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跆拳道五種不同類型旋踢攻擊動作之運動學與動力學分析比較 / A Comparative Analysis of the Kinetics and Kinematics of Five Different Roundhouse Kicks in Taekwondo

摘 要
二、五種不同類型旋踢動作在動力學(相對力量)上具有差異,力量最大為360 o背轉旋踢,最小為空中兩腳旋踢。
六、以比較優秀組與一般組的五種不同類型旋踢動作在動力學(相對力量)上則無差異,但以優秀組的五種旋踢力量大於一般組選手。 / Abstract
At the present stage of Taekwondo competition, the Roundhouse Kick, with its speed and diversity, is the mostoften used and highest-scoring attacking technique, The main objective of this study was to make a comparative analysis of the kinetics and kinematics of five different roundhouse kicks in Taekwondo, which are the Lead Leg Roundhouse Kicks, the Slide Roundhouse Kicks, the Rear Leg Step Roundhouse Kicks, the Jump Double Roundhouse Kicks, and the Backward Turn Roundhouse Kicks. A secondary objective was to compare the difference between the weight divisions. Sixteen male Taekwondo athletes participated in the study, split into the two groups of lightweights and heavyweights, with eight athletes in each group, which were further divided according to ability into two sub-groups of four athletes each; top-level athletes in one group and athletes of average ability in the other. The reaction time, attack speed and relative force of the test subjects for the five different Roundhouse Kicks were measured using reaction equipment, accelerometers, and Bio-pac system. The data obtained were analyzed using GLM-Repeated Measures and an independent-Sample T Test. The results were summarized as followed:
1. Differences were observed in reaction times of the five different roundhouse kicks. The Slide Roundhouse Kicks showed the fastest reaction time and the Backward Turn Roundhouse Kicks was the slowest. Differences were also observed in the attack speed of the five kicks, the Lead Leg Roundhouse Kick was the quickest and the Rear Leg Step Roundhouse Kicks was the slowest.
2. Differences were observed in the relative force of the different roundhouse kicks, the most powerful movement was the Backward Turn Roundhouse Kick and the weakest being the Jump Double Roundhouse Kick.
3. In comparing the differences of reaction time between the lightweights and the heavyweights for the roundhouse kicks. Only the Lead Leg Roundhouse Kick showed a significant difference, with the reaction time of the lightweights being quicker than that of the heavyweights. No significant difference was found as regards attack speed between the two weight divisions. Although the heavyweights were generally quicker than the lightweights.
4. In comparing the differences of relative force between the lightweights and the heavyweights for the five roundhouse kicks. Only the Lead Leg Roundhouse Kick and the Backward Turn Roundhouse Kick showed a significant difference, with the lightweights showing more power than the heavyweights.
5. In comparing the differences of reaction time between the top-level group and the average-ability group for the five roundhouse kicks, there was no significant difference observed, although the athletes of average ability were slightly quicker than the top level athletes. No significant difference was observed as regards attack speed between the groups, although the speed of the top level athletes was generally quicker than the average-ability athletes.
6. In comparing the differences of reaction time between the top level athletes an those of average ability for the five roundhouse kicks, no significant difference was observed, although the top level athletes generally showed greater power than those of average ability. / 目 錄
中文摘要------------------------------------------------------------ Ⅰ
英文摘要------------------------------------------------------------ Ⅲ
誌謝------------------------------------------------------------------ Ⅴ
目錄------------------------------------------------------------------ Ⅵ
表目錄--------------------------------------------------------------- Ⅷ
圖目錄--------------------------------------------------------------- Ⅸ
第壹章 緒 論
第一節 前言--------------------------------------------- 01
第二節 研究動機--------------------------------------- 03
第三節 研究目的--------------------------------------- 05
第四節 研究假設--------------------------------------- 06
第五節 研究範圍--------------------------------------- 07
第六節 研究限制--------------------------------------- 07
第七節 名詞解釋--------------------------------------- 08
第貳章 文獻探討
第一節 有關跆拳道賽場攻擊動作型態分析之研究-- 14
第二節 有關跆拳道動作技能測試之研究------------- 16
第參章 實驗方法與步驟
第一節 實驗對象--------------------------------------- 21
第二節 實驗時間與地點------------------------------- 22
第三節 實驗儀器及功能------------------------------ 22
第四節 實驗設計--------------------------------------- 25
第五節 場地佈置圖------------------------------------- 26
第六節 實驗步驟與流程------------------------------- 27
第七節 資料收集與處理------------------------------- 30
第肆章 結果與討論
第一節 五種旋踢攻擊動作之比較--------------------- 33
第二節 輕量級與重量級之比較----------------------- 42
第三節 優秀組與一般組之比較----------------------- 50
第伍章 結論與建議
第一節 結論--------------------------------------------- 58
第二節 建議--------------------------------------------- 59
中英文參考文獻------------------------------------------ 62
附錄一 受試者各種旋踢攻擊動作之相關資料資料-- 65
附錄二 受試者基本資料------------------------------- 70
附錄三 受試者須知------------------------------------- 72
附錄四 受試者同意書---------------------------------- 73

表 目 錄

表3-1 受試者基本資料------------------------------------------ 21
表4-1 不同組別在五種旋踢攻擊動作之相關資料------------ 32
表4-2 五種旋踢攻擊動作的反應時間之變異數摘要表------ 34
表4-3 五種旋踢攻擊動作的反應時間之成對比較摘要表----- 35
表4-4 五種旋踢攻擊動作的攻擊速度之變異數摘要表------ 36
表4-5 五種旋踢攻擊動作的攻擊速度之成對比較摘要表----- 37
表4-6 五種旋踢攻擊動作的相對力量之變異數摘要表------ 38
表4-7 五種旋踢攻擊動作的相對力量之成對比較摘要表----- 39
表4-8 輕、重量級在五種旋踢攻擊動作的反應時間之比較- 42
表4-9 輕、重量級在五種旋踢攻擊動作的攻擊速度之比較- 44
表4-10 輕、重量級在五種旋踢攻擊動作的相對力量之比較- 46
表4-11 優秀、一般組在五種旋踢攻擊動作的反應時間之比較 50
表4-12 優秀、一般組在五種旋踢攻擊動作的攻擊速度之比較 52
表4-13 優秀、一般組在五種旋踢攻擊動作的相對力量之比較 54

圖 目 錄
圖1-1 旋踢攻擊動作分解圖------------------------------------- 08
圖1-2 前腳旋踢攻擊動作分解圖------------------------------- 08
圖1-3 滑步旋踢攻擊動作分解圖------------------------------- 09
圖1-4 上步旋踢攻擊動作分解圖------------------------------- 09
圖1-5 空中兩腳旋踢攻擊動作分解圖-------------------------- 10
圖1-6 360o背轉旋踢攻擊動作分解圖-------------------------- 11
圖3-1 聲光反應器------------------------------------------------ 22
圖3-2 三軸加速規------------------------------------------------ 23
圖3-3 電腦&MP100、多功能擷取系統------------------------ 23
圖3-4 測試靶----------------------------------------------------- 24
圖3-5 皮尺-------------------------------------------------------- 24
圖3-6 測驗項目及步驟------------------------------------------ 25
圖3-7 實驗場地佈置圖------------------------------------------ 26
圖3-8 實驗流程圖------------------------------------------------ 29
圖3-9 各訊號與時間相關圖------------------------------------- 31
圖4-1 五種旋踢攻擊動作的反應時間之比較----------------- 34
圖4-2 五種旋踢攻擊動作的攻擊速度之比較----------------- 36
圖4-3 五種旋踢攻擊動作的相對力量之比較----------------- 38
圖4-4 輕、重量級在五種旋踢攻擊動作的反應時間之比較- 43
圖4-5 輕、重量級在五種旋踢攻擊動作的攻擊速度之比較- 45
圖4-6 輕、重量級在五種旋踢攻擊動作的相對力量之比較- 47
圖4-7 優秀、一般組在五種旋踢攻擊動作的反應時間之比較 51
圖4-8 優秀、一般組在五種旋踢攻擊動作的攻擊速度之比較 53
圖4-9 優秀、一般組在五種旋踢攻擊動作的相對力量之比較 55
Date January 1990
Creators湯惠雯, Hui-Wen Tang
Contributors相子元, none
Publisher國立體育學院, 教練研究所
Source SetsNational Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan
Detected LanguageEnglish
Relation參考文獻 中文部分: 王翔星、湯惠雯(民 89):跆拳道男性優秀選手與一般選手雙重選擇反應能力之分析比較。2000年運動生物力學應用與展望研討會,國立陽明大學,38-39。 周桂名(民85):跆拳道攻擊動作之反應及動力學分析。桃園縣:國立體育學院教練研究所碩士論文。 周桂名、相子元(民 85):跆拳道旋踢動作之生物力學分析。一九九六年國際運動訓練科學研討會報告書,302~309。中華民國大專院校體育總會。 林仁彬、江界山、向淑慧(民 86):跆拳道原地側踢與滑步側踢力量比較。中華民國大專院校八十六年度體育學術研討會專刊,144-153。中華民國大專院校體育總會。 陳俊汕(民 84):反應時間與預期在快速運動項目的重要性。中華體育,8-4,39-47。 蔡明志(民87):世界跆拳道錦標賽女子得牌選手攻擊動作型態之攻擊率、得分率及成功率分析研究。台北:中國文化大學運動教練研究所碩士論文。 錢紀明(民 80):1991年世界跆拳道賽。體育與運動,74,72-79。 錢紀明、李志文(民 83):跆拳道腿擊動作速度研究。國民體育季刊,13卷1期,95-102。 羅月英、王翔星(民 89):跆拳道旋踢攻擊模式之運動學分析探討。2000年運動生物力學應用與展望研討會,國立陽明大學,40-41。 外文部分: An, Y. K. (1983). Study for numders used and scoring adility of each kicking. Major in Physical Education Graduate School Dongguk University. Kim, Y. I. (1988). A study on frequency of kick technique and Points in Taekwondo Games-Focused on Women Players. University Advisor:Professor Kang Yong Ho. Lee, J. B. (1992). An analytical study on the scoring ability between the attack first and the counter attack un Taekwondo game. Major in Physical Education Graduate school of Education Dong guk university. Park, Y. J. (1989). A Biomechanical analysis of Taekwondo front-kicks. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Uneversity of Minnesota. Sung, R. J. (1984). Mechanical analysis of Taekwondo ax-kick. Unpublished masters. Seooul National University, korea. Sung, R. J. (1987). Mechanical analysis of the basic Taekwondo kicks. Journal of Taekwondo, 61, 106-115

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