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Doenças do corpo e doenças da alma: investigação psicossomática psicanalítica / Body Diseases and Soul Diseases. Psychoanalytic Psychosomatic Investigation

Relata 11 atendimentos de pacientes psicossomaticos do ambulatorio da fm de sao jose rio preto-sp. Discute o significado dos relatos para a configuracao de uma proposta de investigacao psicanalitica dos fenomenos psicossomaticos. A partir da demanda e da necessidade de promover adequacao entre a forma de escuta preconizada pela psicanalise, e as condicoes proprias desse atendimento institucional, inicia uma pratica clinica que procura caracterizar, no que ela tem de proprio e de heuristico. Localiza o problema implicito a psicossomatica, a interacao corpo-mente, interseccao de diversos saberes e campo fronteirico entre a psicanalise e a medicina assinalando contradicoes e dificuldades. Apresenta um relato da historia da medicina, dos primordios ate o seculo xix, quando a histeria e seus enigmas tornam-se ponto de partida para um novo saber. Descreve o surgimento da psicanalise, apresentando os principais pontos da teoria psicanalitica relevantes para a compreensao da formacao dos sintomas e da somatizacao. Propoe uma divisao entre a medicina psicossomatica e a psicossomatica psicanalitica. Enfim, apresenta 3 pontos para o balizamento da proposta: a consideracao do sintoma psicossomatico como um hieroglifo, o modelo da faixa de moebius como representacao apropriada para a interacao corpo-mente, e o ato psicanalitico como definidor da natureza da intervencao psicossomatica / The present work has emerged from the questions arisen at the clinicai treatment of patients who look for the Service of the Medicai College of São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, Brazil, in order to get the relief to their psychosomatic sufferings. From their demand and the need to promote an adequacy between the way of \"listening\" recommended by the Psychoanalysis and the own conditions of the institutionai service, a clinicai service, which we try to characterize here with its own and heuristic aspects, has begun. We have started by the location of the problem implicit in Psychosomatics, the mind-body interaction, in the intersection of several knowledges and borderline field between the Psychoanaiysis and Medicine. We have marked some of the contradictions present in this field and the difficulties of their characterization. Then we have proceeded to a report of the History of Medicine since its origins concerning healing through the 19th century when, with the adoption of the Cartesian dichotomy between mind-body and new medicai paradigms, the Hysteria and its enigmas became the starting point for a new knowledge. We described the appearence of Psychoanaiysis showing the main points of the psychoanalytic theory relevant to the understanding of the formation of symptoms and somatization. We propposed a division into two branches derived from the impact of the Psychoanaiysis on the heaiing techniques: the Psychosomatic Medicine and the Psychoanaiytic Psychosomatics, having collected their respective contributions. Thus we presented this paper which should be considered the minute of the foundation ofPsychosomatics. We propposed that in Georg Groddeck\'s work one may find the basis of a psychoanaiytic practice towards these patients. We have condensed and worked his best book, The Book of the It. Next, we presented the parameters of a Psychosomatic Practice inspired by this perspective. We have reporteded eleven cases of psychosomatic patients seen at the Service, and we have discussed what they mean when working out a proposal of a psychoanalytic investigation of the psychosomatic phenomena. Finally we presented three parameters for the delimitation of this proposal: the consideration of the psychosomatic symptom as a hieroglyph, the model of the Moebius\' Band as a proper representation of the mind-body interaction, and the psychoanalytic act as a nature-defining act of the psychosomatic intervention
Date18 December 1995
CreatorsLazslo Antonio Ávila
ContributorsLuiz Carlos Nogueira, Maria Lucia de Araujo Andrade, Sylvia Leser de Mello, Maria Emilia Lino da Silva, Emirene Maria Trevisan
PublisherUniversidade de São Paulo, Psicologia Clínica, USP, BR
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP, instname:Universidade de São Paulo, instacron:USP

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