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Response of Helicoverpa armigera to agricultural environments diversified through companion planting.

This study investigated the potential of companion planting as a strategy to aid in the management of Helicoverpa armigera in tomato and capsicum cropping systems. The investigaitons showed that a companion planting type system is unlikely to confer any benefits to the management of H. armigera in these crops. The project has contributed to the understanding of H. armigera host selection and how the pest responds to a diversified environment. Companion planting and vegetational diversity are strategies for reducing pest incidence on crops. Many theories have been devised to explain how introducing more than one plant species to a cropping space may reduce the incidence of a pest. Five ecological theories formed the basis of experiments in this study: The resource concentration hypothesis - Herbivores are more likely to find and remain on hosts that are growing in dense or nearly pure stands (Root, 1973). Associational resistance/Plant apparency - Crop plants grown as monocultures are more apparent to herbivorous insects than plants in diverse natural systems (Tahvanainen and Root, 1972). Trap cropping – the use of plants within a cropping area to attract oviposition away from the main crop (Banks and Ekbom, 1999). The ability of H. armigera to learn in regard to host seleciton (Cunningham et al., 1998a). The natural enemies hypothesis - generalist and specialist natural enemies are expected to be more abundant in diverse rather than simple systems (Root, 1973) A tall variety of sorghum (the forage variety Chopper) was tested for its ability to disrupt host location. Sorghum was planted around plots of tomatoes to act as a screen to disrupt visual cues for host location by Helicoverpa spp. No difference was found in egg numbers on tomatoes with or without sorghum companions. However, significantly higher numbers of Helicoverpa spp. larvae were found in the sorghum at flowering than in the tomatoes. This suggested the sorghum was acting as a trap crop, diverting oviposition away from the tomato crop. However, due to a short period of flowering and therefore peak attractiveness to H. armigera, sorghum was not considered to be a suitable companion plant for inclusion in commercial tomato production systems. A host preference study was conducted to determine the preferences of H. armigera for crop plants and possible companions in the hope of finding a suitable trap crop species. Tomatoes were shown to be a highly preferred plant making it difficult to find a compatible trap crop species that would be more attractive than the main crop. However, capsicums were less prefered and therefore more suitable for this type of experimentation. Marigolds were also found to be a highly preferred plant and formed the basis for further investigations into trap cropping systems. Field experiments were conducted in successive years in two geographical locations to assess the suitability of marigolds as a trap crop for capsicums in a field situation. However, in both years H. armigera incidence was extremely and unusually low leading to inconclusive results. A glasshouse experiment was performed to assess if the ratio of capsicum plants to marigolds plants had an effect on which species H. armigera would choose for oviposition. It was found that as more capsicum plants were introduced, moths became less likely to oviposit on the supposedly more preferred marigold plant. The diminishing attractiveness of a more preferred host in the presence of other hosts is a new observation of H. armigera behaviour. This result suggests that marigolds would be unlikely to be a successful trap crop in a field situation. The ability of H. armigera to learn in regard to host selection and the influence of this on host selection in the field was investigated. No evidence of learning was found. This was the first study investigating the effect of learning in a field situation; previously the behaviour had only been investigated in a laboratory situation (Cunningham, et al. 1998a). The ability of the Australian assassin bug, Pristhesancus plagipennis (Walker) (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) to predate H. armigera larvae on capsicum plants was investigated. This predator has been sucessfully been used for H. armigera management in cotton (Grundy, 2000b), but had not been investigated in horticultural crops. Significant reductions in larvae were achieved in treatments where assassin bugs were introduced. This predator warrants further investigation for inclusion in commercial integrated pest managment programs for capsicums. Pest repellent plants were also considered. Previous to this study, very little research work had been conducted on repellent plants for H. armigera. The herbs investigated were catnip (Nepta cataria), tansy (Tanacetum vulgare), basil (Ocium basilicum) and coriander (Coriander sativum). An olfactometer system was designed and built to test H. armigera moths’ responses to odours from the herbs. Glasshouse experiments were also conducted. No repellent activity was recorded with any of the herbs tested. The results of this study support the theory that Helicoverpa spp. employ a strategy of passive host selection as suggested by Firempong (1986). This means that all available plants in an area may be oviposited on with successful ovipostion and larval development leading to the future utilisation of a species as a host plant. The implication of this finding is that in-field trap cropping is unlikely to be a successful strategy for reducing H. armigera oviposition in tomato or capsicum production systems in Australia. In cotton crops in Australia, trap cropping is used as part of an area wide management strategy and aims to reduce the total Helicoverpa spp. population of a region. Such a strategy may also be successful in horticultural crops but only with the full participation of the growers of all crops that are attractive to H. armigera in a horticultural growing region. Due to the diverse nature of horticultural production this may be a difficult task.
CreatorsRenee Herde
Source SetsAustraliasian Digital Theses Program
Detected LanguageEnglish

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