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Die im Französischunterricht an Deutschsprachige zu vermittelnden Kategorien der Verbalflexion

Im Mittelpunkt des Beitrags steht eine sprachwissenschaftlich verantwortete Beschreibung der im Französischunterricht auf der Sekundarstufe I zu unterrichtenden grammatischen Kategorien der Verbalflexion. Aufgrund der Mängel in verbreiteten Lehrwerken erscheint es dringend notwendig, nachvollziehbare Empfehlungen zu den Tempora und Modi vorzulegen. Mein Vorschlag richtet sich in erster Linie an Lehrplan- und Lehrwerkautoren. / The following article focusses on the categories of verbal inflection to be included in future courses of French as a second compulsory foreign language. One could assume that the problem of selecting the tenses, modalities and infinite forms to be taught had been resolved for a long period of time. However, a comparison of several curricula from the old and new Bundesländer yield surprising results: There is no absolute correspondence between any two curricula. While one of the curricula prescribes too much, important elements are missing from others. Neglects in curricula can bear consequences on the contents of textbooks of French. In principle, curricula set the selection criteria which every textbook must fulfil before being condoned by the school authorities to be used in class. There seems to be an urgent need for a linguistically accurate description of the grammatical categories of verbal inflection that are to be taught on Sekundarstufe I level. This suggestion is directed at the authors of curricula and textbooks.
Date January 2000
CreatorsEggensperger, Karl-Heinz
PublisherUniversität Potsdam, Zentrale Organe, Gremien, Betriebseinheiten; Verwaltung. Sprachenzentrum
Source SetsPotsdam University
Detected LanguageEnglish

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