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Odnosi i transformacije fizičkih struktura vojvođanskih naselja u urbanističkim planovima posle 2000. godine / The Relations and Transformations of the Physical Structures in the Urban Planning of Vojvodina Towns After 2000.

<p>Disert acija je usmerena na ist raživ anje urbanist ičkih rešenja v ažećih<br />planov a naselja u Vojv odini, sa t ežnjom da se prouči način, logika, s misao<br />i ideje planiranja buduće fizičke st rukt ure gradov a, odnos prema njenim<br />brojnim element ima i njihov im kompleksnim i živ im odnosima.<br />Analizirano je ukupno dv anaest planov a det aljne regulacije koji se bav e<br />t ransformacijom, rev it alizacijom fizičkih st rukt ura fragmenat a<br />naselja. Rezult at i ist raživ anja pot v rđuju post avljene hipot eze, odnosno<br />različit ost i prist upa planiranju t ransformacija fizičkih st rukt ura<br />v ojv ođanskih naselja, nedost at ke, mane i kv alit et e i u zaključnom delu su<br />dat e određene smernice koje t reba da doprinesu prev azilaženju uočenih<br />problema kao i dopune post ojeća naučna saznanja iz oblast i urbanizma.</p> / <p>Dissertation is focused on the research of urban solutions current plans for<br />settlements in Vojvodina, with the aim to study the way the logic, sense and<br />ideas of planning the future physical structure of cities, the relationship to its<br />many elements and their complex and vibrant relationships. A total of twelve<br />zoning plans that deal with the transformation, revitalization of the physical<br />structure of the fragments of the towns are studied. The research results<br />confirm the hypotheses and diversity approach to planning the transformation<br />of the physical structure of Vojvodina settlements, defects, flaws and<br />qualities and in the concluding section are given some guidelines that should<br />contribute to overcoming the identified problems as well as amendments to<br />existing scientific knowledge in the field of urban planning.</p>
Date29 December 2014
CreatorsDragičević Vladimir
ContributorsReba Darko, Radivojević Radoš, Dinulović Radivoje, Đokić Vladan, Atanacković-Jeličić Jelena, Kostreš Milica
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Fakultet tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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