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Diverzitet, distribucija, diferencijacija mikrostaništa i struktura zajednica mahovina Fruške gore / Diversity, Distribution, Microhabitat Differentiation and Community Structure of Bryophytes of Fruška Gora Mountain

<p>U&nbsp; radu&nbsp; je&nbsp; analizirana&nbsp; brioflora&nbsp; Fru&scaron;ke&nbsp; gore.&nbsp; Cilj istraživanja bio je&nbsp; utvrđivanje diverziteta, distribucije, uslova mikrostani&scaron;ta i strukture zajednica mahovina na&nbsp; različitim&nbsp; tipovima&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; na&nbsp; Fru&scaron;koj&nbsp; gori. Takođe,&nbsp; jedan&nbsp; od&nbsp; ciljeva&nbsp; je&nbsp; bio&nbsp; i&nbsp; testiranje&nbsp; i optimizacija&nbsp; metode&nbsp; za&nbsp; kvantitativna&nbsp; uzorkovanja briofita&nbsp; na&nbsp; različitim&nbsp; tipovima&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta.&nbsp; Terenska istraživanja su vr&scaron;ena u periodu 2013-2017 godine. Za<br />potrebe florističkih istraživanja terenska uzorkovanja su&nbsp; vr&scaron;ena&nbsp; metodom&nbsp; transekta&nbsp; na&nbsp; 120&nbsp; lokaliteta&nbsp; na području&nbsp; Fru&scaron;ke&nbsp; gore.&nbsp; Za&nbsp; testiranje&nbsp; i&nbsp; optimizaciju metoda&nbsp; za&nbsp; kvantitativna&nbsp; briolo&scaron;ka&nbsp; uzorkovanja kori&scaron;ćene&nbsp; su&nbsp; različite&nbsp; varijante&nbsp; metoda&nbsp; &bdquo;kvadrata&ldquo; (metod ugneždenih kvadrata za prizemnu briofloru i metod&nbsp; postavljanja&nbsp; mikroplotova&nbsp; na&nbsp; različitoj udaljenosti&nbsp; za&nbsp; epifitsku&nbsp; briofloru).&nbsp; Odgovarajuće metode&nbsp; su&nbsp; odabrane&nbsp; na&nbsp; osnovu&nbsp; kriva&nbsp; minimum areala&nbsp; i&nbsp; kriva&nbsp; sličnosti&nbsp; (eng.&nbsp; species-area&nbsp; curve, similarity&nbsp; area&nbsp; curve).&nbsp; Odgovarajuće&nbsp; metode&nbsp; su primenjene za dalja uzorkovanja u ovom istraživanju. Na pojedinim lokalitetima (&scaron;umska i livadska stani&scaron;ta) vr&scaron;eno je merenje nekoliko ekolo&scaron;kih parametara (pH zemlji&scaron;ta&nbsp; i&nbsp; kore&nbsp; drveta,&nbsp; vlažnost&nbsp; zemlji&scaron;ta, temperatura zemlji&scaron;ta, pokrovnost stelje, pokrovnost<br />zeljastih vaskularnih biljaka, udaljenost od potoka u &scaron;umskim stani&scaron;tima i udaljenost &scaron;umskih ekosistema na&nbsp; livadskim&nbsp; stani&scaron;tima)&nbsp; u&nbsp; cilju&nbsp; utvrđivanja&nbsp; uticaja merenih&nbsp; ekolo&scaron;kih&nbsp; parametara&nbsp; na&nbsp; diverzitet&nbsp; i distribuciju briofita.&nbsp; Briofitske zajednice su utvrđene na&nbsp; različitim&nbsp; tipovima&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta&nbsp; i&nbsp; podloge&nbsp; uz&nbsp; pomoć &bdquo;label&nbsp; propagating&nbsp; community&nbsp; detection&ldquo;&nbsp; analize.Rezultati&nbsp; ovog&nbsp; istraživanja&nbsp; su&nbsp; pokazali&nbsp; da&nbsp; je&nbsp; Fru&scaron;ka<br />gora područje koje se odlikuje visokim diverzitetom briofita&nbsp; i&nbsp; ukupno&nbsp; je&nbsp; zabeleženo&nbsp; 235&nbsp; briofitskih taksona (na osnovu literaturnih podataka i terenskih istraživanja).&nbsp; 73&nbsp; taksona&nbsp; briofita&nbsp; je&nbsp; prvi&nbsp; put zabeleženo&nbsp; na&nbsp; području&nbsp; Fru&scaron;ke&nbsp; gore.&nbsp; Od&nbsp; ukupnog<br />broja&nbsp; taksona,&nbsp; 11%&nbsp; je&nbsp; pod&nbsp; nekim&nbsp; stepenom ugroženosti ili zakonske za&scaron;tite. Metoda mikrocenoze se&nbsp; pokazala&nbsp; kao&nbsp; najadekvatniji&nbsp; metod&nbsp; za kvantitativna&nbsp; uzorkovanja&nbsp; prizemnih&nbsp; briofita&nbsp; (sa minimalnom adekvatnom veličinom kvadrata 0.5x0.5 m&nbsp; u&nbsp; &scaron;umskim&nbsp; odnosno&nbsp; 1x1&nbsp; m&nbsp; na&nbsp; livadskim stani&scaron;tima). Za epifitske briofite, kao najadekvatnija se&nbsp; pokazale&nbsp; metoda&nbsp; postavljanja&nbsp; mikroplotova dimenzija&nbsp; 10x10&nbsp; cm&nbsp; sa&nbsp; sve&nbsp; četiri&nbsp; strane&nbsp; stabla&nbsp; na međusobnoj udaljenosti od 20 cm. Struktura stani&scaron;ta ima&nbsp; značajno&nbsp; veći&nbsp; uticaj&nbsp; na&nbsp; diverzitet&nbsp; prizemnih briofita&nbsp; u&nbsp; &scaron;umskim&nbsp; stani&scaron;tima&nbsp; u&nbsp; odnosu&nbsp; na karakteristike&nbsp; zemlji&scaron;ta,&nbsp; dok&nbsp; je&nbsp; na&nbsp; livadskim<br />stani&scaron;tima zabeležen obrnut slučaj.&nbsp; Najveći uticaj na diverzitet epifitskih briofita ima visina na stablu kao i tip forofite. Na istraživanom području je detektovano devet&nbsp; zajednica&nbsp; u&nbsp; prizemnoj&nbsp; brioflori&nbsp; &scaron;umskih stani&scaron;ta;&nbsp; &scaron;est&nbsp; epifitskih&nbsp; zajednica;&nbsp; pet&nbsp; zajednica&nbsp; na livadskim&nbsp; stani&scaron;tima;&nbsp; četiri&nbsp; zajednice&nbsp; na&nbsp; trulim deblima&nbsp; i&nbsp; panjevima;&nbsp; 10&nbsp; zajednica&nbsp; na&nbsp; stenama&nbsp; i kamenju;&nbsp; četiri&nbsp; zajednice&nbsp; u&nbsp; potocima.&nbsp; Dobijeni rezultati&nbsp; predstavljaju&nbsp; građu&nbsp; za&nbsp; dalja&nbsp; briolo&scaron;ka istraživanja, kako floristička tako i ekolo&scaron;ka, i dopunu flore Srbije.</p> / <p>In&nbsp; this research, the bryophyte flora of Fru&scaron;ka gora Mountain was analyzed. The aim of this&nbsp; research was to determine the diversity, distribution, microhabitat conditions&nbsp; and&nbsp; community&nbsp; structure&nbsp; of&nbsp; bryophytes on different types of habitats on Fru&scaron;ka Gora. Also, one of the goals was testing and optimization of the method for&nbsp; quantitative sampling&nbsp; of bryophytes on different types of habitats. Field research was&nbsp; &nbsp; carried out&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; period&nbsp; 2013-2017.&nbsp; For&nbsp; the&nbsp; purposes&nbsp; of floristic research, field sampling was carried out using the&nbsp; transect&nbsp; method&nbsp; at&nbsp; 120&nbsp; localities.&nbsp; Different variants of the &quot;quadrat&quot; method (method of nested quadrats&nbsp; for terrestrial bryophytes&nbsp; and the method of&nbsp; placing&nbsp; microplots&nbsp; at&nbsp; different&nbsp; distances&nbsp; for&nbsp; the epiphytic&nbsp; byphytes)&nbsp; were&nbsp; used&nbsp; for&nbsp; testing&nbsp; and optimization of methods for quantitative&nbsp; bryophyte sampling. Appropriate methods were selected on the basis&nbsp; species-area&nbsp; curve&nbsp; and&nbsp; similarity-area&nbsp; curve. Appropriate&nbsp; methods&nbsp; have&nbsp; been&nbsp; applied&nbsp; to&nbsp; further sampling in this study. On some localities (forest and meadow habitats) several&nbsp; environmental parameters (pH&nbsp; of&nbsp; soil&nbsp; and&nbsp; bark&nbsp; of&nbsp; wood,&nbsp; soil&nbsp; moisture,&nbsp; soil temperature,&nbsp; roof&nbsp; cover,&nbsp; coverage&nbsp; of&nbsp; herbaceous vascular&nbsp; plants,&nbsp; distance&nbsp; from&nbsp; the&nbsp; stream&nbsp; in&nbsp; forest habitats&nbsp; and&nbsp; distance&nbsp; of&nbsp; forest&nbsp; ecosystems&nbsp; in meadow&nbsp; habitats)&nbsp; were&nbsp; measured&nbsp; in&nbsp; order&nbsp; to determine their&nbsp; impact&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; diversity&nbsp; and distribution&nbsp; of&nbsp; bryophytes.&nbsp; Bryophyte&nbsp; communities were&nbsp; identified&nbsp; on&nbsp; different&nbsp; substrates&nbsp; and&nbsp; habitat types&nbsp; using&nbsp; &quot;label&nbsp; propagating&nbsp; community detection&quot;&nbsp; analysis.&nbsp; The&nbsp; results&nbsp; of&nbsp; this&nbsp; study&nbsp; have shown that Fru&scaron;ka gora is an area characterized by a high&nbsp; diversity&nbsp; of&nbsp; bryophytes&nbsp; and&nbsp; a&nbsp; total&nbsp; number&nbsp; of 235 taxa&nbsp; were recorded (based on literature data and field&nbsp; research).&nbsp; 73&nbsp; taxa&nbsp; were&nbsp; recorded&nbsp; for&nbsp; the&nbsp; first time on this area. Of the total number of taxa, 11% is threatened&nbsp; or&nbsp; under&nbsp; legislative&nbsp; protection.&nbsp; The microcenose&nbsp; method&nbsp; proved&nbsp; to&nbsp; be&nbsp; the&nbsp; most adequate&nbsp; for&nbsp; quantitative&nbsp; sampling&nbsp; of&nbsp; terrestrial bryophytes (with a minimum quadrat size of&nbsp; 0.5x0.5 m in forests and 1x1 m in meadow habitats). For the epiphytic&nbsp; bryophytes,&nbsp; the&nbsp; method&nbsp; of&nbsp; placing&nbsp; the microplots (10x10 cm) on all four sides of the tree at a&nbsp; distance&nbsp; of&nbsp; 20&nbsp; cm&nbsp; is&nbsp; most&nbsp; suitable.&nbsp; The&nbsp; stand structure&nbsp; has a significantly greater influence on the diversity of terrestrial&nbsp; bryophytes&nbsp; in&nbsp; forest&nbsp; habitats compared&nbsp; to&nbsp; soil&nbsp;&nbsp; haracteristics,&nbsp; while&nbsp; in&nbsp; the meadow&nbsp; habitats&nbsp; there&nbsp; is&nbsp; a&nbsp; reverse&nbsp; case.&nbsp; The greatest&nbsp; influence&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; diversity&nbsp; of&nbsp; epiphytic bryophytes has height on the tree as well as the type of&nbsp; phorphyte.&nbsp; In&nbsp; the&nbsp; investigated&nbsp; area,&nbsp; nine bryophyte&nbsp; communities&nbsp; were&nbsp; detected&nbsp; in&nbsp; ground bryopyhte&nbsp; flora&nbsp; of&nbsp; forest&nbsp; habitats;&nbsp; six&nbsp; epiphytic communities; five communities in meadow habitats; four&nbsp; communities&nbsp; on&nbsp; rotten&nbsp; trunks&nbsp; and&nbsp; horns;&nbsp; 10 communities&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; rocks&nbsp; and&nbsp; stones;&nbsp; four communities&nbsp; in&nbsp; streams.&nbsp; The&nbsp; obtained&nbsp; results represent the&nbsp; base&nbsp; for&nbsp; further&nbsp; bryological&nbsp; research, both floristic and ecological, and the addition&nbsp; to the flora of Serbia.</p>
Date11 June 2019
CreatorsIlić Miloš
ContributorsVukov Dragana, Igić Ružica, Radulović Snežana, Orlović Saša, Veljić Milan
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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