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Culture of Caregiving in a Faith-Based Orphanage in Northeastern China

This project is a single case study of a private orphanage in Northeastern China. Three questions guided the investigation at the orphanage: 1) What do providers believe is their role in meeting the children's social-emotional needs? 2) How do providers' routines support children's social-emotional development? and 3) How do providers integrate their faith in caring for the children? Observations of and conversations with the orphanage director, co-director, and two direct-care providers were analyzed along the following four categories: Parenting Style, Dependency Paradigms, Daily Routines, and Spiritual Attributions. Data was hand-coded and analyzed for relevant themes within the four categories. Results support previous research suggesting Chinese parenting is best described as a blend of authoritarian and authoritative styles. Results also indicate that adult providers' intentional identification with traditional family roles (father, mother, aunt) provide the intimate environment that fosters children's social-emotional development. Additionally, a blending of both institutional and family care frameworks were evident in the daily routines of providers. Spiritual Attributions of God as a Source of Meaning and God as My Helper were significant contributions to the emotional support of providers and provided the vehicle for passing on spiritual beliefs to children.
Date27 June 2007
CreatorsNeimetz, M. Catherine
ContributorsChristina Groark, Eva Shivers, Jessica Griffin Burke, Carl Johnson
PublisherUniversity of Pittsburgh
Source SetsUniversity of Pittsburgh
Detected LanguageEnglish
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