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Analysis of the expression of INSR and FOX Genes in Celiac Disease

Celiac disease (CD) is a common heritable immune related disorder where chronic inflammationof the small intestine is induced by the ingestion of gluten. The immune response leads to theinflammation and flattening of intestinal mucosa due to the damaged villi and thus results indefects in the absorption of nutrients. This defect can affect any organ or body system and exposeto the risk of lifelong complications such as cancer, autoimmune diseases and other complexdiseases. Now a day, celiac disease is becoming one of the well-studied models of complexdisorders.The PI3K- FOX signaling pathway is activated by many regulators and growth factors and playsa key role in cell cycle. Two components of this pathway, INSR and FOX, play crucial roles indiverse aspects of embryogenesis from the initial tissue genesis up to organ formation. INSR andFOX take part in development, differentiation, proliferation, apoptosis and stress resistance aswell as metabolism. SNP´s could affect the expression of neighboring genes. These SNP´s areshown to be as eQTLs, genomic loci that regulate the expression of genes. The aim of this studywas to detect and quantitate the expression of INSR and certain FOX genes in celiac disease.Quantitative real time PCR (QPCR) was used to analyze the expression of INSR, FOXO1,FOXO4 and FOXD3 genes in 38 celiac cases and 50 control samples. Three reference genesACTB, EPCAM and PGK1 were tested for their expression stability and their average was used inthe normalization procedure. Gene expression results were analyzed using the ΔCt method. Theexpression of INSR, FOXO1, FOXO4 and FOXD3 were described as their fold change in CDcompared to normal non-celiac mucosa. Our results indicated that FOXO4 and INSR wereexpressed less by 0.60 fold and FOXO1 was expressed less by 0.23 fold in CD samples. Theresults are preliminary and further studies will be needed to confirm if these findings are a resultof the intestinal inflammation in CD or if these genes are partly driving the disease itself.
Date January 2012
CreatorsHagos, Daniel Yemane
PublisherHögskolan i Skövde, Institutionen för vård och natur
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text
RelationUtbildning och lärande

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