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Sinestezijska metafora u pridevima u engleskom i srpskom jeziku:kognitivnolingvistički pristup / Synaesthetic Metaphors in Adjectives in English and Serbian Language:Cognitive Linguistic Approach

<p>Sinestezijska metafora smatra se posebnom vrstom metafore kod koje je izvorni domen utisak primljen preko jednog čula, dok je ciljni domen utisak primljen preko drugog čula, npr. o&scaron;tar ukus, sladak miris, tople boje i sl. Rezultati dosada&scaron;njih istraživanja ukazuju na izvesne op&scaron;te tendencije vezane za smer metaforičkog preslikavanja kod sinestezijskih metafora: hijerarhijski &bdquo;niža&ldquo; čula, kao &scaron;to su dodir i ukus, preslikavaju se na &bdquo;vi&scaron;a&ldquo; čula, kao &scaron;to su zvuk i vid, odnosno, konkretniji i dostupniji čulni modaliteti preslikavaju se na apstraktnije. Primećeno je da ove tendencije postoje u različitim jezicima i različitim diskursima i da su primenjive kako kod dijahronih tako i kod sinhronih istraživanja. S druge strane, utvrđene su i izvesne razlike između različitih jezika koje se mogu pripisati pre svega kulturolo&scaron;kim uticajima. S obzirom na to da su u sinestezijskim metaforama oba domena čulna, posebna pažnja se posvećuje i specifičnoj perceptivnoj ali i kognitivnoj osnovi ovih metafora.<br />Cilj istraživanja u ovoj disertaciji je da se kroz kontrastivnu analizu izuče sinestezijsko-metaforički prenosi značenja u engleskom i srpskom jeziku i ukaže na univerzalne tendencije kao i međujezičke varijacije, dok se posebna pažnja posvećuje upravo perceptivnim, kognitivnim i kulturolo&scaron;kim aspektima ove pojave.<br />Istraživačka građa sačinjena je od sinestezijskih prideva, odnosno prideva koji imaju dva ili vi&scaron;e značenja u različitim čulnim domenima. Istraživanje je rađeno na osnovu rečničke analize, dok su konsultovani i elektronski korpusi. Za svaki čulni domen (a ukoliko je moguće i za poddomene nekih čula) ustanovljene su tendencije u smerovima metaforičkog preslikavanja. Rezultati su obrađeni deskriptivnom i kontrastivnom metodom i obrazloženi uz pomoć saznanja iz oblasti kognitivne lingvistike ali i drugih naučnih oblasti.</p> / <p>Synaesthetic metaphors are considered to be a special type of metaphor in which one sensory modality is described in terms of another, e.g. sharp taste, sweet smell, warm colours etc. Research conducted in different languages indicates that there are certain tendencies concerning the directionality of metaphoric mapping: that hierarchically &ldquo;lower&rdquo; senses, such as touch and taste tend to map onto &ldquo;higher&rdquo; modalities, such as sound and sight; alternatively, we can say that more concrete and more accessible modalities tend to map onto more abstract ones. The determined tendencies proved to be applicable even to linguistically unrelated languages, different registers and to both diachronic and synchronic studies. On the other hand, there are certain differences among different languages, which can be attributed to cultural influences. Also, since both domains in synaesthetic metaphors are sensory modalities, a special emphasis in studies is placed on the particular perceptive as well as cognitive bases of this phenomenon.<br />The research in this thesis is a contrastive analysis of synaesthetic transfers of meaning in English and Serbian. The aim of the research is to point to universal tendencies of synaesthetic metaphors and cross-linguistic variations between the two languages, while special emphasis is placed on the particular perceptive and cognitive bases of this phenomenon, as well as the influences of culture on the formation of these expressions.<br />The language material is composed of synaesthetic adjectives, i.e. adjectives that have two or more meanings in different sensory domains. The research is based on the analyses of dictionary entries of English and Serbian sensory adjectives, while additional examples are collected form electronic corpora. The directionality of mapping is determined for each sensory domain (and, if possible, for sensory subdomains). The research results are analysed using descriptive and contrastive methods and explained using findings from the field of cognitive linguistics as well as other relevant scientific fields.</p>
Date17 June 2014
CreatorsKomaromi Bojana
ContributorsRadić-Bojanić Biljana, Halupka-Rešetar Sabina, Silaški Nadežda
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Filozofski fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageUnknown
TypePhD thesis

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