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Modelování klimatu na omezené oblasti / Regional Climate Modeling

Regional climate models are commonly used for downscaling global climate simulations to the regional scale using nested limited-area models. One of the main goals of this work was the application of regional model RegCM in very high resolution for the region with complex topography in the framework of EC FP6 project CECILIA. RegCM was employed to downscale climate change scenario simulations performed by ECHAM5 model according to the IPCC A1B emission scenario for Central and Eastern Europe in 10km resolution. Validation of model performance, assessed by nesting RegCM in ERA-40 reanalysis, shows improvement of regional climate patterns mainly in mountainous areas. Temperature is well represented with mostly cold bias around -1 žC. Precipitation is affected by large biases around 80 %, in mountainous areas up to 400 % overestimation in winter. Downscaled climate change signal shows average warming 0.5­1.5 žC in period 2021­2050 and 2­4 žC in period 2071­2100. Precipitation changes are mostly within ±0.5 mm/day. RegCM3­beta version with adjusted precipitation scheme parameters shows improvement of the precipitation bias, difference in climate change is rather negligible. Experiments with different convection schemes of RegCM in a case study for Africa performed in the framework of CORDEX project are...
Date January 2011
CreatorsBelda, Michal
ContributorsHalenka, Tomáš, Huth, Radan, Metelka, Ladislav
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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