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Fauna stenica (Heteroptera) različitih ekosistema imolekularne karakteristike važnijih vrsta / Faunistic research of true bugs (Heteroptera) indifferent ecosystems and molecular analyze of certainspecies

<p>Istraživanja faune stenica na prostoru Vojvodine u<br />poslednjih nekoliko decenija baziraju se pre svega na<br />praćenju brojnosti i &scaron;tetnosti vrsta u p&scaron;enici, lucerki i<br />soji. Malo je podataka o korisnim vrstama, kao i<br />drugim vrstama koji imaju mali ili gotovo beznačajan<br />uticaj na biljnu proizvodnju. Stoga je u ovom radu<br />istražena fauna stenica različitih ekosistema koji<br />obuhvataju useve p&scaron;enice i lucerke, ali i biljke<br />ruderalnih stani&scaron;ta i poljoza&scaron;titnih pojaseva navedenih<br />kultura. Istovremeno je istražena i fauna stenica sa<br />biljaka spontane flore na lokalitetima vi&scaron;ih<br />nadmorskih visina Fru&scaron;ke gore i Divčibara, koje<br />predstavljaju mesta prezimljavanja određenih vrsta.<br />Podaci o prisutnim vrstama navedenih ekosistema<br />predstavljaju dodadatak dosada&scaron;njim istraživanjima<br />faune stenica na&scaron;e zemlje.<br />Stenice su uzorkovane entomolo&scaron;kim kečerom<br />i ručno na vi&scaron;e od 48 lokaliteta na teritoriji Bačke,<br />Fru&scaron;ke gore i Divčibara. Determinacija uzorkovanih<br />jedinki rađena je prema morfolo&scaron;kim karakteristikama<br />uz upotrebu odgovarajućih ključeva, pri čemu je<br />zabeleženo ukupno 59 vrsta iz 14 familija. Najveći<br />broj vrsta zabeležen je na biljkama spontane flore,<br />ukupno 42 vrste, zatim u usevu lucerke, 26 vrsta, a<br />najmanji broj vrsta, ukupno 17, zabeleženo je u usevu<br />p&scaron;enice. Među uzorkovanim stenicama najvi&scaron;e je bilo<br />fitofagnih oligofagnih vrsta, ali je zabeleženo i<br />prisustvo ukupno &scaron;est predatorskih vrsta.<br />Kao dodatak morfolo&scaron;koj determinaciji vrsta<br />urađena je molekularna analiza osam vrsta, u prvom<br />redu žitnih stenica iz familija Scutelleridae i<br />Pentatomidae, ali i tri izrazito polifagne vrste čije<br />prisustvo je zabeleženo na velikom broju lokaliteta.<br />Kod pomenutih vrsta analiziran je mitohondrijalni<br />citohrom c oksidaza I standardni barkod fragmet i<br />formirano je filogenetsko stablo. Ova istraživanja<br />predstavljaju preliminarna istraživanja stenica sa<br />na&scaron;eg podneblja na molekularnom nivou.<br />Spisak registrovanih vrsta stenica, koji je<br />jedan od rezultata ovog rada, predstavlja značajan<br />doprinos poznavanju faune Heteroptera u gajenim<br />kulturama, p&scaron;enici i lucerki, ali i na biljkama spontane<br />flore. Molekularna analiza ukazala je na sličnost<br />pojedinih vrsta i rodova na molekularnom nivou i<br />istovremeno potvrdila pozdanost morfolo&scaron;kih<br />karaktera u determinaciji stenica. Najvažnije osobine<br />svih registrovanih stenica koje su iznete u radu<br />predstavljaju prilog izučavanju faune stenica u<br />Vojvodini, pa i Srbiji.</p> / <p>Faunistic research of true bugs (Heteroptera) in<br />Vojvodina, in several last decades was mainly<br />focused on the most important pest species in wheat,<br />alfalfa and soybean. There are very few data of<br />beneficial species and/or species of low importance to<br />named crops. Therefore the main focus of this work<br />was to investigate the whole fauna of true bugs in<br />different ecosystems, including wheat, alfalfa and<br />ruderal plants in and around the cultivated fields. At<br />the same time true bugs fauna of spontaneous flora in<br />localities of higher altitudes, such as Fru&scaron;ka gora<br />mountain and Divčibare, was also investigated. List of<br />registered species is a great contribution to the fauna<br />of true bugs in Vojvodina and Serbia.<br />During research true bugs were sampled by<br />sweep net and by hand, at more than 48 localities all<br />around the Bačka region (Vojvodina), as well as in<br />Fru&scaron;ka gora mountain and Divčibare. Specimens were<br />identified according to their morphology, using many<br />keys for identification. 59 species belonging to 14<br />terrestrial families were recorded. The most species<br />were recorded in spontaneous flora, 42 in total. This<br />was followed by 26 species in alfalfa fields and only<br />17 species registered in wheat. Most of these species<br />were phytophagous and only six were predaceous.<br />Presence of zoophagous specimens is important as<br />indicator of biological balance which exists in<br />described environment despite the human activity.<br />Molecular analysis of eight true bugs species<br />was done as additional method for identification of<br />sampled specimens. Species were chosen by their<br />importance in wheat fields, and by their presence in<br />each sampled ecosystem. Mitochondrial cytochrome c<br />oxidase subunit I gene was analyzed and phylogenetic<br />tree was constructed. This is a preliminary survey of<br />true bugs in Vojvodina on molecular level.<br />List of recorded true bug species, as one of the results<br />of this work, is a contribution to the list of species in<br />wheat and alfalfa which includes not only pest<br />species, but beneficial and neutral ones as well.<br />Knowledge of true bugs species which inhabit<br />spontaneous plants around the fields is of importance<br />for cultivated crops having in mind bugs vicinity and<br />ability to live and hide inside of different plants.<br />Molecular analysis revealed the similarity of some<br />species and genera at molecular level and at the same<br />time confirmed the reliability of morphological<br />characters in identification of true bugs. The most<br />important characteristics of recorded species were<br />given as contribution of true bugs investigations in<br />Vojvodina and Serbia.</p>
Date01 July 2015
CreatorsKonjević Aleksandra
ContributorsŠtrbac Pero, Petrić Dušan, Krnjajić Slobodan
PublisherUniverzitet u Novom Sadu, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Novom Sadu, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture at Novi Sad
Source SetsUniversity of Novi Sad
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypePhD thesis

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