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Efeito da fonte de nitrog?nio na libera??o de OH-/H+ na rizosfera e a intera??o com toxidez de alum?nio, estresse de salinidade e associa??o com Trichoderma sp. / Effect of nitrogen supply in release of OH-/ H+in the rhizosphere and interaction with aluminum toxicity, salinity stress and association with Trichoderma sp

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Previous issue date: 2013-12-19 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq / The present study was conducted to evaluate if changes in rhizosphere pH of the growth media, controlled by the use of nitrogen sources could alleviate aluminum toxicity or effects caused by salinization. It is well documented that if a plant is absorbing and assimilating nitrate as a nitrogen source, it releases 0H - for growth substrate. If she is absorbing, assimilating, ammonia source releases H+. This occurs because the cells need to balance its electrochemical charge balance due to differential uptake of cations and anions. Despite being a general rule, scientific research directly use the nitrogen source in the growth medium, few have used other methods to add these sources, such as foliar application of nitrogen and its implications on load balancing. In this work, several alternative management of nitrogen application and its interactions with the toxicity caused by aluminum, excess salts and Trichoderma were studied. Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), Passionflower (Passiflora edulis f flavicarpa L.), Pineapple (Ananas comosus Merril), Coffee (Coffea arabica L), Almond (Terminalia catapa Linn) and Sombrero (Clitoria fairchildiana Howard). To conduct studies with plants Sunflower was initially performed a selection of more tolerant to acidity and salinity plants. The experiments were conducted on various substrates, soil and sand, simple and complete nutrient solution. The interaction between Trichoderma x nitrogen source for plants was conducted with Passion fruit and Sunflower. Were selected as moderately tolerant to aluminum to grow Sunflower Helium 360 , the other cultivars to toxicity occurred in contraction equal to or superior 160?M aluminum . Was selected as tolerant to salinity the H?lio 251 > 250 > 253, cultivars, with concentrations above 25 mM NaCl (1.90 dS.m?) plants were stop grown. After this step prior experiments cultivars tolerant or sensitive were used in accordance with the experimental needs. The experiments were divided into the following steps: In the first step, we evaluated the release of OH - / H + with application of nitrogen sources directly in the growth medium, and found that the nitrogen sources were unable to minimize the toxic effects of aluminum and salinity. In the second experiment, the effects of the release OH- /H+ with application of nitrogen sources in the association of the fungus Trichoderma sp. This fungus grown in petri dishes only at pH values above 5.0. The release of OH- / H+ did not influence the association of the fungus with the roots of plants of sunflower and Passion fruit. In the third step, we assessed whether foliar application of nitrogen sources could produce the same effects on efflux of loads in the rhizosphere. It was found that the nitrogen sources applied foliar increased the pH of the solution was applied when 10 % of nitrate and reduced the pH when applied 5 % and 10 % ammonium sulfate in plants of Coffee and 10 % of nitrate in Sunflower . The foliar application of nitrogen sources did not alter the toxicity of aluminum and not the salt effect on plants and Sunflower Coffee. / O presente trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de estudar se varia??es do pH da rizosfera e do meio de crescimento, controladas pelo uso de fontes nitrogenadas, poderiam amenizar a toxidez de alum?nio ou os efeitos provocados pela saliniza??o. Na literatura cientifica ? bem documentado que se uma planta esta absorvendo e assimilando nitrato como uma fonte nitrogenada, ela libera 0H- para o substrato de crescimento. Se ela esta absorvendo e assimilando uma fonte amoniacal libera H+. Isto ocorre devido ?s c?lulas necessitarem equilibrar o seu balan?o eletroqu?mico de carga, devido ? assimila??o diferenciada de c?tions e anions. Apesar de ser uma regra geral, os trabalhos cient?ficos usam a fonte nitrogenada diretamente no meio de crescimento, poucos utilizaram outros m?todos de adicionar estas fontes, como por exemplo, a aplica??o foliar de nitrog?nio e suas implica??es no balan?o de carga. Neste trabalho foram estudadas diversas alternativas de aplica??o de nitrog?nio e as suas intera??es com a toxidez provocada por alum?nio, excesso de sais e com o fungo Trichoderma. Foram estudas diversas plantas: Girassol (Helianthus annuus L), Maracuj? (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa L.), Abacaxi (Ananas comosus Merril), Caf? (Coffea arabica L), Amendoeira (Terminalia catapa Linn) e Sombreiro (Clitoria fairchildiana Howard). Para realizar os estudos com plantas de Girassol foi realizada inicialmente uma sele??o de plantas mais tolerantes a acidez e a salinidade. Os experimentos foram realizados em diversos substratos, solo, areia, solu??o nutritiva simples e completa. A intera??o entre fungo Trichoderma x fonte nitrogenada foi realizado para plantas de Girassol e Maracuj?. Foram selecionadas como medianamente tolerantes ao alum?nio a cultivar de Girassol H?lio 360, as demais cultivares a toxidez ocorreu em contra??o igual ou superiora 160?M de alum?nio. Foi selecionada como tolerante a salinidade as cultivares H?lio 251>250>253, com concentra??es acima 25mM de NaCl (1,90 dS.m?) as plantas n?o cresceram.Ap?s esta etapa foram implantados experimentos com as cultivares previamente selecionas como sens?veis ou tolerantes e estas foram utilizadas de acordo com a necessidade experimental. Os experimentos foram divididos nas seguintes etapas: Na primeira etapa, avaliou-se a libera??o do OH-/H+ com aplica??o das fontes nitrogenadas diretamente no meio de crescimento, sendo verificado que as fontes nitrogenadas n?o conseguiram minimizar os efeitos t?xicos do alum?nio e da salinidade. Na segunda etapa, avaliou-se os efeitos libera??o do OH-/H+ com aplica??o das fontes nitrogenadas na associa??o do fungo Trichoderma. Este fungo cresceu em placas de petri somente em valores de pH acima de 5,0. A libera??o de OH-/H+ n?o influenciou a associa??o do fungo com as ra?zes de plantas de Girassol e Maracuj?. Na terceira etapa, foi avaliado se a aplica??o foliar das fontes nitrogenadas poderia produzir os mesmos os efeitos nos efluxos de cargas na rizosfera. Foi verificado que as fontes nitrogenadas aplicadas via foliar aumentaram o pH da solu??o quando foi aplicado 10% de nitrato e reduziram o pH quando foi aplicado 5% e 10% de sulfato de am?nia em plantas de Caf? e com 10% de nitrato em Girassol. A aplica??o foliar de fontes nitrogenadas n?o alteraram a toxidez de alum?nio e nem do efeito salino em plantas de Caf? e Girassol.
Date19 December 2013
CreatorsSilva, Aldir Carlos
ContributorsJacob Neto, Jorge, Zonta, Everaldo, Goi, Silvia Regina, Silva, Eliane Maria Ribeiro da, Baldani, Vera Lucia D.
PublisherUniversidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Fitotecnia, UFRRJ, Brasil, Instituto de Agronomia
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRRJ, instname:Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, instacron:UFRRJ
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