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Three-dimensional spatial distribution of scatterers in the crust by inversion analysis of s-wave coda envelopes. A case study of Gauribidanur seismic array site (Southern india) and Galeras volcano (South-western Colombia)

In this thesis, coda waves recorded by local seismographic networks will be analyzed to estimate the three-dimensional spatial distribution of scatterers (SDS). This will be done by using the single scattering approximation. This approach leads to a huge system of equations that can not be solved by traditional methods. For the first time, we will use the Simultaneous Iterative Reconstructive Technique (SIRT) to solve this kind of system in seismological applications. SIRT is slow but provides a means to carry out the inversion with greater accuracy. There is also a very fast non-iterative method that allows to carry out the inversion 102 times faster, with a higher resolution and reasonable accuracy: the Filtered Back-Projection (FBP). If one wishes to use this technique it is necessary to adapt it to the geometry of our problem. This will be done for the first time in this thesis. The theory necessary to carry out the adaptation will be developed and a simple expression will be derived to carry out the inversion.FBP and SIRT are then used to determine the SDS in southern India. Results are almost independent of the inversion method used and they are frequency dependent. They show a remarkably uniform distribution of the scattering strength in the crust around GBA. However, a shallow (0-24 km) strong scattering structure, which is only visible at low frequencies, seems to coincide with de Closepet granitic batholith which is the boundary between the eastern and western parts of the Dharwar craton.Also, the SDS is estimated for the Galeras volcano, Colombia. Results reveal a highly non-uniform SDS. Strong scatterers show frequency dependence, which is interpreted in terms if the scale of the heterogeneities producing scattering. Two zones of strong scattering are detected: the shallower one is located at a depth from 4 km to 8 km under the summit whereas the deeper one is imaged at a depth of ~37 km from the Earth's surface. Both zones may be correlated with the magmatic plumbing system beneath Galeras volcano. The second strong scattering zone may be probably related to the deeper magma reservoir that feeds the system.
Date28 June 2006
CreatorsCarcolé Carrubé, Eduard
ContributorsUgalde, Arantza, Universitat Ramon Llull. OEBRE I.U. - Observatori de l'Ebre
PublisherUniversitat Ramon Llull
Source SetsUniversitat Ramon Llull
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
SourceTDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa)
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