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Estudo da qualidade ambiental do reservatÃrio pentecoste por meio do Ãndice de estado trÃfico modificado / study of environmental quality of reservoir by Pentecost Trophic State Index

Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst / A crescente preocupaÃÃo com a manutenÃÃo da qualidade ambiental das fontes hÃdricas no Cearà remete à intensa degradaÃÃo dos reservatÃrios pelo fenÃmeno da eutrofizaÃÃo, que resulta do enriquecimento acelerado de nutrientes, provenientes, particularmente, dos lanÃamentos de efluentes de zonas rurais, urbanas e industriais. O fato da Ãgua se apresentar como principal fator limitante do desenvolvimento e melhoria do bem-estar das populaÃÃes do Semi-Ãrido, naturalmente insuficientes em suas disponibilidades hÃdricas, marca a importÃncia de se melhor compreender esse fenÃmeno, a fim de se manter os possÃveis usos dessas fontes hÃdricas, jà que para todo e qualquer uso existe um padrÃo de qualidade que deve ser respeitado. Este trabalho pretendeu estudar o comportamento dos indicadores da qualidade da Ãgua do reservatÃrio Pentecoste,
Estado do CearÃ, buscando identificar as principais transformaÃÃes nos seus nÃveis trÃficos por meio do mÃtodo de cÃlculo do Ãndice de Estado TrÃfico Modificado. Como perspectiva de anÃlise se utilizou a variabilidade temporal e espacial das informaÃÃes limnolÃgicas disponÃveis para os anos de 2001 a 2008. O resultado desta anÃlise demonstrou que os teores de fÃsforo total, ortofosfato solÃvel e clorofila a se mantiveram bem elevados, indicando atà mesmo a tendÃncia do aÃude Pentecoste ao alto grau de eutrofizaÃÃo. O comportamento desses indicadores foi bem relacionado aos processos hidrolÃgicos do reservatÃrio, particularmente ao
regime pluviomÃtrico, que determinou fortemente a variabilidade da qualidade da Ãgua durante o perÃodo estudado, apontando, inclusive, os anos de 2004 e 2006 como crÃticos. Para classificaÃÃo do estado trÃfico, o uso dos indicadores se mostrou
bem adequado, devido à boa relaÃÃo de causa e efeito entre estes, e a relaÃÃo nitrogÃnio e fÃsforo total indicou o fÃsforo como elemento limitante do desenvolvimento fitoplanctÃnico neste reservatÃrio. A caracterizaÃÃo do aÃude Pentecoste em relaÃÃo ao IETM determinou a predominÃncia do estado eutrÃfico, com leve tendÃncia a hipertrofizaÃÃo, principalmente nos perÃodos de maior pluviometria. A relaÃÃo da distribuiÃÃo temporal e espacial do regime pluviomÃtrico com a tendÃncia do estado trÃfico evidenciou o impacto das Ãguas drenadas das
chuvas como catalisador do processo de eutrofizaÃÃo, ressaltando, nesse sentido, que as formas de uso e ocupaÃÃo das Ãreas de entorno desse reservatÃrio podem
interferir diretamente na qualidade do mesmo. Quanto à dispersÃo espacial do IETM conclui-se que hà certa tendÃncia de agravamento da qualidade das Ãguas com a proximidade da barragem do aÃude e do municÃpio de Pentecoste, padrÃo que muda consideravelmente para os perÃodos chuvosos. Por fim, o estudo apontou que tanto a regularidade e intensidade amostral como a distribuiÃÃo espacial das coletas podem influenciar diretamente na classificaÃÃo do estado trÃfico de um corpo hÃdrico e no entendimento dos processos hidrolÃgicos deste reservatÃrio.

The growing concern with the maintenance of the environmental quality of water sources in Cearà refers to the intense degradation of reservoir through the eutrophication phenomenon, which results in an accelerated enrichment of nutrients from, particularly, the release of effluents from rural, urban and industrial zones. The fact of water presents as the main factor limiting of development and improvement of welfare of people in Semi- Arid, naturally insufficient in their water availability, marks the importance of the better understanding of this phenomenon in order to keep the possible uses of these water sources, as for any kind of use, there is a standard which should be respect. This study intended to examine the behavior of the indicators of water quality at Pentecoste reservoir, Cearà State, seeking to identify the main changes in their trophic levels using the method of calculating the Trophic State Index Modified. As a perspective of analysis, is used the spatial and temporal variability of limnological information available for the years 2001 to 2008. The result of this analysis showed that the levels of total phosphorus, soluble orthophosphate and chlorophyll a remained high, indicating even the tendency of the weir Pentecoste
high eutrophication. The behavior of these indicators was related to hydrological processes of the reservoir, particularly the rainfall regime, with strongly determinate the variability of water quality during the study period, indicating even the years 2004 and 2006 as critical. For the classification of the trophic estate, the use of indicators was well suited because of the good relationship of cause and effect between them, and the nitrogen and phosphorus indicated the total phosphorus as a limiting phytoplankton development in the reservoir. The characterization of the dam on Pentecoste IETM determined the predominance of eutrophic state, with a slight tendency of hypereutrophic, especially in periods of higher rainfall. The relationship of temporal and spatial distribution of rainfall regime with the trend of trophic state showed the impact of the rain water drainage systems as a catalyst in the process of eutrophication, emphasizing, in this sense, that the forms of use and occupancy of the areas surrounding the reservoir may interfere directly in the quality of it. As the spatial dispersion of IETM concludes that there is a trend of deterioration of water quality in the vicinity of dam and the dam and the city of Pentecoste, that pattern
changed considerably for the rainy periods. Finally, the study showed that both the frequency and intensity as the sample distribution of collections can directly influence
the classification of the trophic state of a water body and the understanding of hydrological processes in this reservoir. / The growing concern with the maintenance of the environmental quality of water sources in Cearà refers to the intense degradation of reservoir through the
eutrophication phenomenon, which results in an accelerated enrichment of nutrients from, particularly, the release of effluents from rural, urban and industrial zones. The
fact of water presents as the main factor limiting of development and improvement of welfare of people in Semi- Arid, naturally insufficient in their water availability, marks the importance of the better understanding of this phenomenon in order to keep the possible uses of these water sources, as for any kind of use, there is a standard which should be respect. This study intended to examine the behavior of the indicators of water quality at Pentecoste reservoir, Cearà State, seeking to identify the main changes in their trophic levels using the method of calculating the Trophic State Index Modified. As a perspective of analysis, is used the spatial and temporal variability of limnological information available for the years 2001 to 2008. The result of this analysis showed that the levels of total phosphorus, soluble orthophosphate
and chlorophyll a remained high, indicating even the tendency of the weir Pentecoste
high eutrophication. The behavior of these indicators was related to hydrological processes of the reservoir, particularly the rainfall regime, with strongly determinate
the variability of water quality during the study period, indicating even the years 2004 and 2006 as critical. For the classification of the trophic estate, the use of indicators was well suited because of the good relationship of cause and effect between them, and the nitrogen and phosphorus indicated the total phosphorus as a limiting phytoplankton development in the reservoir. The characterization of the dam on Pentecoste IETM determined the predominance of eutrophic state, with a slight tendency of hypereutrophic, especially in periods of higher rainfall. The relationship of temporal and spatial distribution of rainfall regime with the trend of trophic state showed the impact of the rain water drainage systems as a catalyst in the process of eutrophication, emphasizing, in this sense, that the forms of use and occupancy of the areas surrounding the reservoir may interfere directly in the quality of it. As the
spatial dispersion of IETM concludes that there is a trend of deterioration of water quality in the vicinity of dam and the dam and the city of Pentecoste, that pattern
changed considerably for the rainy periods. Finally, the study showed that both the frequency and intensity as the sample distribution of collections can directly influence
the classification of the trophic state of a water body and the understanding of hydrological processes in this reservoir.
Date12 May 2009
CreatorsRafael Reis Alencar Oliveira
ContributorsGeorge Satander SÃ Freire, Marta Celina Linhares Sales, Diolande Ferreira Gomes
PublisherUniversidade Federal do CearÃ, Programa de PÃs-GraduaÃÃo em Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente, UFC, BR
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFC, instname:Universidade Federal do Ceará, instacron:UFC

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