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Identification of cloud service use-cases and quality aspects:end-user perspective : Learnability, Operability and Security quality attributes and their corresponding use cases

Context. With the entry of smart-phones on the market in the beginningof 2007, the integration of an mp3 player, camera and gps into an all in onedevice. As the integration was realized, creating and storing own contentbecame easier. Therefore the need of more storage became a problem as thesmart-phones were limited in capacity. The 3G network was on the rise andthe cloud solutions could help to contribute to the storage problems usersstarted to have. Objectives. In this study we will evaluate what can be done with use casesin terms of quality attributes, seeing it from a users perspective by havingusers rank use cases for cloud services. With further investigation we willmake a contribution of what the differences between public and personalclouds are. Methods. Use-cases were found by the conducted empirical study andwere based on a Systematic mapping review. In this review, a number ofarticle sources are used, including Google search, Bth summon and Googlescholar. Studies were selected after reading the articles and checked if thepapers matched our defined inclusion criteria. We also designed a surveywith variable amount of questions depending on what the participant wouldanswer. The questions were featured in terms of functionality interpretedfrom the use-cases found in the SLM. Results. Through our SLM we found six different use-cases which were Recovery, Collaborative working, Password protection, Backup, Version tracking and Media streaming. The identified quality attributes gave two or moremappings to their corresponding use-case. As for the comparison betweendifferent clouds, only two out of six use-cases where implemented for the Personal cloud. Conclusions. This gave us the conclusion that the vendors have beenmostly focusing on the storage part of the Personal cloud, but there are solutions in order to increase the functionalities. Those solutions will probably not fit everyone as it includes open source software, with skills of handling installation and other procedures by the user.
Date January 2016
CreatorsHaghverdian, Pol, Olsson, Martin
PublisherBlekinge Tekniska Högskola, Institutionen för programvaruteknik, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Institutionen för programvaruteknik
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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