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Educa??o socialmente respons?vel : express?es no ensino de gradua??o em universidade comunit?ria

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Previous issue date: 2014-01-21 / The Socially Responsible University, in the context of university-society relations, has been associated with quality in the perspective of social pertinence, by means of managing teaching processes, research, extension and institutional management, which may contribute for facing issues concerning the legitimacy and sustainability of universities in the contemporaneity. In addition, the Socially Responsible Education, under the Socially Responsible University, regards academic processes on humanistic and professional training, fulfilling the Social Responsible mission of the university, and occurring, mainly, in ethics and citizenship training. Moreover, this study has approached the perspective of complex thinking by Edgar Morin, and, in the context of the ethics management of educational impacts by Fran?ois Vallaeys, both emergent subjects of the higher education scenario in this century. Furthermore, this research has sought to understand the Socially Responsible Education, its expressions and potentialities in the context of the Community University, aiming to contribute for the elaboration and/or qualification of educational policies and strategies towards ethics and citizenship training, and the advance of Socially Responsible management in the university as well. Through a qualitative approach, this study has not only identified the manifestations of the Socially Responsible University in the institutional planning and strategies of PUCRS, but also analyzed the expressions of Socially Responsible Education in the graduate teaching at this university. Beyond that, this research has carried out a documental analysis of the set of Pedagogical Course Projects, approved from 2009 to 2013, based on items such as socio-environmental responsibility and graduate profile; it has also investigated the perceptions of students from different courses on Socially Responsible Education and possible impacts on their ethics and citizenship training, through a focus group. The results have revealed the potential and diversity of ongoing institutional initiatives under the Socially Responsible University, and, more accurately, the Socially Responsible Education as well as identifying opportunities for the integration of these initiatives in a sustainable management pattern. Even if the predominant conception of social responsibility comes from the social commitment through the realization of community actions, Socially Responsible Education, ethics and citizenship training have been expressed in different fundaments, principles, strategies and institutional initiatives, highlighting the curriculum subjects that have treated these topics and theory-practical experiences in the social reality. Therefore, the perception of students has been fostering these expressions and revealing conceptions, gaps and expectations in relation to the role of the university in the Socially Responsible training. Thus, the results of this research have pointed to challenges and dilemmas to be faced when consolidating and fortifying SER in the university, from which some strategies have been suggested to be implemented on the management, and that are going to serve as an inspiration to this and other realities in the higher education field. Complex thought and emergent rationalities, which foster new pedagogical theories, have been taken as the bases for the Socially Responsible Education in the contemporaneity and its potentiality, in order to mobilize and reflect socially responsible processes associated with quality, being socially pertinent in the Community University, and considered as boosters of the new future. / A Responsabilidade Social Universit?ria no contexto das rela??es universidade-sociedade se associa ? qualidade na perspectiva da pertin?ncia social por meio da gest?o dos processos de ensino, pesquisa, extens?o e gest?o institucional que contribuam para o enfrentamento de quest?es ligadas ? legitimidade e ? sustentabilidade das universidades na contemporaneidade. A Educa??o Socialmente Respons?vel, no ?mbito da Responsabilidade Social Universit?ria, diz respeito aos processos acad?micos de forma??o human?stica e profissional no cumprimento da miss?o socialmente respons?vel da universidade e se manifesta, sobretudo, na forma??o ?tica e cidad?. Abordados neste estudo na perspectiva do pensamento complexo de Edgar Morin e no contexto da gest?o ?tica dos impactos educativos proposta por Fran?ois Vallaeys, ambos s?o temas emergentes no cen?rio da educa??o superior neste s?culo. A pesquisa busca compreender a Educa??o Socialmente Respons?vel, suas express?es e potencialidades no contexto de uma universidade comunit?ria, tendo em vista contribuir para a formula??o e/ou qualifica??o de pol?ticas e estrat?gias educativas em prol de uma forma??o ?tica e cidad? e do avan?o da gest?o da responsabilidade social na universidade. Por meio da abordagem qualitativa, o estudo identifica as manifesta??es da Responsabilidade Social Universit?ria no planejamento e nas estrat?gias institucionais da PUCRS (Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do rio Grande do Sul) e analisa as express?es da Educa??o Socialmente Respons?vel (ESR) no ensino de gradua??o desta universidade. Realiza an?lise documental do conjunto de Projetos Pedag?gicos de Curso aprovados no per?odo de 2009 a 2013 com base nos itens responsabilidade socioambiental e perfil de egresso, e investiga as percep??es dos alunos de diferentes cursos sobre a Educa??o Socialmente Respons?vel e os poss?veis impactos na sua forma??o ?tica e cidad?, por meio de grupo focal. Os resultados revelam a pot?ncia e a diversidade das iniciativas institucionais em curso no ?mbito da Responsabilidade Social Universit?ria e mais precisamente da Educa??o Socialmente Respons?vel, bem como identificam oportunidades para a integra??o dessas iniciativas em um modelo de gest?o sustent?vel. Ainda que a concep??o predominante de responsabilidade social seja do compromisso social por meio da realiza??o de a??es comunit?rias, a Educa??o Socialmente Respons?vel e a forma??o ?tica e cidad? se expressam em diferentes fundamentos, princ?pios, estrat?gias e iniciativas institucionais, com destaque ?s disciplinas que tratam desses temas e ?s experi?ncias te?rico-pr?ticas na realidade social. As percep??es dos alunos alimentam essas express?es e revelam concep??es, lacunas e expectativas em rela??o ao papel da universidade na forma??o socialmente respons?vel. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam desafios e dilemas a enfrentar na consolida??o e fortalecimento da ESR na universidade, a partir dos quais s?o sugeridas estrat?gias a serem contempladas na gest?o e que poder?o servir como inspira??o para essa e outras realidades no campo da educa??o superior. O pensamento complexo e as racionalidades emergentes que alimentam novas teorias pedag?gicas s?o tomados como bases para a Educa??o Socialmente Respons?vel na contemporaneidade em sua potencialidade para mobilizar e refletir processos de responsabilidade social associados ? qualidade com pertin?ncia social em universidade comunit?ria e que sejam impulsionadores de novos futuros.
Date21 January 2014
CreatorsSilva, In?s Amaro da
ContributorsMorosini, Mar?lia Costa
PublisherPontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do Rio Grande do Sul, Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o, PUCRS, BR, Faculdade de Educa?
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da PUC_RS, instname:Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, instacron:PUC_RS
Relation-8451285793228477937, 500, 600, 7024413195758546274

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