fakultet tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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