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Expression and suppression of prejudice: Investigating linguistic intergroup bias

The role of language in the transmission of prejudice has received much theoretical attention, including the features of the linguistic intergroup bias (LIB) paradigm (Maass, Salvi, Arcuri, & Semin, 1989; 2000). The LIB model posits that a person's linguistic choices in describing others may reveal positive in-group and negative out-group biases (e.g., Maass, 1999). The following studies investigate specific intrapersonal and socio-contextual variables related to both the mitigation and maintenance of linguistic intergroup bias. The first study examines the acquisition of an out-group language and the subsequent development of out-group identity among minority Canadian Francophones as factors mitigating biased speech. Results reveal that second language (L2) confidence and out-group identification are both related to a decrease in negative out-group bias. However, these same factors appear to promote biased speech toward the in-group. This unexpected finding is understood in relation to the relative imbalance in social power between Francophone and Anglophone Canadians. A subsequent study expands upon these results, through investigation of the LIB in relation to relative group status. While some participants demonstrate a LIB effect, others show out-group favoritism, dubbed here as a reverse LIB effect. Moreover, minority-group members use linguistic bias differently than do majority-group members. These findings suggest that certain factors may in fact contribute to variations in the typical LIB effect. A final study explores the effect of an experimental manipulation of identity on the LIB. Among several revealing observations, analyses indicate that the priming of an inclusive, super-ordinate Canadian identity among minority group members has an effect on linguistic bias use. Results are discussed in the context of intergroup communication theory.
Date January 2011
CreatorsShulman, Jessica Leigh
PublisherUniversity of Ottawa (Canada)
Source SetsUniversité d’Ottawa
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format183 p.

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